CNA Mental Health And Social Services Needs 3


A client with Alzheimer’s disease wanders from room to room moving the belongings of other clients to different locations. Alert and oriented clients are angry that their things have been moved. The nurse aide SHOULD

Correct! Wrong!

It is not unusual for clients with Alzheimer's or dementia to take objects, and misplace or hide them. The clients are not stealing, but can be attracted by the look or feel of an object. It may also remind them of a similar object they may have owned, or they may "collect" things like pencils or coins. Do not scold or become angry. Return the items to their owners. Make a box of the client's favorite objects and talk about their meaning.

When caring for a client from another country, the nurse aide SHOULD

Correct! Wrong!

Providing excellent care means treating each person as a unique individual. This includes respecting the client's beliefs, values, and religious practices. All health care professionals should learn about the ethnic groups in their service area. As a direct care provider, the CNA may be the first person that a client meets. Understanding how to communicate will increase the likelihood of successful treatment and outcomes.

A resident who is disoriented

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When a client seems disoriented, start by offering basic information. "Hello, Mr. Roberts. I'm Sally, your nurse aide. Do you remember me?" From there, offer other ways to help him regain his sense of time and place. "It's Tuesday, August 26. You had chicken for lunch and watched the movie." Returning the client to his room to look at familiar objects and photos can also be helpful. Always remain calm and friendly.

Which of the following statements might strongly support that a client is considering suicide?

Correct! Wrong!

If someone is thinking about suicide, some of the warning signs are: Talking about death, losing interest in favorite things, expressing a sense of feeling hopeless or worthless, putting affairs in order, or calling others to say good-bye. Another sign is when someone has been very depressed and suddenly becomes happy and calm. if someone says, "I'd be better off dead," immediately get help for them.

A resident with dementia needs

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Daily routines can keep clients with dementia calm and focused. These clients require as much familiarity as possible in their environment. Try to include their favorite activities: Did they like to wake up early? Did they watch the evening news? Did they enjoy playing cards? Keep the daily schedule consistent: mealtimes, grooming, naps, toileting, and medications are small ways to help the clients stay anchored.

A good listening approach to use when communicating with residents is to

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For the best communication, place yourself at the resident's eye level. This helps the resident feel reassured and engaged in the interaction. Studies show that when staff sits next to clients, the clients perceive a higher quality of care. They also feel more connected to the staff.

The normal aging process is BEST defined as the time when

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The human body begins to change gradually after about 30 years. Each person ages at a different rate, depending on your medical history, lifestyle, and genetics. Over time, vision and hearing decline, and organ systems become less efficient. Muscle tissue is lost , resulting in less strength and flexibility. Remaining active, eating well, and keeping social ties can slow the aging process.


If a resident refuses to eat a certain food because of a religious preference, the CNA should

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Cultural diversity includes diets for religious reasons. There may be foods that are not allowed, strict rules for preparation, or fasting on certain days. Diets may be important in the healing process for these clients. Not getting what they need can feel like a sin or violation of their faith. Health care professionals must make sure their client's dietary needs are met and their religious beliefs are supported.

If an alert and oriented client touches a nurse aide inappropriately, the nurse aide’s BEST response is to

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Intimacy is a lifelong need for humans, and clients can be sexually active into their 80s and 90s. However, inappropriate sexual behavior is never acceptable. It can include suggestive comments, deliberate touching, or exposure of genitals. Do not ignore the behavior. The nurse aide should immediately step back and give the patient immediate and firm feedback about the inappropriate. Say, "If you do this again, I will not be able to continue to care for you."

Mr. Tyler states that he wants to commit suicide. What should the CNA do?

Correct! Wrong!

Do not dismiss a threat of suicide, Stay with the person and get help. if someone is thinking about suicide, some of the warning signs are: Talking about death, losing interest in favorite things, expressing a sense of feeling hopeless or worthless, putting affairs in order, or calling others to say good-bye. Another sign is when someone has been very depressed and suddenly becomes happy and calm. if someone says, "I'd be better off dead," immediately get help for them.

Mrs. Branden is a resident at your LTC facility. She is diagnosed with depression. The best way for you to help Mrs. Branden is to

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Depression is not a normal part of aging. It occurs more in females, but also in people who are single or lack a social network. Elderly people can struggle with loss, because they don't feel hopeful about the future. Medications can be useful, but support by the staff can help Mrs. Branden feel less isolated.

A resident’s daughter expresses concern because her father, who has Parkinson’s disease, appears “stuck” at times and stands still, unable to walk. The nurse aide should tell the daughter that

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When a client or family member expresses concern about the client's condition, education can be useful. Provide basic information. If you aren't certain about the client's illness, ask the nurse to speak with them. Encourage them to check resources from reliable organizations. The Parkinson's Disease Foundation website has educational materials, online seminars, and a national help line. Most diseases and chronic conditions have similar websites and resources.

If a nurse aide finds a client who is sad and crying, the nurse aide should

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No matter a client's age or mental status, sadness can occur. While crying can make some people uncomfortable, the nurse aide is in the best position to ask the client about their feelings and to offer comfort. Do not leave the client alone. Do not try to distract the client. Simply sit with the client and ask gentle questions. Listen and do not offer solutions. During sadness, people seek comfort and a kind presence. They may not be asking for a solution, but simply someone to listen. If you can help, do so.

Which statement is true about residents who are restrained?

Correct! Wrong!

Restraints can lead to serious safety and medical issues, even when properly applied. Some of the safety issues are an increased risk of falls, asphyxiation, and strangulation. Medical consequences include greater risk of pressure sores, skin damage, bone loss, muscle atrophy, respiratory infections, and pain. The emotional issues include loss of dignity, reduced quality of life, isolation, and depression. Restraints may never be applied without a physician's order.


The doctor has told a resident that his cancer is growing and there are no more treatment options. When the resident tells the nurse aide that there is a mistake, the nurse aide should

Correct! Wrong!

Even people who are very ill can experience shock and denial when they realize that they are going to die. Denial is the first and natural response to loss. It serves as a temporary defense mechanism that prevents being overwhelmed by what has happened. During the denial phase, people may ignore facts because they are too painful to face. Do not confront the resident or suggest they continue to seek medical advice. Allow them to think about the news and to reach their own understanding of the situation.

One of the major causes of depression in the elderly is

Correct! Wrong!

Elderly people can become depressed because of the losses they experience. Loss of independence, loss of health and mobility, loss of spouse and friends, and loss of career are examples. These types of losses involve the grief process, which includes depression. The elderly can also have lower levels of important chemicals in the brain (norepinephrine and serotonin) that protect against depression.

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CNA Mental Health And Social Services Needs #4

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