CNA Basic Nursing Skills 15


Hypothermia is a __________.

Correct! Wrong!

The prefix "hypo" always indicates that something is below normal. Hypothermia means a subnormal temperature. Hypotension is low blood pressure.

A resident is NPO for tests. The nurse aid should

Correct! Wrong!

NPO is a common medical term that means the client can not eat or drink anything, including water or ice chips. A doctor orders a patient to be NPO for situations such as before surgery or certain lab work. If a client is ill or has a gastrointestinal condition, the doctor may write an order to be NPO until the cause is known. The nurse aide can provide mouth care for a client who is NPO. Placing a "NPO" sign over the client's bed will remind all staff members not to give the client anything to eat or drink.

The nurse aide knows to wear which of the following to perform resident care?

Correct! Wrong!

The nurse aide is considered to be a health care professional and should dress accordingly. Each facility has a dress code policy regarding the type of uniform to wear. Clothing must be clean and free from stains, tears, or wrinkles. Shoes must be closed-toe, with non-skid soles. Appropriate grooming is always necessary. Jewelry is usually limited to a watch and wedding ring, to avoid injuring a client while giving care. A name tag is part of the standard uniform.

A type of service that long term care facilities can provide include

Correct! Wrong!

Home care may be an option for patients who require long term care services. Depending on the patient's condition, some families may prefer to provide care at home for as long as possible.

Why should heat NOT be applied to a diabetic resident’s feet?

Correct! Wrong!

Because diabetics often have neuropathy, or nerve damage, they are unable to detect if their feet are injured. Extreme care must be taken to protect the feet from both heat and cold, since the diabetic can't feel temperatures. Diabetics should always wear socks and shoes to prevent cuts or injuries to their feet.

When dry, hard stool fills the rectum and will not pass, it is called

Correct! Wrong!

A fecal impaction is a common occurrence in people who have chronic constipation. It is a mass of dry, hard stool in the colon or rectum. The client is unable to pass it without assistance. The stool may need to be removed manually by inserting a gloved finger into the rectum. Enemas and laxatives may also be tried.

You are instructed to strain Mr. Powers' urine. You know that straining the urine is done to find ______.

Correct! Wrong!

Kidney stones can be passed with urine. To assist the physician, urine is strained to detect and save the stones. The RN will tell you what to do with any stones that are filtered. Passing kidney stones can be painful, so let the RN know if the patient complains of discomfort when urinating.

The nurse aide is going to take Mr. Heath’s vital signs. What should the nurse aide do to get Mr. Heath to cooperate and reduce his anxiety?

Correct! Wrong!

Before providing any care, the nurse aide must follow all the standard steps in preparation. Gather everything needed, so that you don't have to leave the client's room once you begin. Handwashing is always done before and after each client interaction. After confirming the client's ID, explain the procedure to the client, even for routine tasks such as taking vital signs. Allow the client to ask questions before proceeding.

The definition of scope of practice is?

Correct! Wrong!

"Scope of practice" means the actions and procedures that any health care professional is allowed to do, according to their license. For example, a CNA cannot start an IV, and a LPN cannot perform surgery. Those actions are beyond the scope of practice for each of them.

Who supervises the work of a nurse aide

Correct! Wrong!

The work of a nurse aide is overseen by a registered nurse or a licensed practical or vocational nurse. The scope of practice for an RN or LPN/LVN includes responsibility of staff who provide the daily, hands-on care for clients. Open communication between the nurse aide and supervisor makes for excellent client care.

Strokes are seen in the elderly. Strokes are best described as

Correct! Wrong!

A stroke happens when the blood supply to the brain is cut off, and oxygen cannot reach the brain cells. Strokes are caused by blood clots in the arteries of the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts.

Which is the most accurate way to measure a resident’s temperature?

Correct! Wrong!

Rectal temperature is the most accurate, although other ways can be calculated to give an approximate measurement. The ear is also accurate, but adults often have wax in their ears, so it may not provide an ideal measurement.

When lifting, the nurse aide should have his feet separated in the standing position to

Correct! Wrong!

When feet are placed apart, about shoulder width, a comfortable and wide base of support is established. With a wide base , you are less likely to lose your balance. Use your feet to turn, not your back. Do not twist your back or torso while lifting.

The preferred way to remove a bed pan from a client who is unable to lift their buttocks is to

Correct! Wrong!

If a client is unable to lift their hips or buttocks, turn them on their side, press the bedpan against their buttocks, and roll them back. Sometimes a smaller "fracture bedpan" can slide under the client's buttocks. To remove the pan, turn the client while keeping the bedpan level.

A client who is on a low cholesterol diet should not eat

Correct! Wrong!

Dietary cholesterol comes from animals. Plant-based foods are recommended, as well as "good" fats such as nuts and olive oil.

To count a respiration, a respiration includes

Correct! Wrong!

The normal respiratory rate for adults is 12-18 breaths per minute. To get an accurate respiratory rate, choose a time when the client is at rest. Observe the client for one minute while counting. Each rise and fall of the chest is one respiration. While counting, notice if the client has trouble breathing or taking full inhalations. If so, notify the nurse.

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