PARCC Advanced Reading Practice Questions Story 5

25. This game may help you with...

Correct! Wrong!

25. C: This game can help the players learn geography through naming geographical terms and names. This activity will not help players learn history (A), music (B), sports (D), or current events (E).

26. The person trying to answer needs...

Correct! Wrong!

26. D: The person answering needs to know geographical names and terms, and how to spell them. The game does give each player a time limit (A) of 10 seconds to answer. The game does not require players to know only geography (B). The game requires attending to, not ignoring (C) the last letters of words. While players need to know some spelling, with familiar place-names such as the examples given they need not be especially good spellers (E).

27. Before you choose your own word, think about how...

Correct! Wrong!

27. B: How the last word ends enables each player to think of a name/word starting with that letter. How the previous word starts (A) is immaterial, as is thinking about how smart you are (C). How long the last word is (D) does not matter. How the initial word is spelled (E) overall is irrelevant to subsequent players' word choices-except the second player, who must know the first word's final letter, but not the rest of the word's spelling.

28. The answer must be...

Correct! Wrong!

28. C: Proper geographical terms are the required answers. The passage never stipulates that answers must be in New York (A), within the United States (B), in the same region (D), or along a coast line (E).