Learn To Code With Online Coding Lessons 2025
Whether you’re just starting out and want to learn to code, or you’re an experienced programmer looking for a new skill, you can get great coding lessons online. There are a wide variety of coding courses out there, so you’re bound to find something that suits your interests. There are lessons for beginners, as well as for kids. You can even take a coding course for free.
- 确定学习编码的动机。
- 确定您最初希望掌握的编程语言。
- 在线上课。
- 查看教学视频。
- 阅读平装书和电子书。
- 利用只是学习编码的技术。
- Examine other people’s coding styles.
- 完成编码作业。
- 寻找社区和导师。
- 考虑参加编码训练营。
- Decide to work with a private programming coach through Udacity. Udacity can be the appropriate website for you if you’re not confident about launching online programming training without supervision or support. A personal coach will be assigned to you to work with online. The coach will assist you through the guided programming classes on the website. However, Udacity does require a fee; their services are not free.
- Choose Udemy if you want access to various courses. More than 55,000 courses are available on the website, most focusing on coding and programming-related topics. Although many of the courses cost money to take, they are taught by professionals in the industry. Udemy also provides a large number of free introductory and beginner-level courses. Choose Udemy if you want a website with lots of specialized courses. Additionally, keep an eye out for Udemy’s regular sales. Although the courses are initially reasonably priced (beginning at USD 10), sales can reduce their cost by 50–85%.
- If you want to work in a language other than English, pick Code Avengers. In addition to English, Code Avengers teaches programming in Russian, Dutch, Spanish, Turkish, Italian, and Portuguese. The company is situated in New Zealand. The site’s main instructional topics are common coding languages, including Python, JavaScript, and HTML + CSS. You can take classes at no cost during the site’s free trial period. For young programmers aged 5 to 16, Code Avengers also provides classes.
- CODECADEMY 是一个名为 Codecademy(opens in a new tab) 的在线学习平台,提供各种编程语言的免费编码课程,包括 Python、Java、JavaScript、Ruby、SQL、C++、HTML 和 CSS。
- FREECODECAMP 是一个非盈利组织,freeCodeCamp(opens in a new tab) 在响应式网页设计、数据可视化、机器学习等方面提供免费的在线编码培训和认证。有将近 30,000 小时的免费内容,所以请浏览论坛和课程。
- KHAN ACADEMY 是一个名为 Khan Academy(opens in a new tab) 的非营利性教育平台,致力于提供免费的在线学习资源。这也涵盖了广泛的编码课程。
- WEB FOUNDATIONS 是 Google 的一项名为 Web Fundamentals(opens in a new tab) 的项目,旨在通过免费、开源的在线教程和课程对公众进行编码方面的教育。
- W3SCHOOLS 是一个以 Web 开发和编码为重点的免费在线学习平台 w3schools(opens in a new tab)。在我们列表中的资源中,这个资源存在时间最长,因此您可以确定它们会教您如何编码。
- UDACITY is an online coding school called Udacity(opens in a new tab) offers free and paid courses; about 200 of its coding classes, or “nanodegrees,” are free.
- TUTS+ 有超过 20,000 个免费教程,可以在在线教程集合 Tuts+(在新选项卡中打开)中找到(其中有数千个专门用于编码和技术主题)。免费课程主题包括如何使用 Laravel 和现代 JavaScript 基础知识创建 CMS。
- THE ODIN PROJECTis a free, open-source curriculum is available from The Odin Project’s coding site (opens in a new tab). An excellent choice for anyone seeking online coding instruction. Along with an introduction to frameworks, The Odin Project offers full-stack JavaScript and Ruby courses.
- BENTO 是一个名为 Bento(opens in a new tab) 的网站,它从互联网上收集免费的编码课程,并将它们组织成一个全面的课程。 Bento 为对数据科学感兴趣的人提供有关 JavaScript、Python、Git 和数据库的免费课程。
- BITDEGREE 是一个名为 BitDegree(opens in a new tab) 的在线学习平台,除了提供一般商业、区块链和设计课程外,还提供免费和付费的编码课程。
- Code Avengers 提供免费和付费编码课程。
- SOLOLEARN. A mobile and online learning platform called SoloLearn offers 13 distinct programming disciplines’ worth of free online coding courses.
