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A woman who is 89 years old and has been smoking every day since 1950. Due to her hypertension, congestive heart failure, and chronic shortness of breath (SOB), she has been brought to the emergency room (CHF). She has acute diastolic CHF, according to her prior cardiology records.

Which codes from ICD-10 should be applied?

Correct! Wrong!

First Code/Additional Code There is a standard format for index entries using etiology/manifestation pairs of codes. Each condition is given its own entry in the index, with the etiology code appearing first and the manifestation codes following in brackets. Always sequence the code in brackets second. From what we can gather, hypertension should be the etiology code in this case. We can rule out option C since hypertensive heart disease has an ICD-10 code of I11.0. Since the symptoms fit the ICD-10 category for acute diastolic (congestive) heart failure (I50.31), we may cross out option D. Nicotine addiction from cigarettes is classified as F17.210 in ICD-10. Nicotine dependency, nonspecific and uncomplicated, is represented by the ICD-10 classification F17.200. Since the patient's past cigarette use is mentioned in the case, option A is inappropriate. The best option is B.

In order to treat bacterial pneumonia, a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is brought to the hospital.

Which codes from ICD-10 should be applied?

Correct! Wrong!

Acute lower respiratory infection in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is classified under the ICD-10 code J44.0. So, we can eliminate choices A and B. The unspecified bacterial pneumonia ICD-10 code is J15.9. The etiology code is needed to know which ICD-10 code to utilize first. The bacterial pneumonia in this case is a symptom of the underlying COPD.

A man, 34 years old, is taken to the hospital with sepsis. A Covid-19 viral test was performed on him, and the findings were positive. His vaccination status is included in his medical file. While being treated in the hospital, he started showing signs of septic shock.

What ICD-10 codes should be used in this case?

Correct! Wrong!

Code First/Use Additional Codes Notes that the etiology/manifestation codes have a certain way of being entered into the index. Both conditions are indexed together, with the etiology code listed first and the manifestation codes placed between brackets. Always sequence the code in brackets second. Based on the information provided, hypertension seems to be the most likely etiology code. COVID-19 is reflected by the ICD-10 number U07.01. Eliminate options A and B. The Other specified sepsis ICD-10 code is A41.89. The unspecified bacterial sepsis ICD-10 code is A 41.9. Cross out option C. Answer D is right.

A woman comes into the emergency room with SOB. She may be experiencing respiratory failure due to hypoxia and hypercapnia. Acute respiratory distress syndrome is the diagnosis made by the doctor (ARDS). What is the accurate diagnostic for this scenario?

Correct! Wrong!

The patient was finally diagnosed with ARDS. ARDS is represented by ICD-10 code J80. Not otherwise specified pleural effusion is represented by ICD-10 code J90. Acute respiratory failure with hypoxia is classified as ICD-10 code J96.01. Acute respiratory failure with hypercapnia is classified as ICD-10 code J96.02. Option B is the one that should be picked. The alternatives A, C, and D must be disregarded.

Should the case be coded where the line begins (the insertion) or where the line ends up when coding the installation of a catheter in the right main artery?

Correct! Wrong!

You should make careful to become familiar with the CPT codebook's layout in order to aid in determining the right response. The insertion of a catheter is the subject of this case study. Vascular Injection Procedures is where you'll find some clues that'll lead you to the right conclusion. All lesser order selective catheterization performed throughout the approach, as well as the initial catheter insertion, must be coded.

A patient was attacked on the sidewalk outside a convenience shop. No one witnessed what happened, but the victim had several broken bones and bruises. The patient reported complete darkness before feeling a forceful impact. The patient has suffered many fractures, including the left zygoma, left humerus, left tib/fib, and left cuboid, as seen on x-rays.

Where can you find the zygoma?

Correct! Wrong!

Medical terminology and human anatomy research will help in arriving at the right conclusion. Connecting the zygomatic and temporal bones creates an arch in the cheek called the zygoma. A is the best option here.

The patient visits the clinic because of throat pain. It has a bright red throat. No nasal congestion or fever is present. To rule out strep throat, the doctor orders a throat swab. All of the tests came out negative.

Which ICD-10 code should be used?

Correct! Wrong!

