MPJE Practice Questions 2025

The Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination 2025 (MPJE) is a standardized exam required for licensure by most states and jurisdictions. It includes 90 multiple-choice questions that are approved by state boards of pharmacy. Only 75 of these questions count toward a student’s score. The remaining 20 are experimental questions that are not included in the final score.
Free Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination Practice Test Online
How to Tell if You Passed MPJE 2025
The MPJE lasts two hours and consists of 120 questions. Only 60 of those questions are scored. The rest are used for pretesting purposes. You will receive your score within 2 weeks of taking the exam. If you don’t pass, you can purchase a rescore for $200. The rescore process is stringent and requires verification that the test was delivered as intended and that there wasn’t a technological issue that affected your score.
The questions on the MPJE can seem tricky because they all look correct (or incorrect). It’s like trying to read the fine print in a lease agreement – you have to slow down and carefully read each question. You’ll notice patterns, such as the amount of time a CII prescription is valid for (varies by state).
If you take the MPJE and don’t pass, you must wait 30 days before retaking it. During this time, you should check with your board of pharmacy to confirm that you have met all the eligibility requirements for testing. You can also find information about eligibility on NABP’s website.
MPJE Pass Rate
The Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) is a 2.5-hour exam composed of 120 computer-based questions. The MPJE is a computer-adaptive test, meaning the test changes questions and sections based on your responses. Of the 120 questions, 75 count toward your score. The other 15 are experimental questions that do not count towards your score.
The MPJE is a requirement for many states and jurisdictions to practice in the field of pharmacy. It is designed to evaluate a candidate’s knowledge of laws and regulations for the specific state or jurisdiction in which you plan to work. It is typically taken by recent college of pharmacy graduates shortly after graduating.
Passing the MPJE requires a lot of study and hard work. A good study guide will help you navigate the nuances of your state’s laws and prepare for the exam. In addition, a study guide will also teach you how to use different learning modalities and how to approach the questions on the exam. The study guides from RxPrep contain comprehensive information on each of the competencies and can improve your chances of passing the MPJE on your first attempt.

The MPJE exam is a 120-question computer-based test. It uses adaptive testing response questions. Adaptive testing evaluates your answers to each question and chooses the next question based on your performance. Your score is not based on the number of correct answers, but rather the average difficulty level and your percentage of correctly answered questions.
The exam covers a variety of topics. Some of them include drug classifications, drug administration instructions, and the scope of practice for different providers (e.g., physician assistants). This information is particularly important because each state has its own laws and regulations.
Before you take the MPJE exam, make sure to familiarize yourself with the exam blueprint. This will give you a better idea of what to expect on the exam. It is also recommended to read the MPJE competency statements, which are designed to guide examinees in their preparations for the exam. The MPJE exam costs $100 plus $150 for eligibility processing per Jurisdiction. You can find study materials online that will help you prepare for the exam.
MPJE Made Easy
The MPJE is one of the most important exams you will take in your career, and it can feel daunting. But don’t worry – it’s not impossible! In this episode, I talk to Steph, a pharmacy student who has taken the MPJE three times and passed every time. She shares her study tips and strategies for preparing for the exam.

Before the exam, make sure you get familiar with your state’s pharmacy rules and regulations. It’s also a good idea to look at the FAQ section of your Board of Pharmacy website. This will usually include the most commonly asked questions and it will cover stuff that isn’t specifically covered in your written laws.
It’s also important to know how much time you have for the exam. Remember that only 120 questions actually count towards your score, and you have 2.5 hours to answer them. So be sure to budget your time wisely and don’t rush! Also, be sure to answer all the questions – even the ones you’re not sure about.
MPJE Results Time
The Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) is a computer-adaptive test that measures a pharmacy student’s ability to understand federal and state laws and regulations governing the practice of pharmacy. It is required for licensure in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The exam is administered by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy and lasts about 2 1/2 hours.
Compared to the NAPLEX, the MPJE includes questions from more states and is more difficult to prepare for. It also requires a more in-depth understanding of the state laws and regulations that govern pharmacy practice. Despite this, few courses in PharmD programs comprehensively prepare students for the MPJE.
A merged jurisprudence exam could improve pharmacist mobility by reducing the administrative burden of taking state-specific exams. However, it would require states to change their licensing procedures and determine how currently licensed pharmacists should be treated when transitioning from a state-specific to a national jurisprudence exam. In addition, the merged exam would cost an additional $150 to take. This would be a significant financial burden to prospective pharmacists seeking licensure in multiple states or jurisdictions.

The MPJE is not a fun exam, but it is doable. It’s important to remember that you’ll need more time to study for this exam than you did for brand/generic, drug classes, and medical terminology. This is because pharmacy law isn’t as interesting, and you’ll have a lot more memorization to do.
It’s also important to recognize that state laws can change at any time, so you need to stay current with your state board of pharmacy. RxPrep’s online course includes a federal law summary for each state and pre-filled state-specific flashcard decks that are updated with the most up-to-date laws. The course manual and video lectures work together to provide a streamlined learning experience, with 235+ practice questions, feedback summary reports, and a 90-item practice test.
