TSI Test Practice Free 2025

TSI Test Prep

What is TSI?

The TSI, which also stands for the Texas Success Initiative 2025 is a test that assesses whether candidates are prepared for college-level studies in the areas of reading, writing, and mathematics. It is a state-legislated program that will help students be successful in college since it will decide the appropriate course work level for incoming college students.   

According to the TSI Assessments Program Manual, the TSI test is required by the state of Texas to be taken by its students. But, there are those who can choose not to take it because of the following TSI exemptions:

  • Candidate has met the minimum standards on SAT, ACT, and other tests for college readiness.
  • Candidate has completed college-level courses in English and Math.
  • Candidate has enrolled in a Level 1 certificate program, which is less than 43 semester credit hours.
  • Candidate doesn’t want a degree.
  • Candidate has been or is currently in the military.

Free TSI Practice Test Online

TSI Format

What is the exam structure of the TSI exam

The TSI Assessment is a computer-adaptive test. It means that depending on how the candidate responds, the level of difficulty for the questions will increase or decrease. Moreover, the test is not timed, although it usually takes approximately 4 hours to finish it. The candidates can take all of the time that they need when it comes to answering the questions. Their performance is also crucial since it will affect their student placements for college-level or remedial.

Furthermore, before candidates can take the assessment test, they must first complete a Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA) which usually lasts for at least 30 minutes. Candidates can find the specific details about it in their preferred colleges or universities. But, the activity often contains:

  • information explaining the significance of the TSI Assessment and how it works
  • practice questions and feedback
  • information explaining candidates’ college developmental education or high school options if they don’t meet the minimum standard passing score. 
  • Information regarding community and campus resources 

After finishing the PAA, the candidates can take the TSI Assessment, which covers three basic academic skills: Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. The assessments are also divided into three types: DE diagnostic tests, ABE diagnostic tests, and placement tests. 

TSI Reading Test

Content Areas

Number of Questions on Placement Test

Number of Questions on DE Diagnostic Test 

  • Main Idea and Supporting Details
  • Author’s Use of Language
  • Inferences in a Text or Texts
  • Literary Analysis

Approximately 24 questions

Approximately 40 to 48 questions

TSI Writing Test

Content Areas

Number of Questions on Placement Test

Number of Questions on DE Diagnostic Test 

  • Sentence Structure
  • Agreement
  • Sentence Logic
  • Essay Revision

Approximately 20 questions

Approximately 40 to 48 questions

TSI Mathematics Test

Content Areas

Number of Questions on Placement Test

Number of Questions on DE Diagnostic Test 

  • Elementary Algebra and Functions
  • Intermediate Algebra and Functions
  • Geometry and Measurement
  • Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability

Approximately 20 questions

Approximately 40 questions 

What does the TSI test consist of?

The TSI test in Reading is a multiple-choice type. There are 4 content areas:

  1. Literary Analysis – This will determine whether the candidate knows how to analyze and identify elements of literary works. 
  2. Main Idea and Supporting Details – This will determine whether the candidate knows how to identify and comprehend the main idea of a passage and its explicit textual information.
  3. Inferences in a Text or Texts – This will determine whether the candidate knows how to organize ideas by making connections between two passages and inferences in single passages. 
  4. Author’s Use of Language – This will determine whether the candidate knows how to analyze tone, rhetorical strategies, organization and author’s purpose, among others. 

The TSI test in Writing has two sections: multiple-choice and essay. For the multiple-choice section, there are 4 content areas:

  1. Essay Revision – This will determine whether the candidate is capable of providing organization, unity, and coherence. There must also be effective uses of evidence.
  2. Agreement – This will determine whether the candidate is capable of performing subject-verb and pronoun agreements. 
  3. Sentence Structure – This will determine whether the candidate has knowledge of run-on sentences, fragments, subordination, comma splices, etc.
  4. Sentence Logic – This will determine whether the candidate is capable of using logical transitions and correctly placing modifying clauses. 

For the essay section, the candidate must be able to write a persuasive essay, which must have approximately 300 to 600 words. The essay must have a main idea and supporting evidence. It must also follow the proper usage of English grammar. 

The TSI test in Mathematics is a multiple-choice type. It has 4 content areas:

  1. Elementary Algebra and Functions – This will determine whether the candidate has knowledge of algebraic equations and expressions, linear equations, and word problems.    
  2. Intermediate Algebra and Functions – This will determine whether the candidate has knowledge of equations involving radicals, roots, powers and quadratic and other polynomial expressions.
  3. Geometry and Measurement – This will determine whether the candidate has knowledge of three-dimensional measurements, plane geometry, etc.
  4. Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability – This will determine whether the candidate has knowledge of categorical and quantitative data interpretation, probabilistic reasoning, and statistical measures.

TSI Passing Scores

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has established that the following are the TSI Assessment passing scores:

  • Reading – 351 to 390
  • Mathematics – 350 to 390
  • Writing – Essay score of 5 or Essay score of 4 and 340 for the multiple-choice

TSI Study Guide PDF

Make sure you’re prepared for the TSI test before taking it. If you’re looking for TSI practice test PDF or TSI practice PDF, you’ve come to the right place. Take our TSI practice test, which we suggest.

If you need to brush up on your math skills. We propose taking TSI math practice test if you are looking for TSI math practice test PDF, TSI math practice book PDF, or TSI math practice PDF. If you’re looking for TSI reading practice PDF, TSI reading practice test PDF, or TSI English practice test PDF, you’ve come to the right place. To evaluate your knowledge, we recommend taking the TSI reading practice test.

