CNA Basic Nursing Skills 3


Many elderly residents lose their appetite due to

Correct! Wrong!

As people age, loss of appetite can be normal. But when ability to enjoy food occurs, there can be several reasons. With fewer taste buds, flavors are harder to detect; more seasoning or appealing aromas may be helpful. People who are depressed or socially isolated often don’t feel like eating. Choosing meals (that are beautifully prepared, colorful and nutritious) at senior centers or other places can make elderly people look forward to eating. Other causes are medication side effects or dental problems.

Headaches, nausea and pain would be called

Correct! Wrong!

Symptoms are the client’s experience about how they feel. Pain, nausea, and anxiety are things that only the client can perceive and report. They may contribute to the signs that others can see, such as a higher heart rate, change of skin color, or unusual behavior, but the symptoms begin with the client.

Which of the following is true regarding the use of side rails on a bed?

Correct! Wrong!

Bed rails can be a safety risk for some clients who could be injured while trying to get out of bed. Clients can also become trapped or strangled in bed rails. Using bed rails without permission can be seen as an attempt to restrain the client. Always follow the care plan regarding use of bed rails.

Diabetes mellitus make a resident more prone to develop

Correct! Wrong!

Diabetics have high blood sugar levels which can decrease the immune system which fights infections. Urinary tract and skin are the most common places for infections in diabetics. Because diabetics often have nerve damage, they can develop foot infections without knowing.

When lifting a heavy object, which muscle groups should be utilized

Correct! Wrong!

When lifting a heavy object, the nurse aide should be positioned to support the client by using the legs. Keep your back straight and locked; do not turn or twist. Do not attempt to lift by bending forward. Bend hips and knees to squat down. Keep the load close to your body and straighten your legs as you lift. If you have any doubts, always ask for assistance from a co-worker.

A bedsore or decubitus ulcer is caused by

Correct! Wrong!

One of the primary responsibilities of a nurse aide is to monitor the client’s skin for any signs of breakdown that could develop into bedsores, also called decubitus ulcers or pressure sores. During baths, dressing, or position changes, inspect the skin for redness, pallor, warmth, or bruising. Reposition at least every two hours, protecting areas that rub together, as well as the bony prominences. Massages to the back and buttocks can promote circulation. Range-of-motion exercises are also helpful. Always report any signs of breakdown to the nurse.

One of the major reasons the elderly person is incontinent of urine is

Correct! Wrong!

As part of the aging process, a client may experience urinary incontinence because of weakness of the muscle that keeps the urine in until the client can get to the toilet. Other reasons are that the bladder itself doesn’t contract to expel all the urine. Bladder infections and prostate problems can contribute to incontinence. Diseases such as Alzheimer’s or multiple sclerosis can also be causes.


Wasting or a decrease in the size of a muscle is called

Correct! Wrong!

Muscle atrophy is a loss of muscle mass. The main cause for atrophy is lack of physical activity, from either injury or disease. After an injury, the muscles are often immobile or painful to move. Examples: A herniated disc or a broken leg. Diseases which lead to atrophy include multiple sclerosis, anorexia nervosa, and AIDS.

If the resident is smoking and the nurse aide needs to take an oral temperature, what should the nurse aide do

Correct! Wrong!

Before taking an oral temperature, determine if the client has smoked, or had anything hot or cold to drink in the last 15 minutes. If so, wait a full 15 minutes before taking the temperature in order to obtain an accurate measurement.

Edema means

Correct! Wrong!

Edema (pronounced “Eh-DEE-mah”) is swelling caused by excess fluid that gets trapped in the body’s tissues. It usually occurs in the feet, ankles, and legs of a person with heart failure. It often develops gradually. The area looks puffy and the skin appears shiny. If you press on the area, it leaves a depression that lasts after you remove your finger.

When heat is applied to the skin, the blood vessels _______.

Correct! Wrong!

Heat makes blood vessels dilate, or open up. This delivers more blood to the area, helping muscles and joints relax. Heat also brings more oxygen and nutrients to the site, which promotes healing. Heat is helpful for chronic pain, such as arthritis.

While providing denture care for a client, the nurse aide observes that the upper plate is cracked. The nurse aide should

Correct! Wrong!

If you notice that a client’s denture is cracked or damaged, report it to the nurse. Do not put the denture in the client’s mouth, because it can irritate or injure the gums.

The proper temperature for a soapsuds enema is

Correct! Wrong!

The proper temperature for a soapsuds enema is 105°F. This is slightly warmer than body temperature, or lukewarm.

The physician ordered Mrs. Jones “to receive physical therapy QOD”. That means that she will go ________.

Correct! Wrong!

QOD means every other day. “Q” stands for every and “D” stands for day. “QD” is every day. Remember that “O” is other, or alternate.


When making a bed, ________.

Correct! Wrong!

To avoid back injury, raise the bed to about waist height. You should be able to stand with your back straight.

A sodium-restricted diet for heart disease does NOT include

Correct! Wrong!

Lowering or eliminating salt from the diet is important for people with heart disease. Salt causes fluid retention, which can strain the heart as it works harder to pump the extra fluid. Foods that are prepared or preserved with salt are not allowed: pickles, olives, soy sauce, broth mixes, sauerkraut, bacon bits, and barbeque sauce are examples of “hidden” sodium.

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