You’ll also want to understand the differences between federal and state pharmacy laws, especially when it comes to controlled substances. For example, the rules for CII prescriptions differ across states, as do the rules about how long a record of a CII prescription is valid.
How to Check MPJE Score Early
Passing the MPJE is a requirement to get a pharmacist license in most states. However, it is not an easy exam. Students need to have a PharmD degree and undergo extensive education. They also need to pass the NAPLEX and the state licensure examinations.
The MPJE is a computer-adaptive test, and the questions are designed to adapt to the applicant’s level of ability. The first few questions in each section are used to determine the passing standard, and subsequent questions are based on those answers. The test takes two hours, and there are 120 questions on it. Of these, 100 are used to calculate your score. The rest are experimental questions that do not count toward your final score.
The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) can provide your exam results after seven business days. The availability of your score results online is based on your state. You can check the list of states on the NABP website to see if your state is listed. If not, you can still obtain your scores from the state board of pharmacy.
MPJE Study Guide
The Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) is a two-hour, computer-adaptive test that includes 90 multiple-choice questions. The exam is designed to help state boards of pharmacy assess the competency and knowledge of pharmacy law of their graduates. It is also required for licensure in most states and jurisdictions. It is important to remember that all of the questions on the MPJE count toward your score, and it is not possible to determine which are experimental.
The best way to study for the MPJE is to use a study guide that has state-specific practice questions with thorough explanations. You can find these study guides at most pharmacies, and online. You should also visit the website of your state board of pharmacy for more information on pharmacy laws and regulations.
Generally speaking, most graduates of ACPE-accredited schools have a first-attempt pass rate in the 80% range. But the MPJE is tough, and it’s not uncommon for pharmacists to take the exam several times before passing. The good news is that a few studying tweaks can make the difference between passing and failing.
Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) Questions and Answers
Your MPJE result will be accessible on your NABP e-Profile about seven business days after your exam appointment if your state or jurisdiction participates in NABP’s online exam results interface.
No, it is not possible for you to check your score beforehand. Nevertheless, you will get your exam results about seven business days after taking it.
You should adhere to the following advice to study for the MPJE:
- Examine the MPJE Blueprint to learn more about the subjects covered on the test.
- Use trustworthy study tools that cover all the information included in the MPJE competencies, such as the UWorld RxPrep MPJE online course.
- Pay attention to the subjects that will undoubtedly come up in questions, such as compounding, prohibited substances, and pharmacy operations.
- Avoid reading too much into a question, and always err on the side of the tougher legislation (federal vs state).
- Since numbers are crucial, learn crucial information like inventory frequency, prescription validity, and storage needs.
- Take the pre-MPJE and other practice examinations to get a feel for the exam’s structure and level of difficulty.
- You shouldn’t rely on your practice experience for the test because some laws may vary depending on where you practiced or your practice setting.
- Before the exam day, be sure to rest and unwind, and have faith in your study skills.
About 10 business days after taking the exam, you will learn if you passed or failed.
If you’re not cramming, give yourself at least two weeks to study for the MPJE. If you don’t like to cram, we recommend 3 or 4 weeks (if you go much longer than that, you run the risk of forgetting the stuff you studied early on).
You do not receive a numerical score for the MPJE; the results are presented as “Pass” or “Fail.”
Several anecdotal reports claim that the MPJE tests may be simpler in Idaho, Ohio, Arkansas, and Nebraska; however, these claims are not supported by any official data or proof. The UWorld RxPrep MPJE online course, which covers all the subjects listed in the MPJE competencies, is a reputable resource for study resources. In the end, this is the best way to pass the MPJE.
The MPJE is a 2.5-hour test with 120 computer-based questions.
You simply must respond to each and every one of the 120 questions in order to improve your chances of passing. Your exam is essentially nullified if you respond with fewer than 107. Results won’t be announced. A penalty applies if your response falls between 107 and the full 120. Be careful to provide all 120 questions. It’s better to guess than to leave a question unanswered if you’re short on time. Make sure you answer every question by entering something.
Candidates must start the application procedure over, including paying the application and examination fees, in order to retake the NAPLEX or MPJE.
The Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination is a test that assesses your knowledge of pharmacy laws and regulations for the state of Arizona. To study for the exam, you may want to review the following sources:
- The Arizona Pharmacy Law Exam Prep website, which offers free online practice questions on various topics related to Arizona pharmacy law.
- The Arizona State Board of Pharmacy website, which provides information on pharmacist license requirements, rules, and statutes, and frequently asked questions.
- The Candidate Application Bulletin for the MPJE, which explains the exam process, how to apply, test day procedures, and score results.
To study for the Florida MPJE, you may want to review the following resources:
- The NABP Candidate Application Bulletin, which offers comprehensive information regarding the test, how to apply it, test-day processes, and score outcomes.
- The Florida Board of Pharmacy website, which provides information about the licensure requirements, process, fees, helpful forms and links, and statutes and rules for pharmacists in Florida.
- The Florida MPJE Review book, which is a guide to the Florida MPJE that has been completely revised and updated for 2025. The book includes federal law and a chapter on USP compounding. The book also includes additional practice questions with explanatory answers.
