PARCC Reading Comprehension Practice Test story 5

25. Athens had _________ the other Greek city-states against the Persians.

Correct! Wrong!

25. B: "Interceded for" means intervened on behalf of, not refused help to (A), wanted to fight (C), given orders for all to fight (D), or defeated (E).

26. Darius took drastic steps to ________ the rebellious Athenians.

Correct! Wrong!

26. C: "Pacify" means to calm or make peaceful. It does not mean to make weaker (A), to destroy (B), or to irritate (D), i.e. annoy or provoke.

27. Their participation _________ to the Athenians.

Correct! Wrong!

27. B: "Ennobled" means gave honor to or made noble. It does not mean gave comfort (A) or solace, gave strength (C), i.e. fortified or reinforced, gave fear (D) or frightened, or gave hope (E) or encouraged.

28. The people of Delos did not want to ______ the conquest of Greece.

Correct! Wrong!

28. B: To "abet" means to enable, support, or encourage, usually in crime or doing something wrong. It does not mean to end (A), think about (C), or daydream about (D) something.

29. The Athenians were _________ by some soldiers who arrived from Plataea.

Correct! Wrong!

29. B: "Reinforced" means strengthened, not welcomed (A), held (C), or captured (D).