Typescript Test 2


Is it possible to manage or install a typescript?

Correct! Wrong!

With the use of node and npm, TypeScript can be installed and managed (the Node.js package manager). To install TypeScript, make sure npm is installed correctly first, then run the command below, which will install TypeScript globally on the system. typescript $ npm install -g

What are the various TypeScript components?

Correct! Wrong!

In TypeScript, there are three main sorts of components to choose from: Syntax, keywords, and type annotations are all part of the language. TypeScript Compiler (tsc) This compiler (tsc) converts TypeScript instructions to JavaScript equivalents.

The TypeScript playground, Visual Studio, Vs Code, Sublime, and other editors use the _______ Service to provide an interactive TypeScript experience.

Correct! Wrong!

The interactive TypeScript experience in Visual Studio, VS Code, Sublime, the TypeScript playground, and other editors is powered by the TypeScript language service.

Which Object-Oriented Terms Does Typescript Support?

Correct! Wrong!

Object-oriented terminology are supported by TypeScript. Inheritance; Data Types; Member Functions; Modules; Classes; Interfaces; Inheritance; Data Types; Member Functions

What types of access modifiers does TypeScript support?

Correct! Wrong!

There are three types of access modifiers in TypeScript: public, private, and protected. Members (properties and methods) of TypeScript classes are public by default, so you don't have to precede them with the public keyword.

What are the drawbacks of using TypeScript?

Correct! Wrong!

Typescript has a dependency on type definition files if you want to use any existing JavaScript libraries, and TypeScript is just another way to write JavaScript. It does not address the issues with JavaScript. Another tool for learning

What are the different types of variable scopes in TypeScript?

Correct! Wrong!

Depending on how and where you define the Typescript variable, it can be in one of three scopes.

Global Scope
When you define a global variable outside of a function, class, or code block, it is added to the global scope. They can be used in any part of the application.
Function Scope
Function variables defined within a function/class, etc. are function scoped. They can be used at any time during the function. They can't be used outside of the function.
Local scope
Within a code block, local variables are declared. They're also referred to as block variables.


Which isn't the true with typescript.

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer:
It does support static data types

What are Typescript's built-in types?

Correct! Wrong!

The built-in types of Typescript are Number, String, Boolean, Void, Null, and Undefined.

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