FREE Performance Management Objective Question and Answers


Which of the following codes best encapsulates the phrase "BARS" in its entirety as it appears in performance management systems?

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BARS, or behaviorally anchored rating scales, are a sort of performance management scale that substitutes specific behavior "statements" for the general descriptions seen on conventional rating scales.

Which of the following duties is a manager performing if he creates a fresh idea and lays out a plan for the creation of a new product at work?

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An individual who starts a new firm, taking on the majority of the risks and reaping the majority of the gains, is known as an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is the practice of starting a business. The entrepreneur is frequently viewed as an innovator, a source of fresh concepts for products, services, businesses, and operational methods.

Which of the following is used in the performance evaluation of employees, "helping to satisfy legal requirements"?

Correct! Wrong!

Documentation offers managers a roadmap for development. They are able to identify both areas of strength and weakness. It may be time for a raise, promotion, or more responsibilities if performance assessments routinely show improvements.

Which of the following performance appraisal techniques typically results in subjects' performance in an assessment center being negatively adjusted for their self-service?

Correct! Wrong!

Self-evaluation, also known as self-assessment, is frequently a step in the process of managing employee performance. Your employee will get a chance to evaluate themselves as a result. Actually, the majority of employees detest this stage of the employment review procedure. An honest evaluation of one's own performance is challenging.

Which of the following is not a performance measure component of the incentive concept for the balanced scorecard?

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A balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management tool used to recognize, adjust, and manage a variety of internal business processes and the outcomes they produce.

Performance evaluation is the foundation for __________.

Correct! Wrong!

Promotion typically entails a rise in pay, status, amenities, responsibilities, and job duties. Performance evaluation serves as the foundation for HR decisions including training, pay raises, promotions, transfers, and separation.

Which of the following does not prevent people from communicating effectively?

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Channel richness is not a hindrance to efficient communication. When employees at the same level in a business, such as a marketing manager and a human resource manager, communicate with one another, usually to coordinate work between departments, this is known as channel richness.

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