AFOQT Practice Test 2025

什么是 AFOQT?

The Air Force Officer Qualifying Test 2025 (AFOQT) is a systemized test administered by the United States Air Force. This exam measures the test taker’s verbal and mathematical proficiency as well as his/her skills in specific areas necessary for potential Air Force career paths. 

该测试用作军官委任计划的录取过程的一部分,例如 空军预备役军官训练团 (AFROTC) 2025 or Officer Training School ROTC.

AFOQT 还用作飞行员、空战经理 (ABM) 培训和作战系统军官 (CSO) 的要求。此外,它也是飞行员候选人选择方法 (PCSM) 分数的一个组成部分。所有获得奖学金的学生以及专业官员课程 (POC) 的学生都需要它。


立即参加 AFOQT 模拟测试!


AFOQT测试 由美国空军的现任和潜在成员在全国范围内拍摄。在空军 ROTC 计划中,大二学生在大二结束后的夏季进行实地训练之前参加。

它通过大学的空军 ROTC 计划和军事入口处理设施的军事招募人员提供。希望参加考试的个人无需支付任何费用;但是,他们必须酌情通过招聘人员、ROTC 计划或指挥官做出安排。重新测试的规则取决于测试申请人希望使用分数的意图或项目,但一些 ROTC 项目需要一次测试,最近的分数计算在内。

AFOQT 测试结构和格式

AFOQT 是一项多项选择题测试,由 12 个子测试组成,共 550 个问题,分配时间将近 5 小时,包括 3 小时 36.5 分钟的测试时间和一个多小时的休息时间和测试管理时间。它是用铅笔拍摄的,并由机器评分。它由十二个 AFOQT 测试部分组成。

                    部分                问题数量                  规定时间


AFOQT 分数基于正确回答的问题数量。除了错失从更多正确答案中获得分数的机会外,没有对错误推测的惩罚。来自不同测试部分的分数用于衡量提交给考生和空军的累积分数。

AFOQT 综合分数在以下方面给出:



战斗系统官 (CSO)


空战经理 (ABM)










虽然没有固定的 AFOQT 及格分数,但申请人需要达到 AFOQT 最低分数才能成为一名官员。或者,所需的 AFOQT 考试成绩因应试者寻求入学的所需工作或课程而异。例如,希望成为一名军官的申请人可能能够以相当低的百分位分数(即仅超过少数其他测试员)做到这一点,而一名想成为飞行员的军官可能需要更高的总体成绩,尤其是在 Pilot Composite 区域。

全部 空军军官候选人 必须获得所需的最低空军 AFOQT 分数 15(口头综合)和 10(定量综合)。此外,有抱负的飞行员必须获得 25 分(飞行员综合)和 10 分(战斗系统军官综合)才有资格进行评估。

If you’ve already taken the AFOQT and seek to gain your AFOQT results, you may visit the Air Force Personnel Center site. Results are normally posted about 8-10 business days after your test date. You will need to enter your social security number, last name, and test center number to access your results.

AFOQT 测试注册

申请 AFOQT 有两种选择,下面将对这两种选择进行详细说明。

空军预备役军官训练团 (ROTC)

If you’re currently attending the Air Force ROTC program, you will be obliged to take the test when you start the Professional Officer Course. Scholarship applicants are also expected to sit for this test. You’re going to take the AFOQT in your second year in the Air Force ROTC.


If you’re not affiliated with the Air Force ROTC program, you can still register to take the AFOQT. You may need to visit the official site of the Air Force to find a recruiter in your area. You will be prompted to enter your zip code, together with the highest educational level you possess. You should then be able to access your nearest recruiter’s address, mobile number, and email address. The website also offers the chance to talk live with the Air Force Adviser. You will have to create an account to talk with one of them.

一旦您与您的招聘人员沟通,他或她将评估您是否符合 AFOQT 标准。如果是这种情况,您的招聘人员将帮助您报名参加测试。


AFOQT 准备和应试策略

与任何考试一样,AFOQT 考试准备对于您赢得下一次 AFOQT 考试的机会至关重要。为了有效地准备即将到来的 AFOQT 测试,您可以使用免费的 AFOQT 练习测试和专为 AFOQT 应试者设计的 AFOQT 在线学习指南。有很多 AFOQT 练习和 AFOQT 学习材料,例如 AFOQT 预备课程,您可以利用它们来发挥自己的优势。

除了最好的 AFOQT 学习指南 和电子版练习材料,我们在下面列出了一些技巧和策略,以帮助您学习一些可以在参加考试时使用的技巧:

提示 #1。预测答案。


提示 #2。阅读整个问题。


提示 #3。寻找错误的答案。


提示 #4。不要过度分析

Nervous exam-takers often over-analyze questions. When you’re anxious, your imagination sometimes runs wild, leading you to make connections and find hints that don’t really exist. When you believe this can be a concern for you, do what you can to slow down during the exam. Try to breathe deeply or count to 10. As you read and understand the issue, limit yourself to the specific words used by the author. You should avoid reading too much about a multiple-choice question or thinking that the author meant something other than what he or she had written.



