Bar Exam Practice Test 2025


The bar exam, or bar examination, is a test administered by a state’s bar association that a lawyer must pass before being accepted to the bar of that jurisdiction. People who want to practice law must meet the criteria and pass the bar examination before they earn a license to practice. Every country and/or jurisdiction has its own bar exam.

In the United States, taking the bar exams are administered by authorities of the individual states. Sometimes the administering agency is an office or committee of the state’s highest court. 

The bar examination in most of the United States and territories is at least two days long and typically consist of:

Essay questions

Basically, all jurisdiction administers a number of these questions that measure knowledge of general legal principles and might also assess knowledge of the law of the state. For this purpose, some jurisdiction has chosen to use the Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) which has been established by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) since 1988. Some may create their own questions with this in mind, while some jurisdictions may both create their own questions and use the MEE.

Multistate standardized exams 

Take the Bar Exam Practice Test Now!

Getting Started with The Bar Exam

What is the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE)?

The Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) is a structured bar examination developed by the National Bar Examination Conference (NCBE), designed to measure the skills and knowledge that every lawyer must have before being licensed to practice law. The UBE is universally implemented and scored, which ensures that the scores can be used in various jurisdictions that have implemented the UBE.

What is on the bar exam?

The UBE bar exam is administered twice a year for two days. It comprises of three sections:

  • Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) – 50%
  • Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) – 30%
  • Multistate Performance Test (MPT) – 20%

Bar Exam Format and Structure

SectionAllotted TimeFormat
Multistate Performance Test (MPT)120 minutes2 lawyering tasks (90 minutes each)
Multistate Essay Examination (MEE)3 hours6 essays
Multistate Bar Examination (MBE)

Morning session: 3 hours

Afternoon session: 3 hours

Morning session: 100 questions

Afternoon session: 100 questions

The MBE bar exam is administered on the last Wednesday of February and July every year. Whereas the MEE and MPT are conducted on Tuesday prior to the MBE. Out of each of the three types of tests, an exam-taker may expect to be assessed on:

  • Business Associations
  • Civil Procedure
  • Conflict of Laws
  • Constitutional Law
  • Contracts and Sales
  • Criminal Law and
  • Procedure
  • Evidence
  • Family Law
  • Real Property
  • Torts
  • Trusts and Estates
  • Uniform Commercial Code

Which jurisdiction has implemented the UBE?

There have been 36 states and territories in the United States that have implemented the UBE. The Uniform Bar Exam states include:

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • District of Columbia
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Washington
  • West Virginia
  • Wyoming
  • Virgin Islands

Bar Exam Scoring System

The UBE is scored on a scale of 400 points, where the MBE is scored out of 200 points, and the written section (MEE and MPT) is scored out of 200 points. After that, your bar exam scores will then be added together. There is no minimum passing rate for either section of the test. However, states and jurisdictions have set their own bar exam pass rates. Passing scores range from 260 to 280 points.

The table below indicates the minimum bar exam passing score and the bar exam pass rates by state:

State/JurisdictionPass RateTookPassedMinimum Passing            Score
Iowa78.46%260 204266
New Mexico76.95%308237260
New Hampshire68.38%234160270
South Carolina65.25%682445266
West Virginia64.58%240155270
District of Columbia64.20%16061031266
New York61.19%140948624266
South Dakota58.26%11567 
New Jersey57.59%1351778266
Rhode Island57.58%16595276
North Dakota53.98%11361260
North Carolina52.35%1639858270

Bar Exam Registration

Registering for the bar examination itself varies from state to state. Each state charges something to register for a bar examination. Moreover, each state and jurisdiction also have their own set of requirements to take the bar exam. The detail below indicates the bar exam cost and filing deadlines for each state:



       Application Filing                        Deadlines

                                     Bar Exam Fees

First filing deadline

Late filing deadline

Bar exam fee for first-time takers (non-attorneys)

