UCAT Situational Judgement Test #3


Dr. Nicolas has informed a senior patient with an incurable ailment that the medical staff has determined there is no additional treatment for his condition. The patient, however, feels certain that additional treatment would be beneficial. He has read about the additional therapy online and feels that it might be the best course of action for him at this time. He expresses to Dr. Nicolas his need for more medical attention for the sickness despite the team's decision.
What weight should Dr. Nicolas give the following factors when determining how to react to the situation?

Keeping a positive attitude toward the patient.

Correct! Wrong!

Enhancing quality of life requires having an optimistic outlook. Dr. Nicolas must be upbeat, at least in regards to conducting more research.

Jane, a patient who is seven years old, and her mother Maria have arrived at the medical facility. Paula, a medical student, does an examination and finds that Jane is experiencing an asthma attack and requires an inhaler with medication to address her condition. Maria informs Paula that she does not "believe in medicating" her child after describing this. She reveals to Paula her preference for herbal medicines. Janice must use the inhaler often to keep her asthma from growing worse.
How crucial are the following factors for Paula to take into account while determining how to react to the situation?

That Maria is entitled to make decisions regarding Jane's care and treatment.

Correct! Wrong!

Maria has the authority to determine Jane's care and treatment because she is Jane's parent and Jane is a child. Therefore, in this case, taking into account Maria's wants is crucial.

Jane, a patient who is seven years old, and her mother Maria have arrived at the medical facility. Paula, a medical student, does an examination and finds that Jane is experiencing an asthma attack and requires an inhaler with medication to address her condition. Maria informs Paula that she does not "believe in medicating" her child after describing this. She reveals to Paula her preference for herbal medicines. Janice must use the inhaler often to keep her asthma from growing worse.
How crucial are the following factors for Paula to take into account while determining how to react to the situation?

That Maria does not consider the use of the inhaler necessary

Correct! Wrong!

Maria's wishes must be taken into account because Jane is a child and Maria is her parent. This is a crucial factor to take into account. It is not crucial, though, as Maria might reconsider if Paula warns her that Jane's life would be in danger if she doesn't use the inhaler.

Dr. Nicolas has informed a senior patient with an incurable ailment that the medical staff has determined there is no additional treatment for his condition. The patient, however, feels certain that additional treatment would be beneficial. He has read about the additional therapy online and feels that it might be the best course of action for him at this time. He expresses to Dr. Nicolas his need for more medical attention for the sickness despite the team's decision.
What weight should Dr. Nicolas give the following factors when determining how to react to the situation?

That the complexity of the treatment may not be fully understood by the patient

Correct! Wrong!

The patient may not have fully understood what additional treatment may involve even though he is sure of its advantages. Before choosing a course of action, Dr. Nicolas should further explore this very essential consideration.

Jane, a patient who is seven years old, and her mother Maria have arrived at the medical facility. Paula, a medical student, does an examination and finds that Jane is experiencing an asthma attack and requires an inhaler with medication to address her condition. Maria informs Paula that she does not "believe in medicating" her child after describing this. She reveals to Paula her preference for herbal medicines. Janice must use the inhaler often to keep her asthma from growing worse.
How crucial are the following factors for Paula to take into account while determining how to react to the situation?

That Jane requires medical attention

Correct! Wrong!

This is a crucial factor to take into account because Jane urgently needs medical attention because untreated asthma poses a serious risk to her life.

Jane, a patient who is seven years old, and her mother Maria have arrived at the medical facility. Paula, a medical student, does an examination and finds that Jane is experiencing an asthma attack and requires an inhaler with medication to address her condition. Maria informs Paula that she does not "believe in medicating" her child after describing this. She reveals to Paula her preference for herbal medicines. Janice must use the inhaler often to keep her asthma from growing worse.
How crucial are the following factors for Paula to take into account while determining how to react to the situation?

That she understands from her experience as a medical student how crucial it is for Jane to utilize the prescription inhaler to stop the deterioration of her asthma.

Correct! Wrong!

As a medical student, Paula is aware of the dire need for Jane to utilize her medical inhaler to treat her asthma attack and the potential danger to her life if she does not. Paula's reaction to the circumstance will depend much on this.

Jane, a patient who is seven years old, and her mother Maria have arrived at the medical facility. Paula, a medical student, does an examination and finds that Jane is experiencing an asthma attack and requires an inhaler with medication to address her condition. Maria informs Paula that she does not "believe in medicating" her child after describing this. She reveals to Paula her preference for herbal medicines. Janice must use the inhaler often to keep her asthma from growing worse.
How crucial are the following factors for Paula to take into account while determining how to react to the situation?

Maria is unlikely to persuade Jane to take the inhaler for her medication.

Correct! Wrong!

While this is crucial since Maria can't be trusted to act in Jane's best interests, in this case, Maria might reconsider if Paula warns her that failing to use the inhaler could endanger Jane's life.


Roel is a student interning in a clinic. He sees a poster advertising a student organization that hosts ethical debate for medical and dentistry students on the staff noticeboard. The way the poster refers to families with lower-than-average incomes, in Roel's opinion, raises the possibility that it is offensive. He is uneasy about this. In the afternoon staff meeting, he brings up this. Nobody seems to be bothered by his worries.
What weight should Roel assign to the following factors when determining how to react to the situation?

The fact that none of the other employees appear to find the poster offensive

Correct! Wrong!

It doesn't matter whether the other staff members find the poster objectionable because other people might, including clinic clients.

Roel is a student interning in a clinic. He sees a poster advertising a student organization that hosts ethical debate for medical and dentistry students on the staff noticeboard. The way the poster refers to families with lower-than-average incomes, in Roel's opinion, raises the possibility that it is offensive. He is uneasy about this. In the afternoon staff meeting, he brings up this. Nobody seems to be bothered by his worries.
What weight should Roel assign to the following factors when determining how to react to the situation?

Roel seems uneasy about the poster

Correct! Wrong!

Roel shouldn't be made to feel uncomfortable at work, thus this is crucial. His interactions with his coworkers and his capacity to learn may be impacted by this.

Roel is a student interning in a clinic. He sees a poster advertising a student organization that hosts ethical debate for medical and dentistry students on the staff noticeboard. The way the poster refers to families with lower-than-average incomes, in Roel's opinion, raises the possibility that it is offensive. He is uneasy about this. In the afternoon staff meeting, he brings up this. Nobody seems to be bothered by his worries.
What weight should Roel assign to the following factors when determining how to react to the situation?

That the poster's attitude can have a negative impact on the clinic.

Correct! Wrong!

This is crucial since the clinic's reputation will depend in part on how well it treats each of its patients. Action should be taken if it's possible that the poster is harming the clinic's reputation.

Roel is a student interning in a clinic. He sees a poster advertising a student organization that hosts ethical debate for medical and dentistry students on the staff noticeboard. The way the poster refers to families with lower-than-average incomes, in Roel's opinion, raises the possibility that it is offensive. He is uneasy about this. In the afternoon staff meeting, he brings up this. Nobody seems to be bothered by his worries.
What weight should Roel assign to the following factors when determining how to react to the situation?

Whether or if the additional students employed at the clinic come from low-income families.

Correct! Wrong!

This is of minor importance. Regardless of their financial status, other people who might see the poster could find it disrespectful.

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