FREE Bachelor of Forestry Forest Ecosystem Questions and Answers


Which phrase best describes the traits of natural regenerations?
I. Often the simplest and cheapest type of forest management because it requires small investment.
II. It may result un the production of better quality trees
III. It is applicable in degraded areas

Correct! Wrong!

This approach focuses on minimal intervention and allows natural processes to play a significant role in forest development.

Sell walls and photoplasm absorb water by the process of imbibition, which makes them softer, swallen, and more elastic.
Utilizing the energy from sunshine, photosynthesis converts carbon dioxide into sugars, water, and byproducts from a hydrogen donor.

Correct! Wrong!

During photosynthesis, plants use the energy from sunlight to produce glucose, which serves as their primary source of energy. The oxygen produced as a byproduct is released into the atmosphere and is essential for supporting life on Earth.

Which species does the Philippines NOT have as its native species?

Correct! Wrong!

Conservation efforts and sustainable forest management are crucial to protecting indigenous species

Stunting or reduced growth are symptoms of nutritional deficiencies.
The main causes of severe stunting are potassium and iron deficiency.

Correct! Wrong!

Addressing and preventing nutritional deficiencies is vital for promoting healthy growth and development.

Which of the following describe clayey soil properties?
I. Excellent water-holding capacity
II. Excellent mineral-holding capacity
III. Difficult to work

Correct! Wrong!

Clayey soil is a type of soil with a high proportion of clay particles. Clay is one of the three primary soil types, alongside sand and silt, and it has unique properties that distinguish it from other soil types.

What are the worst pests that attack pine trees in the Philippines?

Correct! Wrong!

Ips calligraphus is a species of bark beetle belonging to the family Curculionidae.

The larva of the ozola minole, widely regarded as the most destructive bug of F. arborea, consume:
I. Leaf margn
II. make holes on the leaves
III. eat the whole leaf

Correct! Wrong!

Refers to a specific tree species, it is crucial to know the exact scientific name to identify any pests or bugs that might be associated with it accurately.


The process by which vital nutrients are sent back to the rooting zone is known as carbon cycling. Contrarily, nutrient cycling improves soil compaction.

Correct! Wrong!

There is no direct relationship between nutrient cycling and soil compaction.

Species are only able to establish seedlings in widely dispersed settings.

Correct! Wrong!

Pioneer species are a group of hardy, adaptable, and opportunistic plants or organisms that are the first to colonize or establish themselves in an area that has been recently disturbed or where ecological succession is beginning.

Seeds from controlled collection locations are referred to as in the forest tree seed certification program.

Correct! Wrong!

The certification process involves a series of tests, inspections, and standards to determine if the seeds meet certain criteria, which may vary depending on the country or region.

Your forester told you that magnesium is lacking in your pine plantation. What does that indicate, exactly?

Correct! Wrong!

It can indicate various underlying issues or stressors affecting the tree's health.

is the art and science of studying trees' exterior shape and structure, whereas is the science of classifying and nomenclaturing plants.

Correct! Wrong!

Plant taxonomy and tree morphology are two important aspects of botany that focus on the classification and description of plants, particularly trees.

which alludes to strictly enforced protected zones?
I. Protected areas which have high biodiversity value.
II. Protected area which are closed to all human activity except for religious use
III. Protected areas which are open for all tourism activities

Correct! Wrong!

Protected areas are designated regions that are managed to conserve biodiversity, protect natural and cultural resources, and provide ecosystem services.

Ganonderma pseudoferreum and Fomes lignosis are two possible causes of wood deterioration. Sclerotium rolfsii, on the other hand, is the culprit behind damping off.

Correct! Wrong!

Wood deterioration caused by fungal pathogens is a common issue in forests and urban environments, leading to structural problems in trees and wooden structures.


What factors in general affect the seed or seedling quality?

Correct! Wrong!

Is a fundamental factor in seedling quality. Seeds obtained from high-quality, genetically superior parent trees are more likely to produce seedlings with desirable traits and characteristics.

a straightforward, dry fruit that dehisces from a complex pistil.

Correct! Wrong!

A capsule is a type of dry fruit that dehisces (splits open) when mature to release its seeds. It originates from a compound pistil, which is a type of female reproductive structure found in flowering plants.

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