The patient in this case was examined due to complaints of throat pain. The test yielded negative result. Acute pharyngitis is represented by ICD-10 code J02.9. Throat pain is coded as ICD-10 R07.0. Streptococcal pharyngitis is coded as ICD-10 J02.0. The unspecified streptococcus is coded as ICD-10 B95.5. The right choice is option A.


When the esophageal lining becomes inflamed, this condition develops. An infection or inflammation of the esophagus is normally responsible for this condition. What does this medical term describe?

Correct! Wrong!

Separating the disease's name into its prefix and suffix might help you narrow in on the right answer. Be sure to familiarize yourself with both medical terms and human anatomy. The word "inflamed" is always followed by "-it is." The infection or irritation was in the esophagus, which is mentioned in the case. The right choice is option (C).

The tympanic membrane is also known as ______. 

Correct! Wrong!

Study the beginning sections of each procedure area in the CPT codebook to help you arrive at the right answer. You may see an image of the ear's anatomy at the start of the section titled "Surgery: Auditory System." The tympanic membrane, or ear drum, is seen here. A is the best option here.

When does time begin and stop for the purposes of reporting anesthesia time?

Correct! Wrong!

Study the beginning sections of each procedure area in the CPT codebook to help you arrive at the right response. You will find instructions for reporting the anesthetic time at the beginning of the "Anesthesia" section. The right choice is option C.

What does the ending "-megaly" mean in hepatomegaly?

Correct! Wrong!

To help you find the right answer, you should study medical terminology and human anatomy. Detailed illustrations and context are provided before each chapter. Learn the ins and outs of your CPT codebook to better answer inquiries about human anatomy. Heapto- is a prefix that refers to the liver. The -meagly ending indicates an enlargement. D is the best option here.

A _______ is a technique that involves passing an endoscope via the oropharynx and vocal cords, then extending it beyond the trachea into the bronchus. This technique can be used for either diagnosis or treatment.

Correct! Wrong!

Separating the technique into its prefix and suffix will help in obtaining the best answer. The CPT codebook is an excellent resource for learning medical language and human anatomy. There are illustrations and context for each segment before it begins. Learn the ins and outs of your CPT codebook to better answer inquiries about human anatomy. The endoscope was inserted into the bronchus, according to the case report. The right choice is option B.

Chlamydia testing requires taking a culture from the patient.
In the laboratory, what is the right code?

Correct! Wrong!

A culture of mycoplasma from any source is classified under CPT number 87109. In the chlamydia culture, any source CPT code is 87110. The right answer is A. Culture of tubercle from any source (CPT code 87116). In mycobacterial culture, individual isolates are represented by CPT code 87188. Remove options B, C, and D.

Planning and discussing therapies based on the Adaptive Behavior Protocol with a group of seven patients.

Which CPT code should be used?

Correct! Wrong!

Multiple 'Adaptive Behavior Treatment' codes were removed from the CPT 2025 codebook. Individual adaptive behavior protocols are described by CPT code 97153. Two or more patients receiving therapy for adaptive behavior is indicated by CPT code 97154. Choice A is wrong since CPT code 97156 really describes family adaptive behavior therapy guidelines for a single patient. Choice C is wrong because it says that CPT code 97157 is for family adaptive behavior treatment guidance for more than one patient. The right choice is option D.


Codes for these are found in the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) manual:

Correct! Wrong!

The majority of procedures, supplies, items, and non-physician services are represented by HCPCS codes, which are alpha-numeric numbers.

An anesthesiologist administered sedation to a patient before she had dental work. This is a surgery that is often done without sedation, but the patient's severe fear required the use of anesthetic.

Which modifier best describes the procedure?

Correct! Wrong!

All modifiers that report or indicate the procedure has been modified by a particular circumstance are listed in Appendix A of the CPT code book. Reviewing the descriptions of each listed modification is the best approach to resolving this situation. Due to the patient's anxiety, the doctor has opted to use anesthesia, hence Option A is the safest and most effective choice.

Modifier 22 – Unusual Procedural Services
Modifier 23 – Unusual Anesthesia
Modifier 26 – Professional Component
Modifier 47 – Anesthesia by Surgeon

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