FREE PANCE Test Question and Answers


Which of the following drugs would not be recommended for a glaucoma patient to take?

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Amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant, which can have substantial anticholinergic side effects such as constipation, weight gain, dizziness, urine retention, and blurred vision. Amitriptyline may aggravate glaucoma and should be administered with caution in older patient.

A 28-year-old white male in generally good health has had dull testicular pain for the past two weeks. He denies penile discharge, and the scrotum is non-erythematous, he is negative for sexually transmitted infections. Which do you believe?

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Between the ages of 18 and 30, Caucasian guys are most commonly diagnosed with testicular cancer. Since it can advance quickly, the diagnosis must be overlooked. A testicular mass can be felt that can be confirmed with ultrasound. In the scrotum, hydroceles are fluid-filled collections that are typically painless. Spermatoceles are sperm accumulations that are painless and have no recognized cause. Pain, edema, and erythema are frequently present with epididymitis symptoms. Epididymitis and STIs are frequently present in guys under the age of 35 (sexually transmitted infections).

Which type of construction sees the highest rate of ectopic pregnancies?

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The most frequent location for an ectopic pregnancy is the fallopian tube (when implantation occurs anywhere outside the endometrium). Patients may present with pain and bleeding during early pregnancy. Smoking, PID, and advanced maternal age all increase risk. The uterine cornu is the second most typical location (where the fallopian tube enters the uterus).

When examining a patient who has known benign prostatic hyperplasia, what would you anticipate finding?

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Urinary frequency, urgency, nocturia, hesitation, and dribbling can all be symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Although the cause of BPH is uncertain, aging-related hormone changes may be a factor. Prostate cancer patients may have a hard, nodular prostate, whereas BPH patients typically have an enlarged, "rubbery" prostate. An illness like prostatitis, fever, and an elevated white blood cell count would be more typical.

Which of the following statements about end-of-life concerns for cystic fibrosis patients is accurate?

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The respiratory and digestive systems are most affected by the hereditary disease cystic fibrosis. Supportive care includes management of related illnesses, nutrition adjustments, physical therapy for the chest, and infection control. Although the patient should be offered options and information regarding the quality of life, transplantation is frequently necessary. the median surviving age is in the late 30s.

What constitutes a risk factor for endometriosis development?

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Risk factors include delayed childbirth, nulliparity, a favorable family history, early menarche or late menopause, short cycles, and extended flow duration. Endometriosis, which results in pain and infertility when endometrial tissue is placed outside the uterine cavity. A biopsy is used to make the diagnosis. Protective factors seem to be many pregnancies/births, late menarche, and use of low-dose oral contraceptives.

You come across a patient who has a history of optic neuritis. What test should be ordered in order to rule out any more severe comorbid conditions?

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An optic nerve inflammation known as optic neuritis can cause pain and unexpected vision loss. Multiple sclerosis is the most frequent cause and can be seen as demyelination on an MRI. The most accurate test for multiple sclerosis is MRI (MS). Optic neuritis can also be brought on by infections and autoimmune diseases like lupus.

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