FREE FCLE American Government and Political Institutions Test 2


Republicanism is when

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is the type of government where citizens elect representatives to make laws. The people exercise their power by voting for their political representative. Republicanism is a form of government in which the power lies with the people, who elect individuals to represent them and make decisions on their behalf. This system allows for the citizens to have a say in the governing process and ensures that leaders are accountable to the people. Additionally, republican governments typically operate under the rule of law, meaning that both citizens and leaders are bound by the laws of the land.

Individual rights are protected by the

Correct! Wrong!

The Bill of Rights is the correct answer because it is a set of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. These amendments specifically outline and protect individual rights such as freedom of speech, religion, and the right to bear arms. The Bill of Rights is considered a crucial component of the Constitution as it ensures that the government respects and upholds the rights of its citizens.

Limited government is when

Correct! Wrong!

Limited government is a system in which citizens and leaders are bound by the law and are not allowed to manipulate it for their personal gain. In this type of government, the law is supreme and applies equally to all individuals, preventing anyone from using their position of power to serve their own interests. This ensures that the government operates within the boundaries set by the law and prevents the abuse of power. Additionally, limited government also involves the distribution of power between the national government and the states, allowing for a system of checks and balances to prevent the concentration of power in one entity.

How can Congress override a presidential veto?

Correct! Wrong!

To override a presidential veto, both houses of Congress must pass the bill by a two-thirds majority. This means that a significant majority of members in both the House of Representatives and the Senate must vote in favor of the bill, even if the president has vetoed it. This requirement ensures that there is strong support for the bill among lawmakers and helps to prevent the president from unilaterally blocking legislation.

Federalism is when

Correct! Wrong!

Federalism is a system of government where power is divided between a central authority, which is the national government, and individual states or provinces. This division of power allows for a balance of authority and prevents any one entity from having complete control. In a federal system, both the national government and the states have their own areas of jurisdiction and can make decisions and laws within their respective domains. This ensures that citizens and leaders must follow the laws and regulations set by both levels of government.

Popular sovereignty is where

Correct! Wrong!

Popular sovereignty is a principle in which the ultimate power and authority of the government are derived from the people. This means that the people have the right to determine their own government and make decisions through voting and participation. It emphasizes that the government exists to serve the people and should be accountable to them. This concept ensures that the government is based on the consent of the governed and that the citizens have the power to elect their leaders and hold them accountable.

Which amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery?

Correct! Wrong!

Amendment 13 to the Constitution abolished slavery in the United States. This amendment was ratified on December 6, 1865, after the Civil War, and it officially ended the institution of slavery and involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for a crime. The passage of this amendment was a significant milestone in American history, marking the legal end of slavery and the beginning of a new era of freedom for millions of African Americans.

Separation of powers is when

Correct! Wrong!

Separation of powers refers to the division of government authority among three separate branches - judicial, executive, and legislative. This division ensures that no single branch becomes too powerful and that each branch has its own distinct powers and responsibilities. By separating the government into these branches, it helps to prevent the concentration of power in one entity and promotes a system of checks and balances.

How old must you be to vote?

Correct! Wrong!

To vote, one must be 18 years old. This is the legal voting age in many countries, including the United States. At this age, individuals are considered adults and are granted the right to participate in the democratic process by casting their vote in elections. The age of 18 is generally seen as the age at which individuals are deemed mature enough to make informed decisions about political matters and have a stake in shaping the future of their country through voting.

Women finally gained the right to vote with the passage of

Correct! Wrong!

Amendment 19 granted women the right to vote. This amendment was passed in 1920, after a long and hard-fought battle by women's suffrage activists. It stated that the right to vote could not be denied or abridged on the basis of sex, finally ensuring that women had the same voting rights as men. This amendment marked a significant milestone in the history of women's rights and was a major step towards gender equality in the United States.

The term lame duck refers to which of the following?

Correct! Wrong!

The term "lame duck" refers to a situation where the President and Vice President's terms will end soon. This means that they are in the final period of their tenure and may have limited power or influence because their successors have already been elected or chosen. This term is often used to describe a period of time when the current administration is seen as less effective or less able to make significant policy changes.

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