Unreal Engine Practice Test
True or False: From the Project Browser's New Project tab, you can create a Blueprint or C++-based project.
Select yes or false to see if the above statement is correct.
The correct answer
Which of the following best represents the Directional Light Actor's properties?
Choose two right responses from the following list.
Please select 2 correct answers
The correct answer
Can be Rotated into any Direction
It has Uniform Direction
In Unreal Engine, which of the following Node-based Editors gives control and functions for creating the appropriate surface?
In Unreal Engine, materials are used for almost every visual aspect. Materials can be applied to models,
particles, and UI elements, among other things.
True or False: The HDRI background asset is a built-in plug-in that must first be activated before it can be used in the scene.
Select true or false to see if the above statement is correct.
The correct answer
Place the procedures for importing beginning content into the project in the correct order
1. add new
2. Starter Content
3. Add feature or Content Pack
4. Content Pack
5. Add to Project
The correct answer
Add New
Add Feature or Content Pack
Content Pack
Starter Content
Add to Project
Which Visual Effect Actor will you choose to give the scene a blue sky and a sun disc?
Light scattering in a planetary atmosphere is approximated by Atmospheric Fog. This can greatly improve
the realism of your outdoor levels.
True or False: The Skylight Light Actor is used to represent light that is reflected off the atmosphere.
Select true or false to see if the above statement is correct.
The correct answer
Select the Skylight actor's default HDRI texture asset, which brightens the area with a real-world daylight setting.
The correct answer
Epic Courtyard Daylight
To represent the light from a flashlight, which of the following Light Actors would you use?
Choose the correct answer from the options given.
The correct answer
While finalizing your project for export, which of the following Engine scalability settings would you choose?
Choose the correct answer from the options given.
The correct answer
To open a material editor, which of the following ways can be used?
Choose two right responses from the following list.
Please select 2 correct answers
The correct answer
By double-clicking on an Existing Material
By creating a New Material Asset
In the Level Viewport, which of the following display modes is available?
Choose two right responses from the following list.
The correct answer
True or False: Texturing your item is as simple as dragging and dropping material into the mesh.
Select true or false to see if the above statement is correct.
The correct answer
Which of the following best defines the material editor's usage of PBR?
Choose the correct answer from the options given.
Physically based rendering affects content creators inside of Unreal Engine
Which of the following visual effects is produced when the Particle System is used in the scene? Choose three answers from the options offered.
Please select 3 correct answers
The correct answer
To build a New Project in Unreal Engine 4, which of the following options gives you with default templates
such as Blank, Puzzle, First Person, or Flying?
Choose the correct answer from the options given.
The Game Mode object specifies the experience's rules, such as which pawn to use. To create a new AR project,
you must first set up the pawn so that you may interact with the environment when your app is running.
Which of the following options is most important for manipulating depth of field?
Choose two right responses from the following list.
Please select 2 correct answers
The correct answer
Focal Lenght
A Level Sequence is defined by which of the following?
Choose three right answers from the following list.
Please select 3 correct answers
The correct answer
It can only be created and edited inside the Sequence Editor
It is a container for cinematic scenes
Stores track and key frame data used for creating game cinematics
Which of the following Light actors would you use to represent the light from a light bulb or a fire?
The correct answer
Which of the following techniques is used to sharpen the area around the topic while blurring the remainder of the scene?
By adjusting the number and curvature of diaphragm blades, depth of field simulates the lens diaphragm
and allows you to aesthetically manage the shape of the Bokeh (out-of-focus areas).
True or False: The Cine Camera Actor has the same characteristics as a conventional Camera Actor.
Select true or false to see if the above statement is correct.
The correct answer
Which of the following lighting levels would you use when you're ready to export your project in production quality?
Choose the correct answer from the options given.
The correct answer
True or False: Enabling the light shaft option in the directional light is the only way to add God Ray effect to the picture. Select true or false to see if the above statement is correct.
The correct answer