ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 2


I am often afflicted by terrible headaches.

Correct! Wrong!

Afflicted means caused pain. Surprised means unexpected. Confused means bewildered. Infuriated means to feel extreme anger.

The family was humiliated by the comments in the newspaper.

Correct! Wrong!

Humiliated means embarrassed. Enraged means infuriated. Wicked means evil or sinister. Proud means arrogrant or feeling pride.

The word impart most nearly means:

Correct! Wrong!

Impart means to transmit, particularly knowledge. Leave means to depart. Interrupt means to bother or interfere. Steal means to

The measurements for the new shelves had to be precise.

Correct! Wrong!

Precise means exact. Distant means far away or remote. Approximate means close. Dismal means depressing or dreary.

After being stranded on an island alone for months, he was quite gaunt.

Correct! Wrong!

Gaunt means extremely thin. Lethargic means extremely lazy. Satisfied means pleased. Reluctant means hesitant or unwilling.

The rose bush endured a harsh winter and bloomed again.

Correct! Wrong!

Endured means survived. Died means for one's life to come to an end. Declined means to diminish. Silenced means to cease talking.

After college, she bought a house on the outskirts of town.

Correct! Wrong!

Outskirts means outlying areas. Apparel means clothing. Apartments means multiple-family dwellings. Beaches are areas at the seashore.


He was able to support three children on his livelihood.

Correct! Wrong!

Livelihood refers to a person's career or job. Hobbies are a person's interests. Education means schooling. Neighborhood is the community in which a person lives.

Paul always buys extravagant gifts.

Correct! Wrong!

Extravagant means expensive or indulgent. Broken means damaged or not working properly. Inappropriate means not suitable. Unattractive means ugly.

The news report indicates that bad weather is on the way.

Correct! Wrong!

Indicates means shows. Questions means to challenge. Explains means to clarify. Contradicts means to assert the opposite of.

I was vexed by her strange behavior.

Correct! Wrong!

Vexed means bewildered or confused. Pleased means satisfied. Angered means to be made angry. Saddened means to make sad.

He took an oath as an officer of the court.

Correct! Wrong!

Oath means promise. Vacation means to take time off from work. Class means a school course. Award means honor or recognition.

Over many years, the soil at the coast began to erode.

Correct! Wrong!

Erode means to wear away. Wither means to wilt or dry up. Energize means to enliven or give energy. Reappear means to appear again.

The old mattress was infested with bed bugs.

Correct! Wrong!

Infested means overrun by something. Guarantee means to give one's word. Diminish means to make or become less. Complete means to finish.


She did an exhaustive study on the effects of pollution.

Correct! Wrong!

Exhaustive means thorough. Quick means fast. Angry means mad or cross. Healthy means in good health.

It was evident that we were not wanted there.

Correct! Wrong!

Evident means clear or revealed. Secretive means mysterious. Honest means truthful. Disguised means unrecognizable or camouflaged.

In that part of the country, towns and cities are scarce.

Correct! Wrong!

Scarce means rare or unusual. Frightening means scary. Adrift means afloat. Peaceful means calm.

Her test results did not look promising.

Correct! Wrong!

Promising means hopeful or optimistic. Certain means definite. Passionate means ardent. Harmful means detrimental or dangerous.

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