Web Development Practice Test
In HTML 5, which of the following HTML 4 attributes has been removed?
All the mentioned attributes are deprecated in HTML 5
In HTML 5, which of the following is not a new element?
frameset is usability concerns
In HTML 5, which of the following elements has been removed?
dir is rarely used, and provides similar functionality to unordered lists.
Date/time content is shown using which of the following attributes?
To provide both human and machine-friendly date/time content, the element support a
datetime attributre, which should be set to the previoulsy mentioned date format of
Which of the following elements is used to highlight content in the same way that a highlighter pen is used to highlight text in a book?
The mark tag defines marked text and is used to highlight parts of your text.
What else has to be done to make the Open Web Platform deliver on its promises?
W3C CEO Jeff Jaffe that "now that HTML 5 is done, W3C should do more to strengthen the
parts of the Open Web Platform that developers most urgently need for success.
The wav file format is not supported by which of the following browsers?
Internet Explorer not support wav and Ogg file format
Which of the following properties includes audio controls such as play, pause, and volume?
The control attributes is a boolean attribute. When present, it specifies that audio controls
should be displayed.
Which of the following procedures must empty the list of subpaths in order for the context to have zero subpaths once more?
The beginPath() method begins a path, or resets the current path.
Which of the following is not an input tag attribute type?
day is not defined in the pre-defined attribute list in input tag.
Which option allows a sanboxed iframe to run script from the same domain?
The sandbox attribute enables an extra set of restrictions for the content in the iframe.
When you refer to variables in other scopes, what does the interpreter do?
Normally when you reference variables in other scopes - at the global level, in other
namespaces, and so on - the interpreter needs to traverse the stack to get to the variable.
To hold value, why do you need to establish locally scoped variables?
The locally speed variable are created to cache the refrence to document.location.
After you've called StartTimeLogging(), what's the next step?
Once the startLogging() method is called, run the code to test.
How many different modes can the closure compiler be used in?
There are totally 2 modes in which the closure compiler can be run namely:
1. Simple mode
2. dvanced mode
What is the purpose of using simple mode?
In Simple mode it mostly performs like most other minifiers, removing whitepsce, line breaks,
and comments.
How efficient is the closure compiler?
The Closure Compiler reduces the size of your JavaScript and make them more efficient,
helping your application to load faster and reducing the bandwith needs.
One of JavaScript's most important features is which of the following?
One of the fundamental features of client-side JavaScript is that it is single-threaded:
a browser will never run two event handlers at the same time, and it will never trigger
a timer while an event handler is running.
For a new worker, which of the following is a global object?
The WorkerGlobeScope is the global object for an new worker, and it is what worker thread
lokks, like, on the inside, to itsel.
To disable only the fopen() and file() functions, which of the following statements should be used?
You can set disable_functins equal to a comma-delimited list of function names that you
want to disable.
What is the meaning of HTML?
D) Hyperlinks Text Mark Language
What is the symbol for a tag?
Correct Answer : B
The correct symbol that indicates a tag is angle brackets, e.g.
Which of the following is a real tag keyword?
The correct answer is Body
What is the correct line break tag?
tag inserts a single line break. The
tag is useful for writing addresses or poems. The
is an empty tag which means that it has no end tag. Note: Use the
tag to enter line breaks, not to add
space between paragraphs. The
tag also supports the Global Attributes in HTML.
What is the meaning of CSS?
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are two of the core technologies for building Web pages. HTML provides the
structure of the page, CSS the (visual and aural) layout, for a variety of devices.