- SCOTCH Scotch(在新选项卡中打开)为寻求 JavaScript 和相关框架介绍的初学者提供免费的 React、JavaScript 和 Vue 培训。
- 最好的免费编码是 Codecademy
- 树屋最适合整体编码
- GameMaker Studio 2 是未来游戏开发者的最佳软件
- 最好的免费学术学习平台是可汗学院
- Code Avengers:学生和教师的理想选择
- 免费代码营:最适合校友支持和免费课程
- 最好的 LinkedIn 商业技能学习。
- SitePoint 是廉价编码的首选
- CodeHS – The Best for Curriculum Integration in Schools
- Start a blog or website. Creating your own website or blog is one way to earn money using coding. You can accomplish this in one of two ways: either by using your coding talents to build a website from the ground up or by using WordPress to develop a website that looks professional without having to start from scratch. I’d suggest using WordPress if you’re not a web programmer. You can post coding-related articles to your blog, and you’ll start making money as more people visit your site. Once your website is up and running, you can begin making money off your code content in various ways. This is exactly how I got my blog, AnyInstructor.com, off the ground. As I learned how to code for myself, I wanted to share my knowledge with others. Thus I established this blog. Check out Justjooz.com for another example of a blog created by a different programmer. Here are a few examples of how to make money off your blog: Including a link for affiliate marketing on your website. Put advertising on your blog to earn money from them. Direct sales of informational goods and services from your website. Either writing paid pieces or selling advertising space. Selling your own coding lessons online. You should start with a basic web hosting company like BlueHost if you want to create a blog about coding and learning how to code.
- 尝试自由职业 以自由职业者的身份工作是另一种利用您的编码能力在线赚钱的方式。您可以在各种网站上找到编码工作,包括 Upwork、Fiverr 和 PeoplePerHour。您可以在这些自由平台上获得工作,因为有很多人需要各种计算机语言的编码帮助。此外,Toptal 和 Hired 等网站允许您搜索特定的工作类别。如果你为自己工作,你就是你的老板。这意味着您可以决定您希望工作多少或多少并设定您的定价。在做自己喜欢的事情的同时利用您的技能赚钱的一个绝妙方法是选择您想要从事的项目,您可以经常完成这些项目。
- Find a full-time job as a developer. You can also hunt for full-time employment in software or web development if you’re looking for a more steady income. The benefits of working as a developer full-time include a reliable source of income and the opportunity to gain valuable experience. Additionally, many businesses provide fantastic advantages like 401k programs and health insurance. I would advise you to apply for entry-level positions at small businesses if you are starting. The rationale for this is that since the team size is typically smaller, you will have a better chance of being employed, and you will be able to learn a lot more. You can also look through job listings on websites like LinkedIn and AngelList. You can look for internships or apprenticeships in addition to full-time employment. These can be a terrific way to develop your professional network and get experience. On job boards like Indeed or Dice, you can search for these positions or browse for particular businesses hiring coders. Check out the next two points if you’re an experienced programmer looking for improved ways to profit from your vast programming knowledge.
- Work as a teaching or mentoring assistant. You can also search for mentorship opportunities to aid your education and professional growth while assisting less experienced programmers. Online mentoring programs abound, including Codementor and Thinkful. Additionally, you might hunt for local coding meetups or boot camps that offer opportunities for in-person mentoring. You need to have much coding knowledge and the ability to instruct others well if you want to be a mentor. You can explore opportunities to work as a teaching assistant in addition to mentoring. This may entail assisting in coding seminars or classes. These chances are frequently accessible through online directories or by contacting nearby boot camps directly. Being a mentor or teaching assistant can be a fantastic opportunity to support the coding community and further your education. It can also be a terrific method to supplement your income. Most mentoring programs offer hourly income, allowing you to decide how many hours you wish to work each week. Positions as teaching assistants may be hourly or include a stipend. In addition to getting compensated, you frequently also have free access to the workshops or courses you’re helping out with. This can be useful for picking up new coding abilities and advancing your knowledge.