Bar exam fee for attorneys

Bar exam fee for repeaters

Fee for laptops, if permitted


Oct. 1






Dec. 1

Jan. 15






Aug. 15

Nov. 30






Nov. 15






Nov. 1

Jan. 15



$1,228 / $1,534



Nov. 1

Dec. 1






Oct. 31

Nov. 30






No February Exams

$700 / $1,400

$800 / $1,600

$700 / $1,400


District of Columbia

Dec. 15

Dec. 30

$100 + $45 (MEE + MPT)+ $60 (MBE)

$100 + $45 (MEE + MPT)+ $60 (MBE)

$100 + $45 (MEE + MPT)+ $60 (MBE)



Nov. 15

Dec. 15/ Jan. 15






Jan. 2

Feb. 1

$350 + $64 (MBE)+ $28 (MPT)

$350 + $28 (MPT)

$350 + $64 (MBE)+ $28 (MPT)



Nov. 1






Oct. 1

Nov. 15



$200 / $300



Sept. 15

Nov. 1/ Dec. 15

$950 – $1,450

$950 – $1,450

$500 – $850



Nov. 15

Nov. 30






Nov. 1



$550 / $800



Oct. 1

Nov. 1






Oct. 1

Dec. 1






Nov. 1

Dec. 15

$750 / $875





Dec. 20

Dec. 27/ Jan. 3



$600 / $650



Dec. 20






75 days






Nov. 1

Dec. 15






Oct. 15

Dec. 2






Sept. 1

Nov. 1

$525 / $825





Oct. 1

Nov. 1/ Dec. 31

$485 / $910

$485 / $910

$485 / $585



Oct. 1






Nov. 1

Dec. 1



$225 / $490



Oct. 1

Dec. 1



$700 / $1,000


New Hampshire

Dec. 1





New Jersey

Oct. 31

Nov. 15/ Nov. 30





New Mexico

Sept. 20

Dec. 2

$500 / $1,000

$500 / $1,000



New York

Nov. 30

$250 / $750

$250 / $750

$250 / $750


North Carolina

Oct. 1

Nov. 5





North Dakota

Nov. 1

Dec. 1






Nov. 1

Dec. 10






Sept. 1

Oct. 2/ Nov. 1






Nov. 15

Dec. 15



$750 / $1,125



Oct. 30

Nov. 15/ Nov. 30/ Dec. 15





Rhode Island

Sept. 1/ Dec. 1





South Carolina

Aug. 31

Sep. 30

$1,000 / $1,500

$1,000 / $1,500 + $750

$1,000 / $1,500


South Dakota

Nov. 1






Dec. 1

Dec. 20






Sep. 1

Nov. 1/ Dec. 1

$300 / $490 / $1,140

$1,040 / $1,140




Oct. 1

Nov. 1



$550 / $850



Dec. 1






Dec. 17



$650 / $950



Oct. 5

Nov. 6



$585 / $620


West Virginia

Nov. 1

Dec. 1



$500 / $800



Dec. 1

Jan. 1

$450 / $850

$450 / $850




Nov. 15






Dec. 1

Jan. 1




Northern Mariana Islands

Dec. 20

Jan. 3



$500 / $1,000


No February Exams




Puerto Rico





Virgin Islands

Dec. 1

Jan. 2



$500 / $500


Bar Study Guide

When studying for the bar exam, law students and graduates may find the following eight bar exam study tips useful:

       1. Use bar review courses to your advantage.
       2. Create and stick to a study schedule.
       3. Keep Other Activities to a Minimum
       4. Study proactively rather than passively.
       5. Be aware of how the MBE operates.
       6. Take all of the practice exams.
       7. Take care of yourself.
       8. Recognize when you’ve had enough.

Bar Prep Books

       ‥ Strategies and Tactics for the MBE by Emanuel Bar Review.
       ‥ MEE One-Sheets (for the Uniform Bar Exam) or How to Pass the Michigan Bar Exam by JD Advising.
       ‥ A book to help you stay sane during bar preparation.

