CDL General Knowledge Practice Test 4


Which of the following are potential suspension system defects?

Correct! Wrong!

All of the above. All of the listed answers are potential suspension system defects.

When using a helper for backing, what is the most important hand signal that you and the helper should agree on?

Correct! Wrong!

Stop. It is important that you and your helper both agree on the same hand signal for stop.

Where should you place your reflectors when stopped on a one-way or divided highway?

Correct! Wrong!

10', 100', 200' toward approaching traffic. On a one-way road, it is important that you place all three reflectors toward approaching traffic. First option is correct because you want to place the furthest reflector 200' toward approaching traffic to insure that any approaching vehicles have enough time to react.

Which of the following approaches is advised for dealing with tailgaters?

Correct! Wrong!

Increase your following distance by getting farther away from the vehicles ahead of you If you are being tailgated, you should increase your following distance (the distance between your vehicle and the vehicles ahead of you) to help you avoid having to make sudden changes and to allow the tailgater room to get around you.

If you feel yourself becoming drowsy when you are driving, you should:

Correct! Wrong!

Get off the road and get some sleep. If you feel yourself becoming drowsy, the only safe course of action is to stop driving and get sleep. Other methods (e.g., caffeine, opening windows, radio) are not recommended because they ultimately don't counteract the body's need for sleep.

How long does it take a typical tractor-trailer to clear a double railroad track?

Correct! Wrong!

15 seconds. It takes a typical tractor-trailer about 14 seconds to clear a single railroad track and more than 15 seconds to clear a double track.

If you have to turn quickly to avoid a crash, which of the following is the best approach?

Correct! Wrong!

Turn only as much as needed, then counter steer when you have passed the obstacle. When you need to turn quickly to avoid a crash, it is important that you do not apply the brakes when turning because it is easy to lock your wheels while turning. Also, you should turn only as much as required to clear the obstacle. If you turn sharply, you increase the chance of a skid or rollover. Finally, you should be prepared to counter steer (i.e., turn the wheel back in the other direction) once you've cleared your obstacle.


If you have an electrical equipment fire or a gasoline or oil fire, you can____?

Correct! Wrong!

Use a type A:B:C or B:C fire extinguisher. This is an example of question that calls for the best answer, so be sure to read all answer choices carefully before responding. For electrical or gasoline/oil fires, either a B:C or a A:B:C fire extinguisher can be used. First choice is not correct because it says that *only* a B:C fire extinguisher could be used. Water should not be used on these types of fires because it can cause shock or spread the flames.

Which of the following statements about alcohol is TRUE?

Correct! Wrong!

Time is the only method that works to sober you up. Your liver can only process alcohol at a fixed rate of about 1 drink per hour. Therefore, time is the only way that your body can remove the alcohol from your system - which "sobers" you up. Drinking black coffee or taking a cold shower have no effect on removing alcohol from your system. At 2 beers, a 180 pound person will have a blood alcohol level of .04 which will cause a driver to be less alert, less focused, and lose coordination. One shot of whiskey is identical to one beer with respect to alcohol content.

If you are transporting cargo, you should inspect the cargo and securing devices

Correct! Wrong!

Before the trip, within 50 miles after beginning the trip, and at least every 150 miles or 3 hours. It is important to inspect the cargo and securing devices both before and during your trip. Answers 1st and 3rd do not prescribe a pre-trip inspection so they are incorrect. 4th option does not indicate inspections during the trip, so it is incorrect.

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