FREE Software Engineering Trivia Questions and Answers


The person who makes use of a product once it has undergone thorough development and marketing.

Correct! Wrong!

The individual who uses the product after it has been fully developed and marketed is commonly referred to as the "end-user" or "consumer". The end-user is the person or group of people who use the product for its intended purpose, whether it's a physical product, a digital service, or a software application. They are the final stage in the product's life cycle and their satisfaction with the product is a critical factor in its success. Companies often conduct market research to understand the needs and preferences of their end-users and use this information to improve their products or develop new ones that better meet their customers' needs.

The person who is entirely responsible for the project's success and is answerable to the sponsors and stakeholders.

Correct! Wrong!

The person who has complete responsibility for the success of the project and has accountability to the stakeholders and sponsors is commonly referred to as the "project manager". The project manager is responsible for overseeing all aspects of a project, including planning, execution, monitoring, and closing. They are the primary point of contact for stakeholders and sponsors and are responsible for keeping them informed of the project's progress.

A specific kind of software life cycle activity that entails assessing the value of a proposed development.

Correct! Wrong!

The type of Software Life Cycle Activity that involves determining if the proposed development is worthwhile is commonly referred to as "feasibility analysis" or "feasibility study". Feasibility analysis is a preliminary assessment of a proposed software development project to determine if it is technically, economically, and operationally feasible.

A specific kind of software life cycle activity where the user's needs are collected.

Correct! Wrong!

The type of Software Life Cycle Activity that involves obtaining the requirements from the user is commonly referred to as "requirements gathering" or "requirements elicitation". Requirements gathering is the process of collecting and documenting the needs and expectations of the stakeholders and end-users of the software.

Which deliverable document lists the tasks in order and estimates how much time and effort will be required?

Correct! Wrong!

The project schedule typically includes a timeline or Gantt chart, which visually represents the project tasks and their durations. It may also include other details, such as resource allocation, critical path analysis, and risk management plans.

Creating a project schedule is an important step in project management, as it helps to ensure that the project stays on track and meets its objectives. The schedule should be regularly reviewed and updated throughout the project to reflect any changes or delays.

One of the fundamental principles of XP is that all production code must be created by two programmers simultaneously at the same machine or location. This is a revision stage that has gone above and beyond. At least one other person always reviews every piece of code.

Correct! Wrong!

The practice you are referring to is called "pair programming," which is a key practice in Extreme Programming (XP). Pair programming involves two programmers working together on the same task on the same computer. One programmer, known as the driver, is responsible for typing the code while the other programmer, known as the navigator, reviews the code as it is being written, makes suggestions, and checks for errors.

Pair programming is an important practice in XP because it helps to improve code quality, reduce errors, and promote knowledge sharing and collaboration within the development team. By having two people work together on the same task, it can help catch errors or issues that may have been missed by a single programmer working alone. Additionally, it can help to spread knowledge and expertise across the team, as each programmer can learn from the other's strengths and weaknesses.

What are the fundamental principles of extreme programming?

Correct! Wrong!

Extreme Programming (XP) is an Agile software development methodology that emphasizes a set of core values to guide its practices and principles. The five core values of XP are:

> Communication: XP emphasizes open and honest communication between all members of the development team, as well as with stakeholders and customers. This includes regular meetings, continuous feedback, and a focus on shared understanding.
> Simplicity: XP emphasizes simplicity in design, coding, and processes. This includes minimizing unnecessary features and code, as well as reducing complexity in the development process wherever possible.
> Feedback: XP emphasizes the importance of frequent feedback loops to continuously improve the development process. This includes regular testing, continuous integration, and frequent releases to users for feedback.
> Courage: XP emphasizes the need for courage to make difficult decisions, take risks, and try new things. This includes the willingness to adapt and change course when necessary, as well as the courage to admit mistakes and learn from them.
> Respect: XP emphasizes the importance of respect for all members of the development team, as well as for stakeholders and customers. This includes valuing diversity and different perspectives, as well as treating everyone with dignity and empathy.

These core values guide the practices and principles of XP, helping to promote a collaborative, iterative, and customer-focused approach to software development.


A particular type of software life cycle activity that entails creating the program and translating the design into code.

Correct! Wrong!

Implementation is a crucial phase in the software development life cycle where the design specifications are translated into actual code. During implementation, developers write, test, and debug the code to ensure that it accurately reflects the design and meets the requirements of the software. This phase involves writing the source code, integrating various components, and addressing any issues that arise during the coding process. Once the implementation is complete, the software is ready for the next phases of testing, deployment, and maintenance.

A particular type software life cycle activity where the original developer tests the software.

Correct! Wrong!

Unit testing is a software testing practice where individual units or components of a software application are tested in isolation to ensure their correctness and functionality. Each unit represents the smallest testable part of the software, such as a function, method, or module. During unit testing, the original developer or another developer creates test cases to verify that each unit behaves as expected and produces the correct output for given inputs.

What are a few examples of conventional process models?

Correct! Wrong!

Waterfall, Incremental, and Spiral are indeed examples of traditional software development process models. These models represent different approaches to structuring the software development life cycle.

An activity in the software life cycle that involves keeping tests from an earlier version to make sure the current one keeps the old one's capabilities.

Correct! Wrong!

Regression testing is a software testing practice that involves re-running previously executed test cases on a new version of the software to ensure that recent changes haven't negatively affected existing functionalities. It's not just about "saving tests from the previous version," but rather running a suite of tests that cover various parts of the software to catch any unintended side effects that might have been introduced due to recent changes.

Which of the following describes how a waterfall model should be implemented?

Correct! Wrong!

Waterfall model is a linear and sequential approach, which means each phase must be completed before moving on to the next. This model has been widely used historically, but more modern approaches like Agile methodologies have gained popularity due to their flexibility and iterative nature.

Updating and improving software to ensure its continuous usefulness is a form of software life cycle activity.

Correct! Wrong!

Maintenance is indeed a phase in the software development life cycle that involves making updates, improvements, and corrections to the software to ensure its continued usefulness and reliability over time.

A paradigm for the life cycle of software that creates a throwaway version.

Correct! Wrong!

The Prototyping Model is a software development life cycle model that involves creating a preliminary version of the software, known as a prototype. This prototype is built quickly and is often considered a "throwaway" version because it's not intended to be the final product. Instead, its purpose is to help stakeholders, including developers and users, understand and refine the requirements.


CMMI is short for

Correct! Wrong!

CMMI stands for Capability Maturity Model Integration. It's a framework used to guide and assess the maturity and capability of an organization's software development and engineering processes. CMMI provides a set of best practices and guidelines for process improvement and is used to enhance the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of an organization's software development practices. The model focuses on process areas such as project management, requirements management, configuration management, and more, helping organizations achieve higher levels of process maturity and performance.

What fundamental principles underpin extreme programming?

Correct! Wrong!

Communication, Feedback, and Simplicity are indeed three of the core values in Extreme Programming (XP), which is an Agile software development methodology. XP emphasizes a set of principles and practices that aim to improve the quality of software development and the collaboration within development teams.

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