Failing the Bar Exam

It is normal to fail the bar exam and afterward pass on a later attempt. Large number of repeating bar exam test takers pass each and every organization! The key is to sort out why you didn’t produce passing results for the bar exam test with the goal that you can change your methodology and pass on your next attempt.


Bar Exam Questions PDF

The bar exam is unquestionably difficult. The percentage of people who pass the bar test varies by state, but in 2025, 58 percent of those who took it passed. The remaining 42% were intelligent people who had completed law school but had not studied effectively enough to pass this marathon of an exam. After receiving the questionnaires and the signal to begin the exams, most bar takers tend to go through the questions right away. If you’re looking for bar exam questions and answers PDF or a bar exam practice test PDF for exam preparation, you’ve come to the right place. For informed guidance, we provide bar exam questions.

Bar Exam Questions and Answers

The bar exam, or bar examination, is a test administered by a state’s bar association that a lawyer must pass before being accepted to the bar of that jurisdiction. People who want to practice law must meet the criteria and pass the bar examination before they earn a license to practice. Every country and/or jurisdiction has its own bar exam.

For a variety of reasons, the bar test is considered difficult. For starters, there will be two full days of hard testing – one day of multiple-choice questions and the other day of essay questions. The exam covers a broad range of legal issues.

The Uniform Bar Exam is a 2-day test. Day One comprises of a written portion (MPT and MEE) and Day Two comprises of a multi-choice segment (MBE). Each day has six hours of testing in three hours interval.

The rule limits the number of times a candidate can sit for the bar exams to five. The rule disqualifies a candidate who fails three exams. However, he can take the fourth and fifth exams if he successfully completes a one-year refresher course for each exam.

The bar exam is not open to everyone.

The General Bar Examination and the Attorneys’ Examination are both part of the California Bar Examination. There are three sections to the General Bar Exam: five essay questions, the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), and a performance exam (PT). The portions of the exam cannot be taken separately, and MBE scores from other states are not accepted in California. The essay questions and performance test make up the Attorneys’ Exam.

For the bar exam alone, the bar exam can cost anywhere from $500 to $1,500 on average. Additional fees, such as application fees, travel fees, and deadline fees, will not be included.

In most cases, the Bar exam takes two days to complete. The Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) is normally administered on the first day of testing, followed by the Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) and the Multistate Performance Test on the second day (MPT). The Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) has been used as a testing procedure by a number of jurisdictions.

In most jurisdictions, the bar exam is offered twice a year, once in February and once in July. It is usually a two-day test, while some jurisdictions need three days.

According to the California State Bar website, the “baby bar” exam, also known as the First-Year Law Students’ Examination, is a one-day test administered to law students twice a year.

The bar exam is so named because you must pass it in order to be allowed to practice law beyond the bar.

The Florida Bar Exam lasts two days. In the morning, there are three essay questions, followed by 100 multiple-choice questions in the afternoon. The Multistate Bar Exam MBE, a 200-question multiple-choice exam, is administered on Day 2. 100 questions are administered in the morning, and another 100 are administered in the afternoon.

The time it takes for the bar exam results to arrive is usually between one and three months.

The bar test covers a wide variety of topics and necessitates thorough preparation. The bar test can be prepared in a variety of ways. Here are a few things to think about: Taking a bar test preparation course. Using practice books and taking practice tests for the bar exam.

The most typical structure is a two-part exam spread out over two days, depending on the state. The Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) is a 200-question multiple-choice exam that covers Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law, Evidence, Real Property, and Torts. The second day usually includes essay questions covering a wider range of topics. The Multistate Performance Test (MPT) and Multistate Essay Exam (MEE) are employed in many states for this section.

Yes, the exam is multiple choice. The Multistate Bar Exam (commonly known as the MBE or the multiple choice component of the exam), the Multistate Essay Exam (often known as the MEE or the essay section of the exam), and the Multistate Performance Test (also known as the MPT or the essay portion of the exam) make up the UBE (also known as the MPT or the practice test, because this portion of the exam requires the applicant to use lawyering skills).

