FREE BSEP Word Knowledge Questions and Answers


Prosperous most nearly means:

Correct! Wrong!

The word "prosperous" is often used to describe someone or something that is successful, thriving, and financially well-off. Therefore, the word "successful" is the closest synonym to "prosperous" among the given options.

Turmoil most likely means:

Correct! Wrong!

Turmoil refers to a state of confusion, disorder, or chaos. It implies a lack of calmness or order. The word "most likely" suggests that out of the given options, confusion is the most suitable meaning for turmoil. Therefore, confusion is the correct answer.

Broad most nearly means:

Correct! Wrong!

Broad most nearly means wide because both words refer to something that has a large distance or extent from side to side. They can be used interchangeably to describe something that is not narrow or limited in width.

Perpetual most likely means:

Correct! Wrong!

Perpetual most likely means continuous because it suggests something that is ongoing, never-ending, or happening without interruption. It implies a state of constant or uninterrupted existence or occurrence. The other options, such as stop, at a right angle too, and warm, do not convey the same sense of ongoing or uninterrupted nature.

Wary most likely means:

Correct! Wrong!

The word "wary" is used to describe someone who is cautious or careful, especially in a situation that may involve danger or risk. It implies a sense of being alert and watchful to potential threats or problems. The other options, naval, cold, and tired, do not convey the same meaning as cautious and are not synonymous with the word "wary".

Chide most likely means:

Correct! Wrong!

Chide most likely means Joke" because it is the option that aligns with the meaning of the word. Chiding refers to mildly scolding or reprimanding someone, often in a playful or teasing manner. A joke is a form of humor that can be used to playfully criticize or tease someone. The other options, such as "Hamper," "Stab," and "Hurt," do not accurately reflect the meaning of chide.

Impair most likely means:

Correct! Wrong!

Impair most likely means "cause delay" because impair means to weaken or damage something, which can result in a delay or hindrance. When something is impaired, it is not functioning at its full capacity, causing a delay or slowing down of the process. Therefore, "cause delay" is the most suitable definition for impair in this context.

Limber most likely means:

Correct! Wrong!

Limber most likely means flexible because the word "limber" is often used to describe a person or an object that is capable of bending or moving easily without stiffness or resistance. This suggests that the person or object is able to stretch or adjust its shape without difficulty, indicating flexibility. The other options, powerful, muscular, and slippery, do not accurately capture the meaning of "limber" as they describe different qualities or characteristics.

Ravage most likely means:

Correct! Wrong!

The word "ravage" typically refers to causing severe damage or destruction. It implies a violent and aggressive action, which aligns with the meaning of "tear apart". "Plant" and "fix" are opposite in meaning to "ravage", as they imply creating or repairing something rather than causing destruction. "Fly" does not relate to the concept of causing damage.

Evasive most likely means:

Correct! Wrong!

The word "evasive" suggests avoiding or escaping something, which aligns with the meaning of "dodge" - to avoid or evade something, typically by moving quickly or taking evasive action. Therefore, "dodge" is the most likely meaning of "evasive" in this context.

Coroner most likely means:

Correct! Wrong!

A coroner is a professional who investigates and determines the cause of death in cases where it is suspicious, sudden, or unexplained. They perform autopsies and analyze medical records to gather evidence and determine the cause and manner of death. This role is commonly referred to as a medical examiner. The other options, such as a member of royalty, police reporter, or brass musician, do not accurately describe the responsibilities and duties of a coroner.

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