- Create a Custom App You can also create your app to earn a lot of money. This fantastic approach to marketing your programming abilities and establishing a passive income source. An app can be created in various ways, including by utilizing services like Appy Pie or BuildFire. A programming language like Java or Swift can also create your app from scratch. It’s crucial to pick a concept you’re enthusiastic about if you want to build an app because it might be a terrific method to earn money. It’s crucial to remember that creating a great app requires a lot of time and effort. After developing your software, you can publish it on Google Play or the App Store to begin earning money. Additionally, there are several ways to make money from your app, like charging for downloads, allowing in-app purchases, and running advertisements. You can experiment with web app coding and creating a mobile app to earn money online. Similar to mobile applications, web apps are accessed using a web browser instead of a mobile device. Languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be used to code web applications. You can sell your web app directly or give it away for free with in-app purchases or advertisements if you want to make money creating web apps. You can also decide to give out your web application to businesses in exchange for a monthly subscription price. If you have useful and well-coded web software, this can be a terrific way to earn money.
- Take part in coding contests. Participating in coding competitions is another option to earn money while coding. These contests, which frequently give financial awards or employment chances, are organized by tech businesses or other organizations. Coding contests are a fantastic way to show off your abilities and even score a job or contract. A specific programming language may be required for some events, while others may be more open-ended. Make sure you properly read the guidelines before entering a coding contest. Ensure you’re eligible before entering a competition because some may have age or experience requirements. On websites like Topcoder, CodeChef, and HackerRank, you can discover competitions for programmers. You may develop your abilities by participating in these events, and it can also be a fantastic opportunity to earn extra money or even obtain a job.
- 发布视频编码的 YouTube 教程。制作用于编码的 YouTube 视频教程是通过编码赚钱的最终选择。建立你的品牌,展示你的能力,赚更多的钱都可以通过这个来完成。您必须首先设置 YouTube 频道并上传您的第一个视频。您可以在编码时录制自己或使用屏幕录制工具制作视频。一旦你有了一些视频,你就可以开始推广你的 YouTube 频道并扩大你的观众群。利用 YouTube 合作伙伴计划或投放广告是通过视频获利的其他方式。在帮助他人学习和发展编程技能的同时通过编码赚钱的一种绝妙方法是制作视频教程。请注意,随着频道的发展,使用这种在线编码方法赚钱需要耐心等待,然后才能赚到大笔钱。但如果你做对了,你可以使用 YouTube 产生定期的被动收入。
- Udemy’s Comprehensive Digital Marketing Course
- Alison’s PHP for Beginners.
- Python:完整参考
- Udemy’s Programming Course.
- edX 为所有人提供的数据分析基础知识。
- Alison’s Fundamentals of Computers & Code in iOS.
- Khan Academy’s Introduction to JS: Drawing & Animation
- 熨斗学校。
- 野生代码学校。
- 编码道场。
- WBS 编码学校。
- 大会。
- 跳板。
- 优达学城。
- 阿尔塔学院。
是的,编码训练营可以帮助安排工作。根据 CIRR 的数据,超过 70% 编码训练营的毕业生在 180 天内找到了科技行业的工作。通过训练营和群组,适用不同的就业率和毕业率。
在线学习 Java 编码的最佳场所之一是 Codewars。编码员可以在 Codewars 网站上解决各种编码难题。 Codewars 社区成员提交并编辑这些挑战。
- Dataquest.io 提供各种免费的交互式教程、交互式课程、项目想法和练习题。
- 交互式练习站点 HackerRank 非常棒。
- 娱乐练习平台 CodingGame 支持 Python。
- You must have at least a basic understanding of a programming language. Spend some time learning the foundations of a programming language if you have no prior experience. If you are familiar with the fundamentals, you can instruct those with no difficulty. You should now go sign up for a tutoring website online. There are numerous internet venues where you can instruct programming. Some tutoring platforms I’m familiar with include TeacherOn, Wyzant, Takeslessons, etc.
- 你的下一个任务是追踪一个急需帮助的人。有些人在编程作业、课程等方面寻求帮助。在提供在线辅导的网站上,有很多学生。您必须在在线求职板上搜索辅导职位并提交申请。填写适合您兴趣的职位空缺申请。申请更多机会将使您出现在更多潜在客户面前,从而增加您获得客户的可能性。
- After receiving a client’s response, you must assess the issue and conduct further study. Find a resolution to his issue and suggest it.
- You must take care of the financial situation before teaching. Do not instruct the client to send payment after completing the course. That is a poor tactic. Before you begin the sessions, request payment from the client. To ensure that both you and the customer are committed to the classes, you can request an advance payment of a specific proportion of the whole sum. Make sure the client signs an NDA form or some other type of agreement if you don’t want to request an advance payment, so they are bound by law to pay you.
