FREE Texas Civil Service Question and Answers


In the year 2021, if Blackpool had 50,000 people working, what would the percentage of employed to unemployed people be?

Correct! Wrong!

50k : 5k
50 / 5 = 10

How many more DVDs were sold than movies in theaters in year 5 if ticket prices went down by 5% but sales of movies on DVD went up by 8%?

Correct! Wrong!

30,000 × (1-0.05) = 28,500
35,000 × 1.08 = 37,800
37,800 - 28,500 = 9,300

In the month of February, an advertiser spends 90 pence on Google clicks, assuming the exchange rate is 1.60 cents to 1 pence. How many clicks did he receive altogether?

Correct! Wrong!

The first thing you need to do is convert 90 pence into cents. 90 x 1.60 = 144 cents
In the second step, you will need to calculate how many clicks on Google the advertiser received for 144 cents. "144 divided by 18 = 8 clicks"

Between the months of April and May, what was the percentage increase in the value of the oil that was produced?

Correct! Wrong!

April 18,000 × $76 = $1,368,000
May 13,000 × $89 = $1,157,000
$1,368,000 - $1,157,000 = $211,000
211,000 / 1,368,000 x 100 = 15.42%

If unemployment in London drops by 20% in the year 2022, what will the city's average unemployment rate be over the course of the next four years, from 2019 to 2022?

Correct! Wrong!

7000 × (1-0.2) = 5,600
(5,600 + 7,000 + 8,000 + 6,000) / 4
= 6,650

What was the cost per click ratio for Google in April compared to the cost per click ratio for Facebook and Yahoo in February?

Correct! Wrong!

Step 1: Take the pertinent figures from the graph Cost per click in April. Google is 18 cents. In February, the cost of a Facebook and Yahoo click was (14 + 6 = 20 cents).
Step 2: To calculate the ratio, divide 20 by 18. 20 ÷18 = 1.11
Step 3: Present as a 1:1.11 ratio

How much will the month of July's oil production be worth if it drops by 22% month over month in production?

Correct! Wrong!

18,000 × (1-0.22) = 14,040
14040 × $82 = $1,151,280

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