Postal 473 Part B – Customs Declaration
Where would you indicate that Commercial Sample are being sent?
Box 1 is where the category of items is declared.
Where would you indicate that a Gift is being sent?
Box 1 is where the category of items is declared.
Where would you indicate that Documents are being sent?
Box 1 is where the category of items is declared.
Which of the following would be a correct entry for Box 2?
18 Boxes of Chocolate. Box 2 requires both a quantity and a description.
Tim Thomas sends a package to Amy Armstrong. Whose name and address goes in Box 9?
Box 9 requires the Addressee’s name and address. Since the package is going TO Amy Armstrong, she is the addressee.
Dan DeLuca received a package from Julie Jones. Where does Julie Jones name and address go?
Julie Jones is the SENDER since Dan DeLuca received the package FROM her. The sender’s name and address goes in Box 5.
If the total weight is 18 lbs 6 oz., where would this be indicated?
The TOTAL weight goes in Box 7
Where would the dollar value of each item be indicated?
The value of each item in US $ is indicated in Box 4.
Which of the following is NOT an acceptable entry for Box 2?
Box 2 requires a quantity and description of individual items.
Dan McClary at 4375 Tremblay Drive, Lincoln, NE 68502 is sending commercial samples of 18 Product Catalogs, 24 Music CDs, and 12 Framed Pictures with a total weight of 14 lbs, 6 oz. and a total value of $319. The recipient is Sophia Tornabene at 13 Via S. Antonio, Sorrento, Italy 80067. Where should 80067 be entered?
80067 is part of the address of the addressee (Sophia Tornabene). The addressee’s name and address go in Box 9.
Dan McClary at 4375 Tremblay Drive, Lincoln, NE 68502 is sending commercial samples of 18 Product Catalogs, 24 Music CDs, and 12 Framed Pictures with a total weight of 14 lbs, 6 oz. and a total value of $319. The recipient is Sophia Tornabene at 13 Via S. Antonio, Sorrento, Italy 80067. Where should 14 lbs, 6 oz be entered?
14 lbs, 6 oz. is the total weight of the mailing and should be entered in the total weight column in Box 7.
Dan McClary at 4375 Tremblay Drive, Lincoln, NE 68502 is sending commercial samples of 18 Product Catalogs, 24 Music CDs, and 12 Framed Pictures with a total weight of 14 lbs, 6 oz. and a total value of $319. The recipient is Sophia Tornabene at 13 Via S. Antonio, Sorrento, Italy 80067. Where should Dan McClary sign the form?
The sender signs and dates both boxes since the post office keeps a copy of the form.
Dan McClary at 4375 Tremblay Drive, Lincoln, NE 68502 is sending commercial samples of 18 Product Catalogs, 24 Music CDs, and 12 Framed Pictures with a total weight of 14 lbs, 6 oz. and a total value of $319. The recipient is Sophia Tornabene at 13 Via S. Antonio, Sorrento, Italy 80067. Which category should be checked in Box 1?
The question states that Dan McClary is sending “commercial samples”.
Dan McClary at 4375 Tremblay Drive, Lincoln, NE 68502 is sending commercial samples of 18 Product Catalogs, 24 Music CDs, and 12 Framed Pictures with a total weight of 14 lbs, 6 oz. and a total value of $319. The recipient is Sophia Tornabene at 13 Via S. Antonio, Sorrento, Italy 80067. Where should Sophia Tornabene’s name be entered?
Sophia Tornabene is the recipient and her name would go in Box 9 (Addressee’s Name)
Dan McClary at 4375 Tremblay Drive, Lincoln, NE 68502 is sending commercial samples of 18 Product Catalogs, 24 Music CDs, and 12 Framed Pictures with a total weight of 14 lbs, 6 oz. and a total value of $319. The recipient is Sophia Tornabene at 13 Via S. Antonio, Sorrento, Italy 80067. Where would “18 Product Catalogs” be entered?
The quantity and description of items should be entered in Box 2.
Dan McClary at 4375 Tremblay Drive, Lincoln, NE 68502 is sending commercial samples of 18 Product Catalogs, 24 Music CDs, and 12 Framed Pictures with a total weight of 14 lbs, 6 oz. and a total value of $319. The recipient is Sophia Tornabene at 13 Via S. Antonio, Sorrento, Italy 80067. Where should $319 be entered?
The total value ($319) of items should be entered in Box 8.
Which box is a postal representative required to fill out?
The sender fills out the customs declaration form. A postal representative is not required to fill out any part of the form.
The sender is mailing 18 product catalogs weighing 1 lb, 24 Music CDs weighing 3 lbs, and 12 Framed Pictures weighing 10 lbs 4 oz. What would be the correct entry for Box 7?
Box 7 requires that the total weight be entered. Choices A-C are the individual items weight.