ServSafe Alcohol Primary and ServSafe Alcohol Advanced Practice Test
Which of the following is true about the purchase of alcohol?
All U.S. states require a person to be 21 years old in order to purchase alcohol. None of the other answer choices are true.
Which of the following is not considered a reliable sign of intoxication?
While a person’s actions as a result of his increased good humor may indicate intoxication, simply an improved mood is not, by itself, an indicator of intoxication. The other answer choices are reliable indicators of intoxication.
Which of the following is least likely to be an acceptable form of identification?
Driver’s licenses, state IDs, and passports are considered appropriate identification in most states, whereas birth certificates, school IDs, and voter registration cards are not.
Today is April 14, 2014. Which guest could you legally serve alcohol to?
Anyone born on or before February 14, 1993 would be 21 years old and would therefore be old enough to consume alcohol.
You are unsure if a guest’s ID is valid. Of the following, what is the BEST way to double check?
Asking the guest to tell you the address on the ID is a good way to check if they are trying to use a fake. Fake addresses, unlike last names, are difficult to memorize and recite on the spot, and hesitation may clue you in to a counterfeit. Eye color is too broad a trait to help distinguish if an ID is fake, and donor registration status may or may not be present on even genuine state IDs. And remember- if you sincerely doubt the validity of an ID and the guest’s stated age even after a double check, you always have the right to refuse to serve alcohol to a minor.
Carl is checking IDs at the door. Which of the following would alert him to a counterfeit ID?
Every state-issued ID has some type of information or marking on the back, including bar codes, magnetic stripes, donor information, and license restrictions. For added security, many states add a lighter “ghost” photo to the front that matches the original photo on the picture, and some add holograms or special images that can only be seen when the ID is held at an angle.
A fight has broken out. What is the first thing you should do?
A fight can quickly escalate to a situation where someone is injured or killed. Your first step should be to call the police as they are best equipped to handle these type of violent situations. Calling a manager for help and removing surrounding guests are also important actions to take, but should be done after the police are summoned. You should never try and break up a fight yourself.
A guest is visibly pregnant and asks for an alcoholic beverage. You must ____.
Based on gender discrimination laws, it is illegal to deny serving a pregnant woman an alcoholic beverage.
Which of the following would be considered one drink?
One drink is 5 ounces of wine (12% alcohol), a 12 ounce beer (4-5% alcohol), 1 ounce of 100 proof liquor, or 1.5 ounces of 80 proof liquor
A guest has become intoxicated and you have decided you should no longer serve him or her. Which statement would be the best way to convey this?
When you “cut someone off” at the bar, be empathetic and non-judgmental. Avoid making “you” statements and telling the customer why you have to cut them off from your perspective. When you decide to stop serving a guest, be firm and do not offer one more drink.
You must ask customers to see an ID in which situation(s)?
If you fail to check IDs at any of these times, you could be criminally liable for serving alcohol to a minor.
Special alert features on underage driver licenses may include all of these, except
Some states use a ghost image only on minor IDs or the image is placed on all IDs. All of the other answer choices are used by various states to indicate minor status.
All of these could be a sign of a fake ID, except ____.
Many states use this type of hologram to indicate validity of the ID. The other answer choices can be signs of a fake ID
Who can be sued if someone is injured by an intoxicated guest of a bar?
All three can be sued by virtue of “dram shop laws.”
A customer has consumed one drink per hour for the last 3 hours. Each drink contained 1.5 ounces of 100 proof alcohol. What is likely to be his condition now?
The customer is likely intoxicated and should not be driving a vehicle. The average body can metabolize one ounce of 100 proof alcohol per hour and he has consumed more than that since each drink contained 1.5 ounces.
“BAC” is the measure of alcohol in the:
“BAC” stands for Blood Alcohol Content
According to the attached descriptions of people and what they had to drink, who has consumed the most alcohol?
Nancy drank three “tall boy” 16 oz. beers.
Sam finished a 60 oz. pitcher of beer, by himself.
Joe drank four regular beers.
A “regular” beer is 12 oz. There are 5 of them contained in a 60 oz. pitcher, so Sam consumed the most alcohol. Joe and Nancy did drink the same amount, but it was less than the amount Sam drank.
An obviously intoxicated customer hands you a valid ID for admission to the bar. What should you do?
If you cannot talk the customer out of entering the bar, do not serve the person. Also, try to get the person to give you his or her car keys and help the person to find an alternate way home. Never try to physically keep a customer from moving anywhere.
In which of these cases can you continue to serve a customer?
If a person appears intoxicated, he or she may not be served, regardless of the presence of a designated driver.
What would be the best way to handle a situation where your manager tells you to serve an intoxicated guest “because he is a regular”?
You should always follow alcohol regulations as best you can. If you are ever in a situation that makes you uncomfortable, you should consult the owner or the personnel department.