FREE Bachelor of Social Science Sociology Questions and Answers


What statement best sums up the opinions of ambivalent sexists?

Correct! Wrong!

Ambivalent sexism can be harmful as it perpetuates gender stereotypes, restricts opportunities for women, and undermines gender equality efforts.

Additional sex traits may include

Correct! Wrong!

Additional sex features are biological variations beyond reproductive organs and secondary characteristics (physical traits like facial hair, breast development, etc.). Option a, "Men and women produce distinct hormones," best represents extra sex traits.

is a movement that promotes the idea that everyone should have the freedom to explore their rights and equal opportunities.

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Liberal feminism advocates for equal rights and opportunity for all. Reforming laws, regulations, and social practices that limit women's advancement and opportunity is its goal.

Which response option most accurately describes what "mores" are?

Correct! Wrong!

Mores are morally significant social standards that typically involve firmly held views about good and wrong. They are more important to a community's well-being and stability than other norms.

The subcultures listed below include all of the following, EXCEPT:

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All of the choices (b, c, and d) on the list refer to several subcultural groups:

What does attributed status mean?

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A social position that is either given to or acquired by an individual involuntarily is referred to as their "attributed status." These statuses are frequently determined by factors like gender, race, ethnicity, family history, or other innate qualities over which a person has no control.

The emergent norm theory of crowd behavior is accurate with the exception of the following propositions, which are all true:

Correct! Wrong!

The emergent norm theory does not presume that crowds make people act unreasonably. Instead, it suggests that crowd behavior is not just irrationality or loss of uniqueness. The hypothesis states that crowd behavior arises when crowd members adapt to the situation and each other.


Regarding the coalescence phase of a social movement's life cycle, ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ARE TRUE, EXCEPT:

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All of the following claims are accurate during the coalescence stage of a social movement, with the exception of option a:

A demographer is what?

Correct! Wrong!

Demographers examine human populations and how they change over time. Demographers study birth, mortality, migration, fertility, and age distributions using statistical tools and data analysis.

A manager chooses to recruit a 25-year-old woman rather than a 65-year-old male because he believes the latter is slower, weaker, and more confused. What sort of example is that?

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Ageism is depicted in the question. Ageism is discrimination against older people based on their age. In this scenario, the manager is judging a 65-year-old male's abilities based on his age, assuming he is slower, weaker, and more confused. This stereotyped and unfair age-based generalization is age-based discrimination.

Which of the following summaries of physician-assisted suicide is most accurate?

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A doctor gives a terminally ill patient medication to self-administer to die peacefully. The doctor's job is to make sure the patient takes the medication safely and according to their wishes.

What one of the following best sums up the structural-functional approach to aging?

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Sociology's structural-functional approach to aging views society as a complex system with many interconnected pieces that work together to sustain social stability and meet individual needs. This approach highlights how social institutions work together to run society smoothly.

Miscegenation: What is it?

Correct! Wrong!

Through marriage, procreation, or cohabitation, miscegenation mixes racial groupings. It involves mixed-race couples having children.

Segregation and integration are potential outcomes of .

Correct! Wrong!

Pluralism can cause segregation and integration. Sociology and political science define pluralism as a society containing different groups with varied identities, beliefs, and cultures. In a pluralistic society, distinct groups retain their identities while interacting.


What among the following DOES NOT make up the ABC model of attitudes?

Correct! Wrong!

The ABC model explains how attitudes are generated and sustained psychologically. Affect, Behavior, and Cognition comprise it (thoughts or beliefs). These factors influence a person's overall opinion of an object, person, organization, or circumstance.

What is the global outlook?

Correct! Wrong!

The global outlook involves studying the world and how societies fit within it. It examines global society and nation relations, interdependencies, and links.

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