Firefighter Practice Test (Reasoning & Judgement)


Which of the following materials is not a good choice for an electrical work ladder?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Aluminum

Aluminum is an electrical conductor, posing an electrical hazard. Wood and fiberglass (options A and C) are insulators and do not conduct electricity.

Workplace conflict is a typical occurrence in most businesses. You are resentful of your coworker because he wrongly blames you. You and your partner develop a long-term feud and adversarial relationship, which may have an impact on production. What are your options for dealing with this situation?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Involve a supervisor in the conflict resolution process.

When a neutral person (the supervisor) is involved in conflict resolution, the dissatisfied parties have a better understanding of one other. You can quickly and amicably resolve the matter by involving a third party. To protect the organization's interests, the leader provides suitable leadership and delivers directives.

In the bath, which of the following is not recommended?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: a blow dryer

Hair dryers are plugged into a main power supply and pose an electrical hazard when used near water. Because water is an electrical conductor, there is a risk of electric shock if something goes wrong. Reading a book is clearly safe and does not pose any risks. Choice A is likewise incorrect since, even though there is no risk of injury, the mobile phone may be damaged if it comes into touch with water.

You're on your shift and going about your work when something really important comes up. The problem is exceedingly demanding, and none of your colleagues has ever dealt with a situation like this before. What are your options for dealing with this situation?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Ask about other team members' opinions on the best course of action.

The idiom "two brains are better than one" contains a great deal of psychological reality. By enlisting the help of others, you will have a greater opportunity of analyzing the situation and making informed decisions. It also makes them feel important, which increases their commitment.

When you're trying to communicate something to a client, he's strongly opposed to your point of view. It is critical that people believe in the concept you are presenting. How would you go about persuading the client to view things your way?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Begin by comprehending and viewing things from your client's point of view.

It will be tough to persuade your client otherwise until you first comprehend their point of view. By demonstrating that you understand the client's issue, he is far more inclined to agree with you at some point.

If you notice someone being electrocuted. What should be your first course of action?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Turn off the electricity.

Whether it's the immediate or major source, turning off the power supply should be the first priority. Pulling the person away from the danger (option D) is improper and should never be tried. If you touch someone who is being electrocuted, you will be electrocuted as well. Calling for help is necessary, but it is not as critical as turning off the electricity.

When placed near electrical panels, which of the following poses a major hazard?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Flammable chemicals

If a fire is started by an electrical short circuit, flammable chemicals in the area may explode. Wooden planks and PVC pipes, for example, act as insulators and do not explode or inflict as much harm as chemicals.

You and your crew are putting out a little apartment fire that started in the kitchen but was quickly put out. You witness a firefighter from another engine crew putting their turnout coat pocket into a wallet that was on the kitchen table. When you ask as to why the firefighter is stealing someone else's wallet, they advise you to mind your own business. What is the best course of action in this situation?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Tell your supervisor what you saw in a private environment right away.

The issue must be reported to the supervisor in a confidential setting. Because the public trusts firefighters to safeguard their lives and property, the fire department cannot hire robbers. Ignoring the theft will not stop it, and the firefighter who witnessed it may be held as liable for failing to report it. The chain of command would be broken if the Fire Chief was called; the supervisor should be notified first. The fire department will be tarnished if you tell the homeowner what you saw, thus the theft should be handled internally.

Your engine company is loading equipment back onto the engine after putting out a structural fire. A newbie firefighter injures their leg after tripping over some hose. They stand up, limping, and assist with the loading of equipment. What's the best thing you can do in this situation?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Tell the firefighter that he or she should seek medical help.

If a fireman is hurt, they should be told to seek medical help right away. Regardless of whether they are a rookie or not, all firefighters should seek medical assistance if they sustain an injury. "Wow, that was a novice move," or encouraging the firefighter to "walk it off," does not foster collaboration or compassion.

You're working on a project that requires skills you don't have. You'll need assistance from coworkers who have the necessary abilities. How would you approach these employees in order to collaborate?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Seek about other team members' opinions on the best course of action.

It's better to have two heads than one. Allowing others to weigh in on the final choice reduces unneeded resistance while also increasing employee commitment. To be effective, a leader must guarantee that team members are involved in decision-making. They gain a sense of importance and belonging as a result of their participation.

In areas with boat docks and piers, several fire departments operate fireboats. The use of fireboats to apply saltwater to structural fires along piers, boat docks, and wharves is known as marine firefighting. What is the main benefit of utilizing saltwater to fight marine fires?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: There is no shortage of saltwater.

During marine firefighting, saltwater is easily available and is used to put out structure fires near piers, boat docks, and wharves. Saltwater does not extinguish as well as freshwater and is no less caustic. Because saltwater is denser than freshwater, it will sink below it.

One of the projects you've been given concerns a client named Alex. She constantly contacting you to alter the initial plan. You have the impression that Alex is modifying the majority of the project's parameters, which could have a direct impact on the budget. What are your options for dealing with this situation?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Discuss the situation with your supervisors and come up with a solution.

Some things are beyond your capacity as an employee, or, as they say, above your pay grade. Some difficulties must be forwarded to superiors, whether they come from the client or from other coworkers. You've drawn a line in the chain of command by sending Alex to your superiors. You will have provided the organization with sufficient information to allow them to make an educated decision.

Connecting a ____________ to an extension cord is not a good idea.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Iron

Using an extension cord to plug in an iron is not a smart idea. Extension cords aren't normally designed to carry a lot of weight or carry a lot of current. Iron is one of the most powerful current-drawing equipment in any home. Choices A and C are valid since they both use a minimal amount of electricity and may be supported by an extension cord.

Which of the following is a good electrical safety practice?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: If at all feasible, work with just one hand.

Working with one hand minimizes the danger of receiving a damaging shock. You're more likely to suffer serious organ damage if electricity goes through both of your hands. Option A, utilizing metal-handled tools, is incorrect. In reality, metal handles should never be used on electrical equipment; instead, handles should be made of non-conducting materials. The options D and C, as well as working in groups and employing ladders, are irrelevant.

What are the advantages of grounding your appliances?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: In the event of an electrical fault, it renders the appliance safe to touch.

Grounding is a precaution. There is a risk of electrical shock if you accidentally touch a live wire or the enclosure of an appliance while there is a fault. The short circuit current goes to the ground if the appliance is correctly grounded, and touching the enclosure is safe. Grounding isn't necessary for the appliance's safety. Option B is also incorrect because the appliance will function properly even if it is not grounded.

The following are three types of fire extinguishers, as well as the essential chemicals they employ to put out fires:

Water and Foam (Class A)
Carbon dioxide (Class B)
Dry Chemical (Class C)

Which of these should not be used to put out a fire caused by electricity?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Class A

When used on electrical fires, Class A fire extinguishers employ water, which is an electrical conductor, posing a shock hazard. For electrical fires, Class B and C are appropriate. The most versatile form of fire extinguisher is the Class C, which may be used to put out a variety of flames.

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