NCLEX-PN Practice Exam 22


A high school student returns to school following a 3-week absence due to mononucleosis. The school nurse knows it will be important for the client:

Correct! Wrong!

The client recovering from mononucleosis should avoid contact sports and other activities that could result in injury or rupture of the spleen. Answer A is incorrect because the client does not need additional fluids. Hypoglycemia is not associated with mononucleosis; therefore, answer C is incorrect. Answer D is incorrect because antibiotics are not usually indicated in the treatment of mononucleosis.

A 6-year-old with cystic fibrosis has an order for Creon (pancrelipase). The nurse knows that the medication will be given:

Correct! Wrong!

Pancreatic enzyme replacement is given with each meal and each snack. Answers A, C, and D do not specify a relationship to meals; therefore, they are incorrect.

The doctor has prescribed a diet high in vitamin B12 for a client with pernicious anemia. Which foods are highest in B12?

Correct! Wrong!

Meat, eggs, and dairy products are foods high in vitamin B12. Answer B is incorrect because peanut butter, raisins, and molasses are sources rich in iron. Answer C is incorrect because broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage are sources rich in vitamin K. Answer D is incorrect because shrimp, legumes, and bran cereals are high in magnesium.

A client with hypertension has begun an aerobic exercise program. The nurse should tell the client that the recommended exercise regimen should begin slowly and build up to:

Correct! Wrong!

The client’s aerobic workout should be 20–30 minutes long three times a week. Answers B, C, and D exceed the recommended time for the client beginning an aerobic program; therefore, they are incorrect.

A client with breast cancer is returned to the room following a right total mastectomy. The nurse should:

Correct! Wrong!

A total mastectomy involves removal of the entire breast and some or all of the axillary lymph nodes. Following surgery, the client’s right arm should be elevated on pillows, to facilitate lymph drainage. Answers B, C, and D are incorrect because they would not help facilitate lymph drainage and would create increased edema in the affected extremity.

A neurological consult has been ordered for a pediatric client with suspected petit mal seizures. The client with petit mal seizures can be expected to have:

Correct! Wrong!

Absence seizures, formerly known as petit mal seizures, are characterized by a brief lapse in consciousness accompanied by rapid eye blinking, lip smacking, and minor myoclonus of the upper extremities. Answer A refers to myoclonic seizure; therefore, it is incorrect. Answer B refers to tonic clonic, formerly known as grand mal, seizures; therefore, it is incorrect. Answer C refers to atonic seizures; therefore, it is incorrect.

A client with schizoaffective disorder is exhibiting Parkinsonian symptoms. Which medication is responsible for the development of Parkinsonian symptoms?

Correct! Wrong!

A side effect of antipsychotic medication is the development of Parkinsonian symptoms. Answers B and C are incorrect because they are used to reverse Parkinsonian symptoms in the client taking antipsychotic medication. Answer D is incorrect because the medication is an anticonvulsant used to stabilize mood. Parkinsonian symptoms are not associated with anticonvulsant medication.

Which activity is best suited to the 12-year-old with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis?

Correct! Wrong!

Exercises that provide light passive resistance are best for the child with rheumatoid arthritis. Answers A and C require movement of the hands and fingers that might be too painful for the child with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; therefore, they are incorrect. Answer D is incorrect because it requires the use of larger joints affected by the disease.

The glycosylated hemoglobin of a 40-year-old client with diabetes mellitus is 2.5%. The nurse understands that:

Correct! Wrong!

The client’s diabetes is well under control. Answer A is incorrect because it will lead to elevated glycosylated hemoglobin. Answer C is incorrect because the diet and insulin dose are appropriate for the client. Answer D is incorrect because the desired range for glycosylated hemoglobin in the adult client is 2.5%–5.9%

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