FREE AP English Literary Terms Question and Answers


A piece of literature in which events, people, things, and concepts have supplementary or symbolic significance. George Orwell's Animal Farm, a book about the struggle for control among farm animals, is among the most well-known instances from the 20th century. It seems like a fun story that even little children would appreciate. The story of merciless Soviet authoritarianism lies beneath the surface.

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When the main plot, characters, key conflicts, and even scenery are utilized to symbolize something else, the story is said to be an allegory. Allegories are a sort of story that are constructed from an overarching extended metaphor.

(Stressed + Unstressed) is a pattern of accented syllables that distinguishes one sort of poetry foot from another. Examples include "LOVE-ly" and "Once upon a Midnight Dream"

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The foot, which consists of a stressed syllable and at least one unstressed syllable, is the fundamental component of a poem. The trochee, which consists of two syllables with a falling rhythm, is one of the more unique kinds of the poetic foot.

Lambic pentameter unit consisting of two rhyming lines. Here is an instance: What terrible wrong from arousing causes arises, What gigantic battles rise from insignificant things? (Lines 1 and 2, from Alexander Pope's poem The Rape of the Lock)

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An iambic pentameter couplet with two rhymed lines is known as a heroic couplet. This indicates that each of the lines has ten syllables. Each pair of two is referred to as a "foot" in metric measurement.

Poem that highlights a specific facet of rural living. It might be focused on a friend's passing, a shepherd's affection for a young woman, or the peaceful simplicity of rural life. A highly educated city person who yearns for the serenity of the countryside or who extols the virtues of a shepherd girl may be the author of this style of poem.

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Pastoral refers to reading or listening to a piece with the expectation that it will make sense and move the reader or listener in some way. Alpers' choice to structure the Prologue as he has is undoubtedly motivated by this feeling of convention and the expectation that literature is believed.

A kind of poetic foot distinguished by this sequence of stressed and un stressed syllables. as in MER-ril-ly

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Poetry analysis includes the word "dactyl" heavily. It is a particular kind of metrical foot, which is a group of syllables that adhere to a predetermined arrangement of stresses. One stressed syllable is followed by two unstressed syllables to form a dactyl. The dactyl is frequently compared to the iamb, another type of metrical foot. One stressed and one unstressed syllable make up an iamb.

Poetry style that uses the rhythms of everyday conversation instead of traditional standards of meter and rhyme. This format effectively frees poetry from having to adhere to strict metrical standards that specify stress patterns and the number of syllables in each line. Although Walt Whitman (1819–1892) and other authors' earlier poetry displayed traits, it was invented by French poets in the 1880s. Although this form typically lacks end rhymes and metrical patterns, it occasionally incorporates other patterns like cadence and repetition.

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Free verse, a literary device, is poetry that is not constrained by a set meter or rhythm and does not rhyme in predetermined patterns. Such poems don't have rhythm or rhyme schemes and don't adhere to conventional rhyme scheme conventions, yet they nevertheless allow for artistic expression.

A poem that depicts a situation in which the speaker or narrator discusses a subject and shares his innermost thoughts with the audience. The speaker discloses facts about himself both knowingly and unknowingly throughout his speech. This device's primary concern is with this personal data, not the speaker's subject. This kind of character study applies. The most well-known illustration in English literature is aarguable"My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning.

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A dramatic monologue (druh-MAT-ik MON-uh-log) is a literary form in which the author speaks as another character. Dramatic monologues can be found in both prose and theater, although the phrase most often refers to a poetry style in which the poet constructs a figure that speaks continuously.

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