Postal 473 Part B – Mailing Permit Application


If the customer wants to be contacted by Email, how would they indicate this on the form?

Correct! Wrong!

Check EMail in Box 7 and enter e-mail address in Box 4. This is the MOST correct answer since the customer needs to both identify that Emil is how they want to be contacted (Box 7) and provide an Email address (Box 4)

Which of the following is acceptable as a form of identification for Box 8a?

Correct! Wrong!

As noted in the directions at the top left of the form, birth certificate, credit cards, and social security cards are unacceptable as identification.

Which of the following are NOT acceptable forms of identification?

Correct! Wrong!

As indicated in the directions at the top left of the form, a birth certificate is not an accepted form of identification.

If the customer is mailing fresh produce, how should it be indicated on the form that the customer is mailing a perishable article?

Correct! Wrong!

Box 13 is where you indicated whether the customer is mailing anything “liquid, fragile, perishable, or potentially hazardous”

Where does the customer sign the form?

Correct! Wrong!

The customer (applicant) signs the form in Box 3.

If a company’s BRM (Business Reply Mail) Authorization was issued on 3/20/2008, where would the date be entered?

Correct! Wrong!

The Business Reply Mail (BRM) Authorization is detailed in Box 19. Box 19c is where you indicate the date that it was issued.

On 4/1/2007, a company’s Precanceled Stamp Authorization was canceled. Where is this date indicated?

Correct! Wrong!

The Precanceled Stamp Authorization is shown in Box 15 (not to be confused with the GOVERNMENT Precanceled Stamped ENVELOPE Authorization) shown in Box 16. Box 15d is where you indicate the date that an authorization is canceled.


Which of the following is a correct entry for Box 12?

Correct! Wrong!

Box 12 requires a phone number that includes an area code.

If the customer is requesting multiple return locations for their merchandise return service, how should this be indicated?

Correct! Wrong!

Box 24 is where you indicate single or multiple return locations for Merchandise Return Service.

The applicant is requesting a Company Permit Imprint authorization. Where would this be indicated?

Correct! Wrong!

The “Company Permit Imprint” box should be checked in Box 14a.

JGH Enterprises, LLC does business as Speedy Quick Print. Where should “Speedy Quick Print” be entered?

Correct! Wrong!

If a company does business under another name, the “dba” (does business as) name should be entered in Box 6.

If the customer will present Plant-verified Drop Shipment, where should this be indicated?

Correct! Wrong!

Box 10.

A company was issued a BRM authorization at the Johnson City, NY post office. Where should Johnson City, NY be entered?

Correct! Wrong!

The Post Office where the BRM (Business Reply Mail) was issued is entered in Box 19g.

A company was issued permit number ETS1409 for their Qualified Business Reply Mail. Where should ETS1409 be entered?

Correct! Wrong!

The QBRM (Qualified Business Reply Mail) is entered in Box 21b.


If the postal service needs to contact the company regarding mailing differences, etc., whom should they contact?

Correct! Wrong!

Box 11 (Contact Person) exists solely for the purpose of providing a person for the postal service to contact to discuss any questions regarding their services.

Which is NOT a correct entry for Box 5?

Correct! Wrong!

Box 5 calls for an address. Responses A, B, and D represent a ZIP code, Suite number, and street address. Box C is a phone number.

If the post office approves a sample of a pre-printed rate marking, where would this be indicated?

Correct! Wrong!

Rate Markings are identified in Box 17. Box 17e is where approved samples are indicated.

If the customer has applied previously for Merchandise Return Service (MRS), how should this be indicated?

Correct! Wrong!

Box 23 is where you indicate type of application (initial or reapplication) for Merchandise Return Service.