FREE Basic CHES Test Question and Answers


The following is an illustration of a potential research participant who would be categorized as having limited autonomy:

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A pregnant woman is an example of a potential research subject who would be categorized as having limited autonomy. In the study, people with less autonomy are categorized as vulnerable and in need of further protection. Others who fall under the category of decreased autonomy include newborns, human fetuses, incompetents mentally or with severe developmental disabilities, children, and inmates. People who have less autonomy should nonetheless be able to exercise it to the extent that they can.

When assessing the reliability of qualitative research, which of the following is a sign of ethical rigor?

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When evaluating the validity of qualitative research, getting consent and documenting it is a sign of ethical rigor. Participants must be made aware of the study's purpose, given information about their rights, and given assurances that their rights would be upheld by the researchers. Consent must be gained, participants must be aware of their rights or have those rights safeguarded, and participants' identities must not be revealed in the research in order to maintain ethical rigor.

If a needs assessment determines if children in the neighborhood have received a whooping cough vaccination, the need that is highlighted in this is:

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To ascertain the requirements for an educational program, needs assessments are carried out. The kind of need this focuses on is normative if, for instance, a need assessment establishes whether the youngsters in the neighborhood have received whooping cough vaccinations. The norms or levels that experts or authorities, including government organizations, designate serve as the foundation for normative needs. If a group or society falls short of the accepted norms, normative requirements exist.

In order to prepare for technical breakdown, it is best to:

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The ideal practice is to regularly back up your files in case of a technological problem. Backups can be made to an external hard drive, a cloud storage service, a secure server, or a portable memory device like a flash drive. Ideally, backups should be performed daily and should create a record automatically. Even with sufficient upkeep and troubleshooting, equipment failure is still a possibility. If the memory device is lost or destroyed, just storing it as a portable memory device presents a challenge.

Typically, a mission statement reflects:

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A mission statement, which is essentially a declaration of purpose for an organization, typically reflects the current situation. Based on data and program analysis, the mission statement is created. The organization's place in the community should be described in the mission statement, which is typically one sentence or a brief paragraph. A more thorough explanation that may include philosophical and value statements as well as a history of the organization is frequently given after the mission statement.

A reliable source of secondary data for calculating influenza incidence rates is:

Correct! Wrong!

The CDC, which gathers information on communicable diseases, is a reliable source of secondary data when gathering information on influenza rates. Other people's data are considered secondary data. Many governmental organizations, insurance providers, academic institutions, charitable foundations, and trade associations have secondary data available. Census information offers demographic details and is also secondary data. One benefit of secondary data is that it is generally inexpensive and simple to get.

Which of the following variables affects health behavior the most?

Correct! Wrong!

Religion, place of residence, and race have less of an impact on health behaviors than socioeconomic levels. Health behavior may be positively or negatively impacted by socioeconomic status, with positive impacts directly correlated with greater socioeconomic position and unfavorable effects with lower socioeconomic status. Age, gender, and the kind of social support system in place are other variables that affect health behavior. Negative health behaviors are linked to aging and weak social support.

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