GED Online Practice Test 2025
什么是 GED 测试?
这 GED Test or popularly known as the General Educational Development Test 2025 is designed to measure a student’s knowledge and proficiency when it comes to standard high-school subjects. The GED is made up of four tests and the exam is open for anyone 16 or older who are not enrolled in high school. Unlike other tests, the GED requires test-takers to demonstrate applied knowledge and skills related to some specific situations rather than letting them focus on memorizing concepts and ideas. If one successfully passes the GED测试,他/她将获得高中同等学历文凭。
Free GED Practice Test Online!
GED 测试入门
如何获得 GED?
If you are planning to take the GED test, there are a lot of things that you need to consider before taking the exam. One of these is the GED registration process.
现在几乎所有事情都可以在线完成,注册 GED 考试变得非常容易。为了成功 注册 GED,您可以执行以下操作:
- Create an account on and select a Test Center near you (there are 3,000 available testing centers across the United States)
- 致电 1-877-392-6433 或访问,然后单击页面底部的“查找测试中心”。
- 如果您居住在美国境外,您可以选择在 Pearson VUE 管理的考试机构参加 GED 考试。
- You can also check this GED Resources
GED 注册费用
GED 考试注册费因州而异。如果您想了解您所在地区的注册费,建议联系 GED 客户服务以获取更多信息或访问 GED网站.另外请记住,如果您未能支付费用,您将无法参加考试。为确保您在考试当天不会遇到任何问题,强烈建议您随身携带收据。
GED 测试结构和格式
GED 考试结构和形式请参考下表:
GED部分 | 时间 | 格式 |
通过语言艺术推理 (RLA) | 150分钟 | 第一部分:50 道选择题。 第二部分:论文 |
数学 | 115分钟 | 第一部分:25 题(带计算器) 第二部分:25 题(不带计算器) |
社会研究 | 70分钟 | 4 个内容领域的 50 道多项选择题,即:地理、美国历史、公民与政府以及经济学。 |
科学 | 90分钟 | 50 道多项选择题,涵盖物理与化学、生命科学以及地球与空间科学领域。 |
GED 考试评分系统
这 General Educational Development scoring system is based on the number of points an examinee earns in each test section rather than on the total number of points he/she answered correctly. Each test section is composed of questions that have a unique point value. In other words, the GED测试 不仅仅是获得及格或不及格分数。由于分数分为四类,这只是意味着每个部分代表不同的结果。例如,您可能通过了数学推理部分,但未通过社会研究。
结果出来后,将四个类别的总分相加并转换为标准分数,范围从 100 到 200。您的百分位排名将决定您是否通过。为了让您更好地了解您的标准分数的含义,我们在下面概述了一些信息供您参考。
GED 低于及格分数范围:100-144
If your total score for the four GED test sections falls around 100-144, you cannot pass the GED. This is regardless of what your GED成绩 在其他科目上。例如,您可能在数学上取得了高分,但如果您在其他科目上的成绩不及格,那肯定会影响您在 GED 考试中的总分。
GED 低于及格分数范围:145-164
获得 145-164 的分数意味着您成功通过了 GED测试.这也意味着您将能够获得 GED 高中同等学历,因为您在整个测试过程中展示了高中知识和技能。
GED 大学就绪分数范围:165-174
If you’re planning to go to college once you pass the GED test, this score range should be your goal. A score of 165-174 will grant you a higher result—GED College Ready. Being able to attain such scores indicate that you have successfully exhibited college readiness. This will help colleges admit you without any problem.
GED College Ready + Credits 分数范围:174-200
如果您决定上大学,最高分会给您带来更多优势。获得 174-200 之间的分数表明您拥有大学第一年所教授的更高水平的知识和技能。一些学院和大学为能够达到这个分数范围的考生提供学分。换句话说,您将被允许跳过所选大学课程中的某些科目,这将节省您的时间和金钱。
重要提示: GED 考试的优点在于您不必同时参加所有四门科目,甚至不必同时通过所有科目。简单来说,你可以重修你失败的部分,而不必重修你通过的部分。此外,您每次尝试的分数将被汇总,以使您的总分数符合 GED 的要求。
GED Test Book PDF
One of the most important study materials for the GED exam is test books and practice tests. You can utilize our free GED 数学练习测试 if you need a GED Math PDF. Others look for a GED social studies book PDF to test their knowledge, which they may do with our GED social studies practice test. If you’re looking for a GED science book PDF, we have a free GED science practice test for you.