The AFOQT exam is designed to identify who is most qualified to serve as an officer in the United States Air Force. The AFOQT exam assesses candidates’ ability and general potential for becoming Air Force officers. Studying for the AFOQT is the most effective approach to ensure exam success. AFOQT practice test PDF and pilot aptitude test questions and answers PDF are two useful study materials for acing the AFOQT exam. We provide an AFOQT 练习测试 以帮助申请人了解更多有关考试的信息。模拟考试为申请人提供了考试所涵盖科目的具体示例,以便更好地了解考试内容。


AFOQT 问题与解答

什么是好的 AFOQT 分数?

AFOQT 要求所有考生的口语和定量最低分数分别为 15 分和 10 分。对于有抱负的飞行员,需要至少 25 分的飞行员分数,至少需要 10 分的导航员分数,并且需要 50 分的飞行员-导航员综合分数。飞行员至少 10 分,领航员 25 分,飞行员和领航员的综合得分为 50 分,对于寻求担任战斗系统军官(以前称为领航员)职位的候选人来说是必需的。

AFOQT 有多难?

The AFOQT isn’t very hard, but it’s unlike most other examinations most people have taken. It’s more like an IQ test than the SATs, for example.

如何准备 AFOQT?

To guarantee that you have enough time to study, start early. Studying the AFOQT’s format is one of the most efficient strategies to prepare for the exam. Then, by taking practice tests, you may get a sense of how comfortable you are with the exam. You may use our AFOQT practice test to prepare for the exam. Concentrate on the areas where you struggled. Use study resources that include in-depth examinations of key test subjects. Make and stick to a study schedule.

如何阅读 AFOQT 分数?

空战经理、作战系统军官、情境判断、语言、学术能力、飞行员和定量分数是根据您在这 12 个测试组件中的表现计算的。在您的分数报告中,综合分数以百分比计算。该分数代表与您得分相同或更低的申请人的百分比。


两者都以不同的方式测试您的知识,但 AFOQT 更难,因为它是更专业的测试。

我如何找到我的 AFOQT 分数?

Within 8-10 days of completing the test, you can go to the Air Force Personnel Center website. You’ll get your results by entering your last name, social security number, and testing center number.


The AFOQT isn’t very difficult, but it’s unlike all other examinations most people have taken.

我的 AFOQT 分数意味着什么?


恢复 AFOQT 分数需要多长时间?

大多数候选人声称他们等待结果的时间从 3 天到 2 周不等。

您可以参加多少次 AFOQT?

AFOQT 只能参加两次,每次考试之间间隔 150 天。

AFOQT 有多长?

AFOQT 考试时间约为 5 小时,包括休息时间,回答问题的时间为 3 小时 36 分钟。

AFOQT 的有效期有多长?

AFOQT 的分数永不过期。

在哪里可以查看 AFOQT 分数?

To obtain your scores, go to the Air Force Personnel Center’s website or call 1-800-525-0102.

可以放弃 AFOQT 分数吗?

是的。您必须在 AFOQT 的 AA 部分获得 58 分,或者拥有 2.50 或以上的硕士学位才有资格获得豁免。

您可以在 AFOQT 上使用计算器吗?

不可以。在 AFOQT 考试中,您不得使用计算器。

学习 AFOQT 需要多长时间?

尝试每天学习 2 或 3 小时的片段,并进行一到两个子测试。这将使您更有效地专注于主题并防止您的思想变得疲惫。


您当地的教育办公室将为入伍候选人安排考试,您的招聘人员将在军事入口处理站或 MEPS 为平民安排考试。

如何服用 AFOQT?

You will be required to take the test when you join the Professional Officer Course if you are currently enrolled in an Air Force ROTC program. You will take the AFOQT during your second year of Air Force ROTC, but you can still register if you are not enrolled in an Air Force ROTC program. To find a recruiter in your area, you’ll need to go to the official Air Force website. In order to communicate with one, you will need to make a profile. Once you’ve made contact with your recruiter, he or she will assess whether you’re eligible to take the AFOQT.

AFOQT 代表什么?

AFOQT 代表空军军官资格考试。

什么是好的 AFOQT Pilot 分数?

有抱负的飞行员申请人需要至少 25 分的飞行员综合分数。

你什么时候参加 AFOQT?

AFOQT 通常由空军学院的 AFROTC 学生和学员分别在大二和大三期间参加。

我在哪里可以参加 AFOQT?

在您附近的军事入口处理 (MEP) 站点获取 AFOQT。 AFOQT 测试中心通常位于每个州的几个地方。如果您通过空军网站联系他或她,您的招聘人员将带您前往最近的 AFOQT 测试中心。

如何通过 AFOQT?

Take the practice test to help you prioritize your topics and subject areas as you plan your study schedule. Then you may focus on the subtests that require improvement. Have a time management system in place to ensure that you have enough time to complete your study and develop a strategy. You may play to your strengths and leverage them. It’s time to take another practice exam once you’ve completed one whole study cycle. You will achieve success if you continue to study in this manner.