FREE Bachelor of Forestry Forest Mensuration Questions and Answers


This area of forestry focuses on determining the dimensions (e.g., diameter, height, volume, etc.), form, age, and increment of individual trees, stands, or entire forests, whether they are still standing or have been felled.

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Forest mensuration measures trees, stands, and forests. This comprises tree diameter, height, volume, form, age, and growth increment (the rate at which trees are growing). Sustainable forest management and planning require forest mensuration approaches to understand forest resource characteristics and dynamics.

100 cubic feet of solid wood in a stack of wood?

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Ancient civilizations measured length in cubits. It varies by culture but was usually measured from the middle finger to the elbow. It cannot measure wood stack volume because it is not a volume unit.

is a unit of measurement that is used to express a product's length in feet.

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An object's length is measured in linear feet. It solely measures the length of an item like lumber, pipe, or fabric. A 6-foot board or "6-foot linear foot" is a piece of lumber.

Is there a unit of measurement that has the same volume as a rough wood cube with six sides that are each one foot long?

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Cubic feet measure volume. It represents a cube with one-foot sides. A rough wood cube with six one-foot-long sides has one cubic foot of capacity.

Is a piece of raw wood that is 1 foot square and 1 inch thick a unit of measurement?

Correct! Wrong!

Board feet measure lumber volume. It is used in lumber and woodworking to measure wood content. One board foot is 1 foot × 1 foot by 1 inch of wood.

separating the tree from the measurement location

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"66 feet" refers to the tree's distance from the measurement place.

At what height is a diameter measured. a standard for measuring all diameters.

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Foresters measure tree diameters at breast height. Tree diameter is measured at breast height, 4.5 feet (1.37 meters) above ground level.


4'5".(4 feet 5 inches) (4 feet 5 inches)

Correct! Wrong!

"Diameter at Breast Height" is DBH. Forestry uses DBH to measure tree diameter. Breast height is 4.5 feet (or 4 feet 5 inches) above ground level. This height standardizes tree diameter measurements across trees and places.

From eye to tree, Biltmore stick's distance

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Biltmore stick is a tool that utilizes the principles of trigonometry to determine the height of a tree by measuring the distance from your eye to the tree and the angle your line of sight makes with the top of the tree.

Does a pile of wood have any air spaces in between the pieces?

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A cord measures cut or stacked firewood. Many regions sell firewood by volume. A cord of wood is a 4x4x8 stack of wood. A rope of wood is a rectangular woodpile.

are typically discovered on the margin of tree scale striations

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Scale striations on tree bark can indicate height. These bark scale striations are utilized by hypsometers to indirectly estimate tree height.

Measurements obtained outside the bark with the bark thickness subtracted, often known as the diameter at breast height

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"Diameter at Breast Height" is DBH. It's the breast-height tree diameter in forestry and arboriculture. Breast height is usually 4.5 feet (1.37 meters) above ground.

is a unit of measurement that describes the quantity or number of wood products with a particular dimension.

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"Piece" refers to the number of wood items with a specific dimension. A "piece" is a single wood product like lumber, board, or other wood substance having fixed dimensions.

Height of the board-making part of the tree trunk

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Merchantable height is a tree trunk's useable height for boards and other wood products. It is the part of the tree trunk that is defect-free and suitable for commercial woodworking or construction.


is a unit of measurement used to describe the level of stocking on standing timber.

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Basal area measures a forest stand's tree density. Forestry uses square feet or square meters per acre or hectare.

Laser-equipped Wheeler pentaprism telescopic scales

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Laser-equipped Upper-stem dendrometers include Wheeler pentaprism telescopic scales. Dendrometers measure tree diameter or circumference over time. They measure tree growth rates and can use lasers or optical devices to improve precision.

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