GED Social Studies Test #8


The following are some examples of renewable resources:

Correct! Wrong!

Renewable resources include solar energy, ocean energy, and wind energy.

This year's orange crop in Florida has been harmed by the cold. Farmers only have half as many oranges to sell as usual. What will the pricing of oranges be like?

Correct! Wrong!

When there is a scarcity, prices tend to climb, and orange prices are no exception.

11th of September Why did terrorists strike the Pentagon and the World Trade Center?

Correct! Wrong!

Because these were American power emblems. The World Trade Center was a symbol of globalization and the United States' economic might. As the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, the Pentagon serves as a symbol of American military might.

Driver's licenses are regulated by which level of government?

Correct! Wrong!

State governments control driver's licenses to ensure that license standards are consistent across the board.

In terms of economics, there is a low when few people desire to buy Christmas decorations in June...?

Correct! Wrong!

When there is little need for anything to be sold or provided, it is said to be in low demand.

The term "weather" is defined as...

Correct! Wrong!

The state of the atmosphere is referred to as weather.

The Constitution of the United States was the country's first governing document...

Correct! Wrong!

The 13 original states of the United States of America came together to form the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, which served as the country's first constitution.


Which of the following statements concerning tariffs is correct?

Correct! Wrong!

Tariffs raise the cost of imported goods.

Lower prices and higher quality goods and services are the results of .

Correct! Wrong!

Lower prices and higher quality goods and services resulting from competition.

Where can I get an outline of the civil liberties afforded to Americans?

Correct! Wrong!

The Bill of Rights was created to safeguard people against federal government power abuse and to set limits on its authority.

Which war did the United States declare war on Japan?

Correct! Wrong!

Following the attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii in 1941, Congress declared war on Japan.

What document's interpretation serves as a benchmark for Supreme Court decisions in the courts?

Correct! Wrong!

The United States' interpretation is used by the Supreme Court. Court judgments should be guided by the Constitution.

Human rights abuses are being tolerated in a nation that has close economic links to the US. Which is the right first action in light of American foreign policy?

Correct! Wrong!

Before the US takes more drastic action to end a global war, the Department of State normally opens diplomatic channels.

Which alternative offers a distinct viewpoint?

Correct! Wrong!

A biased opinion is one that blatantly favors one point of view over another.


What are capitalism, socialism, and communism?

Correct! Wrong!

Economic systems include capitalism, socialism, and communism. Private ownership of the means of production and individual economic freedom are the cornerstones of capitalism. The fundamental tenet of communism is that private property ownership should not be permitted. According to socialism, money and wealth should be distributed more fairly among individuals.

_________ is the root source of the scarcity issue.

Correct! Wrong!

The issue of scarcity is brought on by unlimited needs and scarce resources.

Find the word or phrase that unifies the group below.

Plessy v. Ferguson, Marbury v. Madison, Brown v. Board of Education

Correct! Wrong!

The most well-known Supreme Court cases include Brown v. Board of Education, Plessy v. Ferguson, and Marbury v. Madison.

How long is a Supreme Court Justice's time in office?

Correct! Wrong!

Justices of the Supreme Court serve for life or until they resign.

Find the word or phrase that unifies the group below.

Samuel Morse, Isaac Singer, Thomas Edison

Correct! Wrong!

Famous inventors include Thomas Edison, Isaac Singer, and Samuel Morse.

What branch of the government oversees driver's licenses?

Correct! Wrong!

The regulation of driver's licenses by state governments ensures that each state's regulations are uniform.

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