FREE ELTIS Essay Writing Questions and Answers


What is the first step in planning an essay?

Correct! Wrong!

Brainstorming helps generate ideas and organize thoughts before forming a thesis or starting to write.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a strong thesis statement?

Correct! Wrong!

A strong thesis statement should be specific and focused, not broad or vague.

What is the purpose of a topic sentence in a paragraph?

Correct! Wrong!

A topic sentence gives the reader an idea of what the paragraph will discuss, relating to the thesis.

How should you structure the body paragraphs in an essay?

Correct! Wrong!

Body paragraphs should each focus on one point or argument that directly supports the thesis.

What is the main purpose of a thesis statement in an essay?

Correct! Wrong!

The thesis statement clearly expresses the central idea or argument that the essay will support.

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