TSI Questions and Answers

Texas Success Initiative (TSI) is to see if you’re ready for college-level reading, writing, and math.

The TSI placement test has around 20 questions, while the DE diagnostic test has about 10 questions in each part.

The test takes 3–5 hours on average to finish all sections.

A student must have a firm knowledge of mathematical functions, fundamental operations, rational and exponential expressions, and mathematical equations in order to do well on the math section.

No. Calculators aren’t permitted. Furthermore, no study materials or other reference materials are permitted to be used during the examination.

Students who meet qualifying standards on the SAT, ACT, or STAAR test, students who have earned an associate or baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited post-secondary institution, students who transfer from a regionally accredited college or university with a grade of C, or students who have been honorably discharged, retired, or released from active duty in the armed forces may be eligible for an exemption.

You may take the test at a community college in Texas.

The TSI test might be challenging and difficult to cope with if you are not well prepared.

There are 20 questions in the mathematics section of the TSI test.

If your score falls between 350 to 390, you’re considered college-ready.

The purpose of the TSI is to see if you’re ready for college-level reading, writing, and arithmetic. You may use your success in these areas to help you finish your college degree or certificate program.

To pass, you’ll need a 351 on the scale, which indicates you may safely skip 1–3 questions.

After the test, the Testing Center usually gives the student a printed copy of the results.

Review your study materials and take practice tests to see if there are any areas where you need to brush up on your knowledge.

No. There is no time limit for the TSI Assessment.

The essay part has a score range of 1 to 8, with 8 being the highest.

If you want TSI Assessment scores sent to another Texas public college or university, that institution can use the Cross-Institutional Score Reports option in the TSIA/Accuplacer system to access TSIA scores taken at Texas State (or any other school or testing site).

The TSI math test questions vary in difficulty depending on the test taker. Because the TSI is a computer-adaptive exam, if the test taker answers the question correctly, the next question will be more challenging.

Transworld Systems, or TSI, is a debt collection service that receives a lot of debt harassment complaints from consumers.

On both intermediate and basic levels, the test covers data analysis, geometry, and algebra.

Visit www.accuplacer.org. Choose “Student Information.” To find your Test Results, go to “Your ACCUPLACER Score Report” and fill out the “Your ACCUPLACER Score Report” form.

Passing TSI Reading scores vary from 351 to 390, therefore we only want to get one to three questions incorrect.

Yes. Examity, a remote proctoring service, offers the TSI Assessment Test online for students who are unable to test on campus because to COVID-19, live out of state, or live in another country. A virtual testing platform is used to provide online testing.

The TSI Test costs $29.00, which is paid at the time of testing to the testing facility.

Math, Reading, and Writing make up the three parts of the TSI Test. There are multiple choice questions in each subject, however the Writing component also contains an essay question.

To pass the TSI Essay, you must realize that it does not require any outside knowledge, that you will not be graded on your viewpoint, that you should keep the introduction and conclusion short, and that you should employ transition words.

TSI is a tool that can assist your institution or university assess if you’re ready for college-level reading, writing, and math courses.

A 950 or an ABE diagnostic level of 6 is required to pass the Math TSI.

If you did not get a copy of your test results, you may get them by filling out the TSI Score Search Request and selecting “email me my scores” as an option.

Yes. Unless you are exempt or complete, all new students must take the TSI test before enrolling in classes.

The TSI test is valid for five years from the date of the exam.

In most situations, TSI scores from a successfully completed test appointment will appear in your TCC student record within one business day.

There are 24 multiple choice questions in the TSI Reading section.

ELAR (Reading and Writing) has CRC 945 or greater AND Essay 5 or greater OR CRC below 945 AND EFLD = 5 or 6 AND Essay 5 or greater. Math has a CRC of 950 or higher OR a CRC of less than 950 AND an EFLD of 6 TSI. Reading ranges from 351 to 390 .

A minimum score of 340 on the multiple-choice part and a score of 5 on the essay section.

You must bring your actual government-issued ID, such as a driver’s license, passport, military ID, or high school ID, to the test center whether you are testing in a testing center or online.

Yes. Any institution, college, or testing facility that administers the TSI Assessment can take it.

Yes. You must have a computer with a microphone and a webcam to allow the online proctor to supervise you while you take the exam, as well as a $25 fee.

Yes. You must take the TSI test if you are an incoming college student in Texas.

In the multiple-choice section, math scores range from 350 to 390.

A multiple-choice section of the Writing section has 20 questions.

To pass, you’ll need a score of 351 on a scale of 1–3, which means you may comfortably skip 1–3 questions.

You may have as many as you want. There is no limit to how many times you may take the TSI Assessment.

To sign up, you’ll need a student ID number, and you’ll also need to complete the mandatory Pre-Assessment Activity before the payment to take the exam.

Many students believe that the TSI is not difficult. They just studied for a few hours over a few days and received excellent results.

There are four sections to the TSI exam. Mathematics, reading, writing, and an essay section are all included.

You may retake the TSI as many times as necessary, but you will only need to retest the areas that you did not pass the first time.

The TSI test is available in Houston at San Jacinto College, Southwest Houston Test Center, University of Houston, and University of St. Thomas.

You should set aside time to practice reading on a regular basis. Use online practice exams or flashcards to improve your skills. Make sure to read the content thoroughly. Consider how the passage is conveyed as you read.