FREE AP European History Exam 1914 to Present Question and Answers


Which of the aforementioned events did Khrushchev lose the support of the Soviet people for more than any other on the list?

Correct! Wrong!

The Cuban missile crisis was perceived as the Soviet Union giving in to American demands. The Soviet Union was ordered by the United States to return missiles that had been placed in Cuba, 90 miles from the American shore. Although the United States had committed to taking out missiles directed at the Soviet Union from Turkey, this was not made public until several years later, giving the impression that Khrushchev had backed down and cost him popularity at home. De-Stalinization is wrong because it was a well-liked approach in the Soviet Union and brought a more tolerant environment. Because the majority of the Soviet Union had backed the way the Hungarian Revolution had been put down by Soviet soldiers, the way the Hungarian Revolution was handled was erroneous. The Bay of Pigs assault was a Cuban exile invasion, and the Soviet populace most likely would have supported it, so it is inaccurate.

Which of the following areas does the Brezhnev Doctrine address?

Correct! Wrong!

According to the Brezhnev Doctrine, Communist nations or those that were under the influence of the Soviet Union were unable to renounce their communist affiliation or leave that influence. Communist nations in Southeast Asia are mistaken because, while the Brezhnev Doctrine may have an impact there, it also had an impact on all nations under Soviet rule. NATO countries are inaccurate since the Brezhnev Doctrine did not apply to NATO countries, which were by definition outside of the Soviet sphere of influence. Soviet states are mistaken because it was inevitable that they could never cease to be Soviet, and as a result, the Brezhnev Doctrine had an impact on nations outside of the Soviet Union.

One of the reasons why the Soviet Union and the United States engaged in the Cold War following World War II was

Correct! Wrong!

Competition over political and economic systems was the main area of conflict between the Soviet Union and the West. The Soviet Union was given a very important role in the postwar division of Germany, starting in 1945, thus it is false to say that the Western nations refused to give it one. Because religion did not have a substantial impact on the fight, the religious disparities between the two nations are false. The border between Poland and Germany was very clearly drawn after the war and has not changed since there should be no disagreement over where it should be drawn.

All of the following were prioritized by Thatcherism. EXCEPT

Correct! Wrong!

The polar opposite of Thatcherism would be industry nationalization. Thatcherism, which is the antithesis of the nationalization of enterprises, may be characterized as a policy of unwavering faith in the free market. All other possibilities are flawed since Margaret Thatcher's ideas relied heavily on dismantling the influence of labor unions, cutting taxes, reducing government spending, and tight ties with the United States.

What other Polish institution supported the Solidarity movement, which ultimately led to the fall of the Communist regime in Poland?

Correct! Wrong!

The Solidarity movement in Poland was led by the Catholic Church. Throughout the late 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s, the Catholic Church and the Solidarity movement in Poland were close allies. Even throughout the Communist era, the church actively backed Solidarity and exploited its secure position in society as a type of haven for the movement and its leaders. Because the Communist Party was in charge of the Polish Parliament, it is wrong. The peasantry is inaccurate because, despite the fact that some of its members may have backed Solidarity, it is not an institution and was not what shielded and supported the Solidarity movement. The Polish army did not assist Solidarity groups during their heyday, hence the army is wrong.

Six republics made up the communist Yugoslavia that emerged soon after the end of World War II: Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, and Macedonia. Despite their union, there remained ongoing turmoil, and after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, nationalistic feelings that had been simmering for some time exploded. These republics went to war in the middle of 1991 as a reason of

Correct! Wrong!

1991 saw the declaration of Slovenia's and Croatia's independence from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The Yugoslav Republic, which was primarily made up of Serbs, attempted to stop them from leaving. Croatian Serbs attempted to secede from their country. A civil war soon broke out in the area, and it quickly turned into outright vendettas involving ethnic genocide. Although Croatia finally asked for membership in NATO, this was not the reason for the 1991 war and did not occur until many years later, making Croatia's application for membership in NATO false. Although there was intense combat between Bosnian Muslims and Serbs in Bosnia, this did not occur until after 1991, hence the claim that Bosnian Muslims were assaulting Serbs is untrue. There were no attacks on Serbia by Croatia, Slovenia, or Bosnia, hence claims that these countries were attacking Serbia are false.

In 1993, Czechoslovakia held a referendum on the issue despite the fact that 2.5 million people signed a petition calling for one and surveys indicating that the majority of its inhabitants opposed the decision.

Correct! Wrong!

1993 saw the peaceful division of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. The Czechoslovak Parliament carried out this with a straightforward vote. Being a member of both the European Community and NATO is inaccurate because, after delaying for a while, Czechoslovakia did join both organizations. It is inappropriate to support Serbia in the ongoing Balkan conflict because Czechoslovakia did not pick a side. It is erroneous to permit local autonomy for all ethnic minorities since, despite the fact that Czechoslovakia permitted increased local autonomy for minorities, the country was still dominated by the two main ethnic groupings of Czechs and Slovaks.

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