PARCC Advanced Reading Practice Questions Story 3

10. The imposing black woman promised to keep the white man...

Correct! Wrong!

10. D: The second paragraph quotes Truth as saying, "I'll keep you scratching" in response to the white man's comparison of her speech to a flea's bite.

11. This incident occurred in the...

Correct! Wrong!

11. C: The third paragraph places this incident in the 1840s. According to the passage's information, Sojourner Truth was not yet born in the 1760s (A) or 1700s (E). It also states she died at age 86, so she was not still alive in the 1900s (B) or 1920s (D). (Note: Sojourner Truth lived 1797-1883. The passage does not give these specific years, but the wrong answers can be identified through the information it does give, described above.)

12. Sojourner Truth was raised in a damp cellar in...

Correct! Wrong!

12. A: The passage identifies upstate New York as where Sojourner Truth was raised (fourth paragraph). It never mentions Georgia (B), New Jersey (C), Idaho (D), or Maryland (E). It mentions her trekking from New England to Minnesota (sixth paragraph) preaching against slavery; and caring for homeless ex-slaves during the Civil War and forcing the city to integrate trolley cars in her old age, both in Washington, D.C.; but not growing up anywhere other than New York State.

13. Isabella lost both parents by the time she was...

Correct! Wrong!

13. D: The passage indicates fourth paragraph) that Isabella had lost both parents by the time she was 14 years old, not 27 (A), 2 (B), 7 (C), or 19 (E) years old.

14. When New York freed its slaves, Isabella had...

Correct! Wrong!

14. C: The fourth paragraph of the passage indicates that Isabella had married and had four children by the time New York freed its slaves in 1827. It does not indicate that she had problems (A), no children (B), an education (D), or three children (E) by that time.

15. Her change in name was inspired by...

Correct! Wrong!

15. B: The sixth paragraph indicates that Isabella, "inspired by religion," changed her name to Sojourner Truth in 1843. The previous (fifth) paragraph refers to her fighting spirit (A) as signified by her demanding her son's return, not as the inspiration for her name change. The passage does not indicate that she was inspired by her freedom (C), by officials (D), or by friends (E) to change her name.

16. She traveled from New England to...

Correct! Wrong!

16. C: The sixth paragraph describes Truth's traveling from New England to Minnesota, not Canada (A), California (B), Alaska (D), or Virginia (E).

17. She forced the city of Washington, D.C. to...

Correct! Wrong!

17. A: The passage reports that Truth forced the city of Washington, D.C. to integrate its trolley cars. She did not force the city to give land grants (B). She herself cared for ex-slaves (C) during the Civil War rather than forcing the city to do so. She did not force the city to provide food for ex-slaves (D) or to clean its trolley cars (E).

18. She preached against...

Correct! Wrong!

18. B: The sixth paragraph indicates that she preached against slavery, not against smoking (A), alcohol (C), hoodlums (D), or women having no rights (E).

19. Sojourner Truth died at...

Correct! Wrong!

19. D: The last paragraph of the passage informs that Sojourner Truth died at the age of 86, not at 48 (A), 72 (B), 63 (C), or 88 (E) years.