- You can take on a client even if you don’t fully understand how to address their issue. But you should set aside some time to study and conduct research. Before the session, learn about all the technologies and tools required to solve their problem. This is quite significant. You don’t want to be unprepared for the tutoring session. Keep a notebook where you may jot down the necessities.
- Arrange a video conference or a face-to-face meeting if you can. I tutor students over Skype, and it’s extremely simple. To share your screen, all you have to do is have a video conference. The code can be done on a computer, which you can demonstrate to the client while instructing. You can also permit the customer to share his screen and perform any necessary code. Make sure you are skilled with the tools before beginning. It would be enough to have a laptop with Skype, an Internet connection, and an IDE for coding.
- 如果您在前几门课程中做得很好,那么客户很有可能有兴趣向您学习更多知识。因此,您必须牢记这一点。
- Ensure you get the client’s feedback after the sessions. You can create a website to submit comments or do it any other way you wish. You’ll benefit greatly as a tutor from feedback. You may take constructive criticism well and use it to become a better person.
- Examine tutorials on YouTube Watching a YouTube instructional is a simple first step towards learning HTML. You can watch a video crash course on HTML if you’re a beginner. The HTML Tutorial for Beginners video is one of many helpful coding videos on the Programming with Mosh channel.
- 注册在线 HTML 课程。 YouTube 对于初学者来说可能是一个了不起的地方,但它可能没有涵盖所有必要的材料。因此,请考虑参加 HTML 课程。
- 有些人喜欢体验式学习。当您对 HTML 的基础知识感到满意时,您可以开始在安全的环境中练习它们。测试新编码能力的最佳场所之一是 CodePen。此环境可用于构建 HTML、CSS 或 JavaScript 程序。您可以注册很多免费的在线课程。例如,Codecademy 上的学习 HTML 课程涵盖了语义 HTML、表格、表单以及 HTML 元素和结构。
Understanding the various code platforms is crucial. Since most coding IDEs are very similar, practising in any of them will give you a thorough understanding of the procedure. Start honing your skills with data structures and algorithms from well-known websites and look over Amazon’s prior interview questions.
Whether you’re new to 编码 或者想提高您的技能,有很多免费的在线编码课程可以帮助您。这些课程还可以为您创建网站、应用程序和在线业务打下坚实的基础。
您可以学习 HTML 和 CSS,这是网页编码人员的两种基本工具。您可以使用这些来创建引人注目的数字网站或应用程序。您还可以学习如何构建可在移动设备上运行的网站。
Codecademy 是一所免费的在线编码学校,为初学者提供各种课程和挑战。您可以完成编码练习和测验,也可以构建自己的游戏。它提供范围广泛的编程语言和项目,包括 JavaScript、HTML 和 CSS。对于想要学习一门语言的初学者来说,这是一个不错的选择。
The Odin Project is a free, full-stack coding curriculum that is constantly updated. The site’s moderators are highly knowledgeable and helpful, and the community helps members grow. The courses are mentor-led, project-based, and project-focused. They are designed to make tech more accessible for everyone.
Whether you’re looking to get your child interested in coding or just want to boost their technical skills, an online coding lesson can help. Kids who take weekly coding lessons learn a lot over a few months. The best part is, there are many different classes to choose from.
A good coding class should offer quality instruction. Ideally, the instructor should have a background in coding, engineering, or another related field. They should also provide enough support for the student’s learning.
While it isn’t easy to determine which is the best option for your child, there are a few things to look for in an online coding class. First, check out the curriculum. While there are no hard and fast rules, the most obvious choice for a child would be a block-based coding language. This kind of coding is easy for beginners and makes the process of making interactive features and animations simpler.
Whether you are looking to take your child’s coding skills to the next level or want to brush up on your own, an online coding class is an excellent option. These courses offer various curriculums that can be customized to suit individual needs and learning styles.
这些课程涵盖一系列技能,从编码到编程再到 游戏设计.有些是直播的,有些是录制的。有些甚至可以随时查看。这可以让您的孩子在开始上课之前做好准备。
In addition to coding, these classes teach kids how to build games, interact with computer users, and solve math problems. This is an important skill to have in today’s digital age. These lessons also introduce children to a variety of concepts such as variables, looping, and iteration.
Whether you want to create apps for friends, or improve your career prospects, coding is an essential skill for today’s digital world. Taking online coding lessons can help you master the basics. These courses cover hundreds of technologies and offer introductory computer science principles. Using the best coding lessons for beginners online can teach you how to build apps, websites, and even upgrade server farms.
