RBT Behavior Reduction Test #3


Sam has migraines, which can be incredibly painful and last for days. As a result, Sam was administered a migraine-alleviating drug. Michael asks his mum for migraine medication whenever he has one. Sam's migraine is less severe once his mother administers the medication. What may Michael's hypothetical purpose be in asking his mother for medicine?

Correct! Wrong!

Another person mediates the result of the behavior in a "social" function (e.g., asking his mother for medication results in her delivering the medicine). A "negative" function denotes the absence of a stimulus (e.g., taking the medication decreases the severity of the migraines). As a result, asking his mother for medicine has a socially negative purpose. Although you may assume that adding the pills has a favorable effect, the most significant effect is most likely the elimination of the migraine.

The function of a child's persistent tapping of his pencil on the table, which is reinforced by the sound of the pencil hitting the table, is ________ .

Correct! Wrong!

The function is automatic since the activity generates its own reinforcer without the involvement of other people. Furthermore, the function is positive because the behavior results in the addition of a stimulus (the sound). As a result, the function is positive reinforcement by default.

What does a behavior plan NOT include?

Correct! Wrong!

What motivates the youngster to engage in these activities can be seen. A behavior plan aims to advance the child's best interests, eradicate the behavior, and bring the child's team together.

When Sandra walks into the house, she is informed that she will not be able to watch television since her father is watching a show. As a result, Sandra draws closer to her father, moaning and tugging at his limbs. Sandra's father eventually permits her to watch television. Sandra's whimpering and tugging behavior has continued for almost a month as a result of this. What hypothetical purpose does Sandra's whining and tugging on her father serve?

Correct! Wrong!

The "tangibles" function indicates that a behavior is performed in order to gain access to a highly desired object or activity. The result of obtaining access to the television is considered a tangible function in this scenario.

Clients' ____ must be supported by behavior analysts.

Correct! Wrong!

We want to make sure we are acting as professionally as we can while working with a client, putting all of our personal convictions to the side because our goal is to see the child succeed. We ought to consistently maintain an atmosphere devoid of bias.

Samantha is a naughty young lady who has a history of interrupting her parents' serious talks or phone calls. In most cases, her parents will pause their discussion, admonish her, and explain why interrupting is rude in a heightened, agitated tone of voice. As a result, Samantha continues to interrupt her parents when they are conversing with others. Nikki's parents are baffled as to why she continues to do this despite their reprimands. What is Samantha's hypothetical purpose in interrupting?

Correct! Wrong!

The function of conduct is attention if the typical consequence is that her parents interact with her. Even while reprimands are not typically used as reinforcers, they can be used as attention or positive reinforcers for particular clients.

Jayson curses every time his mother prepares broccoli for dinner. When Jayson swears, his mother sends him to his room without dinner. As a result, when Jayson's mother prepares broccoli, he is more likely to swear. This is an illustration of ___________ .

Correct! Wrong!

It's a form of reinforcement contingency since cursing is more likely following the punishment. Negative punishment and extinction, which both reduce behavior, are so ineffective. Furthermore, the behavior is an example of negative reinforcement because it results in the elimination of a stimulus (the broccoli).

When Sandra interrupts her parents' conversation, they reprimand her and explain why interrupting is impolite. As a result, Sandra continues to talk over her parents. This is an illustration of ______

Correct! Wrong!

When a behavior is repeated, it is said to be reinforced. Nikki's behavior is being reinforced in some way because she continues to interrupt her parents. Additionally, because the behavior results in the addition of a stimulus (i.e. scolding), positive reinforcement may be used to perpetuate the behavior. Although scolding appears to have a negative outcome, it might actually reward troublesome conduct in some individuals.

How long should you ideally be under the direction of a BCBA or BCaBA?

Correct! Wrong!

The BACB standards mandate this in order to maintain your RBT's qualifications. The purpose of supervision is to provide you with feedback so you may become a better therapist.

When an adolescent self-injures himself to relieve a toothache, the self-injury is sustained by_________ .

Correct! Wrong!

The function is automatic since the activity generates its own reinforcer without the involvement of other people. Furthermore, because the conduct results in the elimination of a stimulus (i.e., pain relief), the function is negative. As a result, the function is negative reinforcement by default.

What is the BCBA most clearly manipulating if a child consistently yells anytime the word "angry" is stated out loud, thus the BCBA instructs the therapists to avoid the term "angry" temporarily?

Correct! Wrong!

An SD is a stimulus that appears before a behavior and indicates the presence of reinforcement. The word "mad" has somehow become an SD for problematic behavior. Because the word "angry" is often associated with yelling, the BCBA may ask the team to refrain from using it temporarily to avoid the problem behavior (likely until a plan can be developed).

A functionally equivalent replacement behavior for a youngster who participates in problem behaviors to avoid nonpreferred work could be ______ .

Correct! Wrong!

Replacement behaviors that are functionally equivalent must fit the function of problem behaviors. If the problem behavior is to avoid doing unfavorable labor, the only choice available that matches the function is to use a "break" card. The other options do not function in the same way as the problematic behavior.

Jonathan is a self-destructive person (SIB). No apparent antecedent or consequence has been established using Jacob's RBTs. Despite the actions of others, the behavior continues. SIB, for example, can happen even when no one is there, and no one notices. What may SIB's hypothetical function be?

Correct! Wrong!

An automatic function (which can be positive or negative) is a behavior that occurs as a result of the reaction producing its own reinforcer. Automatic functions are not social in nature, which means that no one needs to be present for a reinforcer to be produced. The reinforcer is automatically produced by the behavior. Because SIB occurs independently of how others behave, the function may be automatic in this scenario.

Which of the following may represent an approximate client request for a toy?

Correct! Wrong!

Your client is expressing his or her desires in the proper way. It is how they communicate. As a therapist, you can mold that sound or push the vocal to check if your client improves. It resembles the toy.

An ________ operation reduces the value of a stimulus and the action that has previously been connected with it.

Correct! Wrong!

An abolishing operation reduces the value of a stimulus and the action that has previously been connected with it. For example, if you have recently eaten a substantial meal, the value of food reduces and you cease desiring food.

Danny has noticed that whenever he asks his daughter to wash her teeth, she complains. Danny usually gives her some extra time before asking her to wash her teeth again in response to her fussing. What is the purpose of whining, in theory?

Correct! Wrong!

An escape function, also known as social negative reinforcement, arises when an action is performed to avoid aversive stimuli. In this case, the behavior could be maintained by avoiding (or delaying) dental brushing.

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RBT Behavior Reduction Test 4

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