The 120 computer-based questions on the 2.5-hour Maryland Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) evaluate your knowledge of and adherence to Maryland laws and regulations. To study for the exam, you can:
- Attend an intensive two-day online review course offered by the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy on June 6 and 8, 2025. The cost is $250, and you will receive a comprehensive outline of the federal and Maryland laws related to pharmacy practice, more than 150 test questions with answers, and practical tips and test-taking strategies.
- Purchase the review course materials from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy for $50. These materials are the same as the ones used in the online review course.
- Access additional resources on the University’s Health Sciences and Human Services Library Pharmacy Law guide. This guide provides links to the most relevant federal and state law resources online.
- Read the Candidate Application Bulletin from the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) and learn about the exam process, eligibility, application, scheduling, and score reporting.
- Review the state licensure requirements on the Maryland Board of Pharmacy website and see if there are any unique requirements for the state.
Selected-response questions on the exam are delivered using adaptive technology.
The MPJE is not curved in that your score is independent of the performance of other candidates. It’s not a straight % either, though. The MPJE uses a scaled scoring system with a minimum passing score of 75 and a range from 0 to 100. The scaled score is determined using a statistical technique that accounts for the difficulty of the questions.
Study packs for the MPJE and other pharmacy exams are available from ProntoPass. They offer a service where you can get in touch with them for clarification or queries, as well as a study guide that covers both federal and state-specific laws and regulations. They assert that their exam-passing product is thorough and efficient. ProntoPass MPJE’s worth, however, may vary according to your preferences and preferred learning method. ProntoPass MPJE is described as convenient and useful in some web evaluations, while others criticize it for being excessively expensive, out-of-date, or complicated.
MPJE stands for Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination.
Unless the board of pharmacy offers you special authorization, you might not be able to retake the MPJE if you fail it five times in a single jurisdiction or state. In addition, if you don’t obtain your license by a particular date, you risk being kicked out of your residency program.
The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy in the United States developed the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination to assist individual state boards of pharmacy in evaluating the proficiency and knowledge of pharmacy law.
Here are some possible things to do after passing the exams:
- Check your NABP e-Profile to see if your exam results are available and if your state board of pharmacy has verified your eligibility for licensure.
- Contact your state board of pharmacy to confirm if they have received your exam scores and if there are any additional requirements or fees for licensure.
- Wait for your state board of pharmacy to issue your license number and activate your license. This may take a few days or weeks, depending on the state.
- Update your resume and CV with your license number and expiration date. You may also need to provide proof of licensure to your employer or residency program.
- Celebrate your achievement and enjoy your new career as a pharmacist.
You can immediately contact the boards of pharmacy to request your MPJE results or an official exam report. You are not permitted to check the test questions after passing your exam since the MPJE is highly secure.
A passing score on the MPJE is necessary in all other states; there are just a few, including Idaho and Ohio, that do not. California also offers its own MPJE, known as the CPJE, that focuses more on the clinical side of pharmacy practice.
To study for the New York MPJE, you should review the following sources:
- NYS Education Department Laws/Rules/Regulations
- NYS Department of Health (DOH) Laws/Regulations
- Federal Laws/Regulations
Yes. However, because the NAPLEX covers more content than the MPJE, many people prefer to take it first.
For each state where you seek licensing, you must take the MPJE (or another suitable exam).
The MPJE is a challenging exam that requires a thorough understanding of pharmacy law and regulations for the state where you are seeking licensure.
There is a required 30-day waiting period after failing the MPJE before you can attempt the test again. For each jurisdiction, you have five chances to pass the test. For each exam retake, you will have to reapply for eligibility and pay the application cost.
Your exam score won’t be disclosed if you respond to fewer than 107 questions.
There is a $100 application fee for the MPJE, which is non-refundable. You also have to pay $150 for each jurisdiction where you want to get a license.
Studying federal and state regulations pertaining to pharmacy practice in the District of Columbia is essential for passing the DC MPJE. On the website of the DC Board of Pharmacy, you can find some of the sources to read. To get ready for the test, you can also use study materials, practice questions, and online courses.
To pass the Louisiana MPJE, you need to apply for exam eligibility, purchase the exam, schedule the exam with Pearson VUE, and prepare for the exam by studying federal and state pharmacy laws. Some of the resources that you can use to study are:
- The Guide to Federal Pharmacy Law by Reiss and Hall.
- The review slides and recordings from RASA, LLC, a website set up by a Louisiana pharmacy school law professor.
- The Louisiana BOP Laws and Rules on the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy website.
According to some online sources, the California Board of Pharmacy unanimously approved a recommendation to switch California Practice Standards and Jurisprudence Examination for Pharmacists (CPJE) to Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Exam (MPJE) on April 30, 2025. The change over to the new test may occur after the Office of Professional Examination Services (OPES) conducts its official audit of the CPJE.
However, this change may require some legislative amendments to the Business and Professions Code that currently specifies the CPJE as a basis for licensure in California. Therefore, the exact timeline and process of switching from CPJE to MPJE are not clear yet.