You can choose to learn from a variety of institutions. Some offer free coding classes, while others charge. You’ll want to find a course that offers real-world problem-solving opportunities. Generally, the best online coding courses are affordable and cover a range of topics. These include the latest Cisco product, upgrading your server farm, and more.
Tuts+ 是一个以编码为主题的教程库,包含数以千计的视频。涵盖的一些主题包括网页设计、HTML、CSS 等。还有各种关于其他技术主题的免费教程。
CS First 课程是一门免费的入门课程,涵盖了以下方面的基本概念: 计算机科学. It’s designed for students nine to fourteen years old. The class also includes a variety of activities to get students interested in coding.
在线 HTML 编码课程
在线学习 HTML 编码课程是学习新技能和改进网站设计的好方法。这些课程可以随时随地学习。它们分为短期课程,包括动手项目。该课程还得到密歇根大学的支持,并提供结业证书。
除了大量免费的在线 HTML 编码课程外,您还可以参加付费课程。这些课程通常由各自领域的专家教授。您可能无法一下子掌握所有内容,但您将能够为开发网站打下坚实的基础。
“Getting started with the Web” is an online course authored by Microsoft. This is an introduction to web design that doesn’t require any special software. It will cover a variety of topics, including HTML, CSS3, and JavaScript. There is no set pace or deadline, but there are some assignments that you can complete to test your newfound knowledge.
HTML5 课程是磨练编码技能的好方法。它介绍了最新版本的 HTML,并包括对 CSS3 的介绍。这是成为成熟的 Web 开发人员的重要的第一步。
在线 Java 编码课程
参加 Java 编码课程可以帮助您提升您的编程职业生涯。您可以学习 Java 的基本语言、最佳实践和其他技术方面的知识。您还可以使用该语言开发自己的软件和移动应用程序。
有几个免费的在线 Java 课程可供使用。然而,最新和最全面的课程是由 Udemy 提供的。该课程是免费的,涵盖了该语言的所有基础知识。讲师使学习体验变得有趣和有趣。还可以终生访问所有章节。该教程包括推荐的书籍和测试以检查您的进度。
Java 编码课程的另一个很好的资源是 W3Resource。该网站提供了大量的代码示例库、实现概念的示例以及许多其他有用的资源。该站点提供了大量各种语言的 Java 编码课程视频。
Udemy 为初学者提供 Java 编码课程。它教您 Java 的基础知识以及如何使用 JShell 创建应用程序。它包括以下基础知识 数据结构、变量和 Java 中的运算符。
参加免费的在线游戏编码课程是学习编程基础知识和培养解决问题能力的好方法 批判性思维能力.此外,游戏本身是一种有趣且具有教育意义的方式,可以用来练习编码技巧和了解游戏。
Scratch 编码游戏是最受欢迎的在线游戏课程免费编码之一。这是一款使用积木来教授编程基本概念的教学游戏。您可以在电脑或移动设备上玩这个游戏。本课程非常适合想要了解游戏开发的初学者和孩子。
另一个不错的选择是 Android LibGDX 游戏开发大师班。它教授 Java 编程和游戏开发的基础知识。您可以以旁听模式参加免费课程,也可以支付 $54 获得结业证书。您也可以在艾莉森商店购买证书。
对于那些对游戏设计感兴趣的人来说,CalArts MOOC 是一个不错的选择。该课程由拥有多年游戏教学和开发经验的 Theotime Vaillant 教授。您可以期望了解从游戏设计元素到实验动画的一切知识。
Python 和在线编码课程
Whether you are a beginner or experienced coder, there are plenty of options for Python and coding lessons online. You can choose from free or paid courses that will teach you the basics of Python and give you a solid foundation to build on. The great thing about these courses is that they’re available on demand, so you don’t have to worry about meeting deadlines or scheduling live sessions.
If you’re looking for a free course, you’ll be happy to know that edX offers several Python courses. They’re all self-paced and cover the basics of the language. However, if you’re more interested in advanced topics, you may want to check out the many paid courses that are available.
Complete Python Bootcamp 是最好的 Python 和编码在线课程之一。这是一门综合性课程,非常适合初学者和中级程序员。该课程包括 1300 多页的内容和实践练习,帮助您学习如何使用 Python。它还包括完整的编码截屏视频。