FREE Agricultural/Bioengineering: Food Engineering Questions and Answers


Which of the following relates to customer judgments of food?

Correct! Wrong!

Sensory analysis focuses on how a consumer evaluates the food.

Which aspect of the food sector includes industry lobbying, local and international laws, quality and food safety, etc.?

Correct! Wrong!

Food regulation assures food safety, quality, and industry lobbying for local and international regulations.

Which of the following DOES NOT account for 90% of any food's dry weight?

Correct! Wrong!

90% of the dry weight of every food is made up of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.

Storage needs and product stability, sellable qualities of the goods, etc. To what stage of the food sector do the aforementioned operations refer?

Correct! Wrong!

Distribution of food goods includes the need for storage, the stability of storage, qualities of products that encourage product sale, etc.

Which of the following functions does not a carbohydrate perform?

Correct! Wrong!

Starch and glycogen are energy stores, glucose powers metabolism, and cellulose serves as a structural element.

Fructose, a main carbohydrate, is found in fruits. These raise the level of blood sugar. Why are fruits still advised to be consumed?

Correct! Wrong!

The Glycemic Index does include several exclusions. Among them are fruits. Fruits are at a low level.

What statement concerning essential fatty acids is untrue?

Correct! Wrong!

EFAs must be obtained from a source outside the body because the body is unable to produce them.


The use of partially hydrogenated oils in the food business is justified for the reasons listed below. Untrue is one of them. Who is it?

Correct! Wrong!

Although the hydrogenated oils used in fast food are bad for you, they have a lengthy shelf life so refrigeration isn't always necessary. Additionally, they are less expensive than oils like palm oil. They are therefore well-liked in the food industry.

Which of the following statements regarding the statement "Proteins are widely used in the food processing industry because" is untrue?

Correct! Wrong!

Proteins are frequently employed in the food processing industry because of their propensity to bind to water and form coagulation when heated.

Which of the following statements about proteins is untrue?

Correct! Wrong!

The amino acid that makes up the least amount of the protein's total amino acid content is limiting.

Which of the following claims about food processing is accurate?

Correct! Wrong!

Cooking causes the loss of sodium, and processing or cooking causes the loss of volatile selenium. Leaching can be used to take minerals out of food. Compared to minerals, vitamin losses during food processing are higher. Mineral losses during boiling are higher than during steaming.

When lipids are heated to a high degree while still being exposed to oxygen, this is referred to as .

Correct! Wrong!

Thermal breakdown refers to the process of subjecting fats to high temperatures while still being in the presence of oxygen.

Which of the following processes lowers the amount of dietary fiber in cereals?

Correct! Wrong!

Cereals' nutritional fiber content is decreased by milling.

The handling of prepared food in ___ areas in the ___ of oxygen creates conditions for ___ Which choice perfectly reflects in the sentence?

Correct! Wrong!

Putrefaction can occur when cooked food is kept in heated environments without any oxygen.


A deliberate additive that alters the character and quality of food is known as .

Correct! Wrong!

Food material is a deliberately added element that alters the composition and caliber of food.

A material that is introduced on purpose to retain flavor and enhance flavor is known as .

Correct! Wrong!

A food additive is something that is applied on purpose to preserve flavor and enhance taste.

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