FREE FCLE Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Test 2


Type of government where individuals and government share ownership in major businesses and government takes on a greater role in citizen’s lives.

Correct! Wrong!

In a socialist government, individuals and the government share ownership in major businesses, and the government takes on a greater role in the lives of its citizens. This means that the government has control over key industries and resources, and aims to distribute wealth and resources more equally among the population. Unlike a communist government, socialism does not necessarily aim to completely abolish private property or eliminate class distinctions. Instead, it seeks to create a more equitable society through government intervention and regulation.

A form of government led by a king or a queen.

Correct! Wrong!

A monarchy is a form of government led by a king or a queen. In this type of government, the power is inherited through a royal family, and the monarch holds the highest authority. The monarch has the final say in making decisions and governing the country. Monarchies can have different levels of power, ranging from absolute monarchies where the monarch has complete control, to constitutional monarchies where the monarch's powers are limited by a constitution or parliament.

Type of government that is ruled by religious leaders.

Correct! Wrong!

A theocracy is a type of government that is ruled by religious leaders. In this form of government, the religious leaders hold the ultimate authority and make decisions based on religious principles and beliefs. The laws and policies of the country are often based on religious texts and teachings. Theocracy is different from other forms of government such as oligarchy, where a small group of individuals hold power, and monarchy, where power is inherited through a royal family.

A form of government where citizens elect representatives to make decisions for them

Correct! Wrong!

A representative democracy is a form of government where citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. In this system, the elected representatives are responsible for creating and implementing laws and policies that represent the interests and needs of the citizens. This form of government allows for greater participation and representation of the population, as citizens have the opportunity to choose their representatives through elections. It provides a balance between direct participation and the need for efficient decision-making processes.

Government that is ruled by a small group of people.

Correct! Wrong!

An oligarchy is a form of government where a small group of people hold all the power and rule over the country. In this type of government, the ruling group typically consists of wealthy individuals or members of a specific social class. These few individuals make all the important decisions and have control over the government and its policies. Oligarchies are often criticized for their lack of representation and for favoring the interests of the ruling elite over the general population.

Type of government where the government owns and controls all aspects of life for its citizens.

Correct! Wrong!

Communism is a type of government where the government has complete ownership and control over all aspects of life for its citizens. In a communist system, the government controls the economy, resources, and distribution of wealth, aiming to create a classless society. This means that the government owns all property and businesses, and individual freedoms and choices are limited. The ultimate goal of communism is to achieve equality and eliminate social classes, with the government acting as the central authority in making decisions for the benefit of the entire society.

Type of government that is usually controlled by one person who allows very little freedom or opposition.

Correct! Wrong!

A dictatorship is a type of government where one person has complete control and authority, often obtained and maintained through force. In a dictatorship, there is very little freedom or opposition allowed, as the dictator holds all the power and makes all the decisions without any input from the people. This form of government is characterized by the absence of democracy and the suppression of dissenting voices.

The absence of any form of government.

Correct! Wrong!

Anarchy refers to the absence of any form of government. In an anarchic society, there is no central authority or governing body to enforce laws or maintain order. This can result in a state of disorder, chaos, and lack of control. Anarchy is often associated with a lack of hierarchy and a belief in individual freedom and autonomy.

Form of government where little freedom or opposition is allowed.

Correct! Wrong!

Totalitarianism is the correct answer because it refers to a form of government where there is little freedom or opposition allowed. In a totalitarian regime, the government has complete control over all aspects of public and private life, suppressing any dissent or opposition. This type of government is characterized by a single ruling party or leader, strict censorship, limited civil liberties, and a lack of political pluralism.

This is when a person has unfair thoughts or beliefs about a particular group of people.

Correct! Wrong!

Prejudice refers to unfair thoughts or beliefs that a person holds about a particular group of people. It involves making judgments or forming opinions about individuals based on stereotypes or preconceived notions, without considering their individual characteristics or qualities. Prejudice often leads to discrimination, where individuals are treated unfairly or unequally based on their membership in a particular group. Deportation, on the other hand, refers to the act of expelling individuals from a country, usually due to immigration violations or other legal reasons. Therefore, the correct answer is Prejudice.

A form of government where each citizen has an actual say in the affairs of government.

Correct! Wrong!

Direct Democracy is the correct answer because it is a form of government where each citizen has an actual say in the affairs of government. In a direct democracy, citizens can participate directly in the decision-making process, either by voting on issues directly or by electing representatives to make decisions on their behalf. This form of government promotes citizen participation and allows for a more direct and immediate expression of the will of the people. Representative democracy, on the other hand, involves citizens electing representatives to make decisions on their behalf, while a monarchy is a form of government where a single ruler, usually a king or queen, holds supreme power.

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