GED Questions and Answers
The General Educational Development Tests are a group of four subject tests that, if passed, prove that the candidate has US or Canadian level academic ability. This is an alternative to US high school diplomas, HiSET, and TASC tests.
Reach out to your local community college and state Department of Education for information on how to get a GED in your area. They will be able to tell you which tests are valid in your state and where you may take them.
The GED stands for General Education Diploma or General Educational Development Test.
With a GED, you can attend college. Almost every college and university accepts students who have earned a GED diploma or certificate (depending on your state).
It usually takes three months, but depending on how well you prepare for the exam, it could take less time.
The GED test is very time consuming and difficult. But if you prepare with good resources, GED is easy.
You can’t get GED online
A total of 46 questions make up the GED math exam. Among the several possibilities multiple-choice and drag-and-drop questions are common and fill-in-the-blank.
The overall cost of all four GED subtests varies depending on where you take the test, but it usually falls between $80-$150.
A GED diploma is the same as a high school diploma.
If money is an issue, there are resources available to assist. Local philanthropic organizations, workforce services, and other resources are available to you.
In order to get your GED in Texas, you must pass the four subtests that make up the GED exam or the five subtests that make up the HiSET exam.
A good GED score is at least 145 points per subject, or at least 580 points for the entire test (4 subjects). This score guarantees that you will pass the GED test and receive a GED Diploma from your home state.
A high school diploma certifies that a student has completed high school. A GED reflects knowledge of the most important aspects of the high school curriculum, but it is not equivalent to a high school diploma in terms of academic achievement.
Yes, To join the army with a GED, you need to complete basic training for recruits who only have a GED certificate.
Yes, you certainly can! There are numerous colleges to which you can apply. In fact, a GED is accepted by 98 percent of universities.
In order to obtain a GED in California, you must pass the GED exam’s four tests or the HiSET exam’s five examinations.
According to research released on the GED Testing Services website, the best method to study for the test is to concentrate on the areas that previous GED test-takers have found the most difficult (
You must be 18 years old and have a valid Florida ID to obtain GED certification in Florida. You must not be enrolled in an accredited high school and have never graduated or received a diploma.
Depending on the state where the certificate is issued, it has a different appearance. It might be anywhere between 5×7 inches and 8 1/2×11 inches in size. It comes in two colors: beige and white. The state seal, date of completion, recipient’s name, and signature of the state’s superintendent of education all appear on a GED.
Take a practice test, identify weaknesses, and continue studying until you have a solid knowledge base. All this knowledge will help you pass the exam
Mathematical reasoning, linguistic and artistic reasoning, social studies, and science are the four subjects that make up the GED® exam.
Only approved GED channels can get GED transcripts, diplomas, and certificates.
Students must be 17 years old or older to study for the GED, although a 16-year-old can apply for a GED age waiver and take the coursework and test.
A high school diploma or GED is commonly required for technical schools, also known as trade schools.
If you are over 18 years old, you can apply for the GED. If you are 17 or 16 years old, you may be able to apply for the test if you meet the additional requirements.
High school diplomas vary, but they are not always better than the GED. To pass the GED, you need to understand the same materials as the students taking the class to get a high school diploma.
Your GED subject exam results do not expire if you took the current edition (computer-based) of the test. Your test results only lose their validity after three years in New Mexico.
You get your high school diploma when you finish high school. The GED exam is designed for persons who have not completed high school. A GED is a high school diploma substitute. As a result, the short answer is no.
You can test each subject three times without having to wait. After the third attempt, you must wait 60 days until the end of the calendar year before making another attempt. You can test as many times as you want in a year.
You can put your GED on your resume just like a high school diploma.
The passing score for the GED is 145.
Enrolling at a community college or a trade school is a viable option for those without a high school diploma or a GED.
You can check your GED score on the GED website ( within a day of completing the exam.
It is impossible to pass the GED test without studying. Well, unless you’re a genius
There are several certifications that can be obtained without a GED. Many compensation professions do not require workers to have a GED. Below is a list of courses available at many community colleges that issue certificates after graduation.
Truck Driver
Training Robotic
Welding Fundamentals
Building Construction Technology
Specialized Welding
Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Technician
Industrial Electricity
Beginning Electricity and Refrigeration
Yes, you are allowed to use your own calculator on three sections of the exam.
You may not need to get a GED or high school degree to get a CDL license or certificate from your local community college, but in most states you need to take at least the eighth reading test. However, it is recommended that the community college hold it. GED or high school diploma.
People without a high school certificate or a GED are being hired as warehouse workers in Fort Worth, Texas.