
HESI A2 Entrance Exam

HESI A2 Entrance Exam

What is the HESI exam, and what is its format?

The HESI nursing exam has been considered as one of the most helpful and convenient nursing school entrance exams. It can be divided into two: the pre-nursing test  and the exit nursing test.

You need to take the test to get into nursing school before you can continue being a registered nurse or a licensed practical nurse and/or licensed vocational nurse. Both of the NCLEX exams will require you to have the necessary education before you can move on with your clinical training, and such. Your knowledge and experience will be assessed. So, you need to be able to prepare for your RN entrance exam and LPN entrance exam and/or LVN entrance exams.

The HESI A2 is composed of 10 subtests. These are HESI A2 Anatomy and PhysiologyHESI A2 Basic Math Skills, HESI A2 Biology, HESI A2 Chemistry, HESI A2 Grammar, Learning Style, Personality Profile, HESI A2 Reading Comprehension, HESI A2 Vocabulary & General Knowledge, and Physics. Moreover, it is a multiple-choice type of exam, and it can last at least 4 to 5 hours. It also contains a personality assessment test that is unscored.  

How do we prepare for the entrance test?

You can do a lot of things when preparing for the HESI A2 entrance exam. It is vital that you would be able to partake in the exam and be ready for it. No amount of studying is enough if you haven’t read and used study guides or practice tests. The HESI questions will determine whether you are ready to be enrolled in a nursing school.

The book, HESI A2  Secrets Study Guide, shows the many study strategies that you can apply when taking the test:

  1. You need to know everything you can about the test. You have to gather a lot of study materials and research course outlines that you can get a hold of. You need to have the right preparation so you won’t feel any kind of anxiety.
  2. When you are making use of HESI books and other materials, it is crucial that you map it out. It means that you need to divide the things that you should read per day or the chapters or sections. You have to know the things that you need to go through in the material since your time is limited.
  3. You need to know the study environment that you are comfortable in. Not everyone has the same study habits. Some people prefer to study alone while others need to be with a group of people to study in order to ask questions or compare notes. You need to find something that works for you. You must also free yourself from a lot of distractions. You need to avoid electronic devices and have the discipline to concentrate whenever you are studying.
  4. It’s important that you study without stressing yourself out. You should avoid burnouts and instead rest when needed. You don’t need to study all the time. You can take breaks whenever you feel that you are not retaining any information well. Also, it is not healthy to sit around all day. That’s why you can take walks if you want or do things that make you feel relaxed.
  5. Practice tests are the best source of study material. It is because, through them, you get to master the material and know beforehand the test format. You can make use of them by taking one untimed, and then the next one will be timed. It is so that you’ll know the pace that suits you and which type of questions you have a hard time with.  

How to pass the HESI entrance exam?

There is actually a no passing or failing system in the HESI nursing entrance exam. But, what matters is the colleges or universities that you are applying to. They have a standard minimum HESI score requirement for candidates. For those who want to be RNs, for example, they must have a cumulative score of at least 75% to be enrolled under the registered nursing programs. On the other hand, for those who want to be LPNs/LVNs, they must have at least 85% to be a part of the licensed practical (or vocational) programs.     

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to take the HESI exam?

The cost of the HESI exams varies depending on the various colleges and universities as part of the admissions process. The costs may range from $40 to $100. You have to search first the requirements before you can start taking the tests.  

What’s the difference between HESI and NCLEX?

The main difference between HESI and NCLEX exams is their purpose. Many institutions use the HESI A2 admission assessment exam as either a nursing entrance exam or a preparation for the NCLEX. The NCLEX, on the other hand, tests the knowledge and experience of an applicant so that public health protection may be maintained. 

Do I have to take the HESI A2 for every nursing school that I apply to?

It is not necessary since it is a standardized test. You can use the score that you already have to apply to other nursing schools. But, it is also necessary to check their requirements. They might have different conditions. You also need to know which sections of the HESI A2 that each school requires because you are not required to take them all. 

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