G1 Rules of The Road Marathon 3


You must report an accident to the police if:

Correct! Wrong!

By law, you must report any collision to the police when there are injuries or damage to vehicles or property exceeding $2,000.

Which item are you prohibited from using while driving?

Correct! Wrong!

Viewing display screens unrelated to driving, such as cell phones, laptop computers and portable DVD players, is prohibited while driving.

Drivers who don't follow the stopping requirements at a school crossing may receive:

Correct! Wrong!

Where a school crossing guard displays a red-and-white stop sign, you must stop before reaching the crossing and remain stopped until all persons, including the school crossing guard, have cleared THE WHOLE ROADWAY and it is safe to proceed. Drivers who don’t follow the stopping requirements may receive a substantial fine and get three demerit points.

If you are convicted of careless driving, you will get six demerit points and can get:

Correct! Wrong!

Police can also charge drivers with careless driving or even dangerous driving (a criminal offence) if they do not pay full attention to the driving task. If you are convicted of careless driving, you will get six demerit points and can be fined up to $2,000, and sentenced to up to six months in jail. In some cases, your license may be suspended for up to two years.

Never change lanes in traffic without:

Correct! Wrong!

Before changing lanes, you must always give proper signal and look to make sure the move can be made safely.

A novice driver convicted of distracted driving is subject to __________ for a third occurrence.

Correct! Wrong!

A novice driver (subject to the graduated licensing program) convicted of distracted driving will be subject to escalating sanctions (30-day license suspension for a first occurrence; 90 days for a second occurrence; and licence cancellation and removal from the Graduated Licensing System for a third occurrence).

When approaching an intersection, you notice the roadway beyond the intersection is blocked with traffic. In this situation, you should:

Correct! Wrong!

When approaching an intersection and you notice the roadway beyond the intersection is blocked with traffic, you should stop before entering the intersection and wait until traffic ahead moves on. If not, the light may turn red for you and green for other vehicles and you will end up blocking the intersection.


A flashing green light at an intersection, where turns to the left and right are permitted, indicates:

Correct! Wrong!

A flashing green light means you're allowed to turn left, right, or go straight if the way is clear.

You are driving up to an intersection where there is no signal light or police officer. A pedestrian is in the crosswalk on your side of the street. You should:

Correct! Wrong!

CROSSWALKS are designated areas that allow pedestrians to safely cross roads where there are no traffic lights. Drivers, including cyclists, must stop and allow pedestrians to cross.

If you come up on several snowplows clearing a freeway, you should NOT

Correct! Wrong!

The question is about what you should NOT do. On freeways, several snowplows may be staggered across the road, clearing all lanes at the same time by passing a ridge of snow from plow to plow. Do not try to pass between them. This is extremely dangerous because there is not enough room to pass safely, and the ridge of wet snow can throw your vehicle out of control.

A novice driver convicted of distracted driving is subject to __________ for a third occurrence.

Correct! Wrong!

A novice driver (subject to the graduated licensing program) convicted of distracted driving will be subject to escalating sanctions (30-day licence suspension for a first occurrence; 90 days for a second occurrence; and licence cancellation and removal from the Graduated Licensing System for a third occurrence).

What documents may a police officer require a motor vehicle owner to produce?

Correct! Wrong!

A police officer may require a motor vehicle owner to produce a liability insurance card, vehicle ownership documents, and a valid driver's license.

Which of the following penalties can the court impose on a person convicted of driving 50 km/h or more over the speed limit?

Correct! Wrong!

If police stop you for driving 50 km/h or more over the speed limit, you will be charged with street racing. Police will suspend your license on the spot and impound your vehicle for 7 days. If convicted for the first time, you will face penalties that include: $2,000 to $10,000 fine; jail term of up to 6 months; licence suspension up to 2 years or 6 demerit points.

The two-second rule is used to determine

Correct! Wrong!

A safe following distance is at least two seconds behind the vehicle you are following. This lets you see around the vehicle ahead and gives you enough distance to stop suddenly. To estimate the time, wait until the rear end of the vehicle in front of you passes any distinct and fixed point on the roadway (e.g. a road sign, mailbox, line/crack/patch in the road). However, don't take your eyes off the vehicle for more than a second or that would defeat the purpose. As you count to yourself the elapsed time in seconds, the front of your car should pass the same point no less than two seconds later. If the elapsed time is less than this, increase the distance, then repeat the method again until the time is at least two seconds.


Failing to stop for a school bus that is unloading passengers will

Correct! Wrong!

Failure to stop for a school bus that is unloading passengers will cost you 6 demerit points and a maximum fine of up to $2,000.

When it is safe to do so, passing other vehicles on the right side

Correct! Wrong!

Most passing is done on the left. You may pass on the right on multilane or one-way roads and when overtaking a streetcar or a left-turning vehicle. Passing on the right can be more dangerous than passing on the left.

Always give a biker at least...

Correct! Wrong!

Always give a biker at least one meter (approximately 3.3 feet) of space when passing them. This minimum distance helps ensure the safety of the cyclist and reduces the risk of accidents or collisions. By giving cyclists sufficient space, drivers allow them to maintain their balance and maneuver safely on the road, especially in situations where there might be uneven surfaces, potholes, or other hazards.

When a policeman motions for a driver to stop their car:

Correct! Wrong!

When two cars approach an uncontrolled intersection about the same time, the following should be given the right-of-way:

Correct! Wrong!

When two cars approach an uncontrolled intersection (an intersection without traffic signals or stop signs) at approximately the same time, the general rule is to give the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right. This principle is commonly known as "right-of-way rules" and helps to determine the order in which vehicles should proceed through the intersection to avoid collisions.

Where must a driver be before performing a left turn on a road with two lanes of traffic moving in each direction?

Correct! Wrong!

Before making a left turn on a roadway where traffic is moving in both directions, a driver must be in the lane closest to the center line or median. In other words, the driver should be in the lane to the right of the center line (or median, if present).

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G1 Rules of The Road Marathon #4

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