The National Conference of Bar Examiners designed the Uniform Bar Examination (UBE), which is a standardized bar exam (NCBE). It is intended to assess the knowledge and skills that every lawyer should possess prior to obtaining a law license.

The MBE scores are used to equalize the bar test, which is not curved.

You can only fail two bar exams in your lifetime. You do not qualify for Admission Without Examination if you have failed three or more bar examinations in any jurisdiction or combination of jurisdictions, in whole or in part.

The CPA Exam is commonly regarded as one of the most challenging professional tests available: many people consider it to be more tough than the BAR exam, and several medical board exams.

The Bar Exam is a test that each state administers to determine whether or not a candidate is qualified to practice law in that state. Each state’s bar exam has its own format, but it is normally divided into two sections that are taken on separate days.

The bar test pass percentage ranges from 60% to 80%, depending on your state. That means 20-40% of those who take the bar test fail.

Perhaps every law student would like to learn which countries are testing the most difficult bar exams. Sadly, no easy reply is available. You can, of course, look at the overall passing rate and determine which one is the lowest, but it doesn’t necessarily tell the entire story. States might administer extremely challenging exams, but if their takers study well, this will not be reflected in the pass rate. However, based on the test-takers feedback, below are the states with the hardest bar exams: 

  • California
  • Delaware
  • Louisiana
  • Nevada
  • Virginia

The bar exam is difficult, but that is to be expected given the difficulty of law. It is difficult to practice law. The bar test is only the start of a long career of tackling difficult tasks.

The Philippine government administers a variety of licensing exams for various professional courses. The Bar tests for aspiring lawyers are, the most demanding of the exams. For four (4) consecutive Sundays, the Bar exam is administered.

The Bar exam is unique in that it is administered differently in each state or jurisdiction. Those interested in taking the Bar exam must apply through their state’s Board of Bar Examiners.

In Australia, there is no bar exam. You must, however, pass the so-called “Priestley 11” exam. The heart of the Australian legal system is made up of 11 categories of law (such as contracts, torts, and property).

The Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) is a six-hour, 200-question multiple-choice exam produced by NCBE and administered by user jurisdictions on the last Wednesday in February and the last Wednesday in July of each year as part of the bar examination.

A J.D. is required in most states. To take the bar exam, you must have a bachelor’s degree from a US law school. New York, California, New Hampshire, Alabama, and Virginia are among the states that allow foreign law graduates to take the bar exam.

A 5-year university degree in jurisprudence and 18 months of legal apprenticeship at a law firm with at least 20 court hearings per semester are required to sit for the exam.

The Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) is a standardized bar exam with three parts: the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE), the Multistate Essay Examination (MEE), and the Multistate Performance Test (MPT) (MPT).

On a scale of one to one thousand, the Texas Bar Exam is evaluated. To pass the test and become an attorney, examinees must achieve a score of 675 or above. The Texas Bar Exam was taken by 996 law school graduates in February of 2020.

Each test lasts seven hours and is divided into two 3.5-hour sections. Each 3.5-hour block passes quickly, yet it is both physically and psychologically taxing. The morning block and the afternoon block are separated by a one-hour lunch break. Exams for barristers and solicitors are frequently scheduled two weeks apart.

You must be precise and correct in your recitation of the law to pass the Michigan Bar exam the first time. Essays are graded based on how closely your rule statement and application match the Examiner’s answer, not on how effectively you write or how many “interesting” points you make.

You must register with the California State Bar’s Committee of Bar Examiners. You must complete “Law Student Registration” before submitting any additional forms, such as the Moral Character application or the Application to Take the California Bar Exam, if you register while in law school.

On the State Bar’s website, go to the Admissions page and register online.

The Philippine Supreme Court issued Bar Matter 1153 in March 2010, revising sections 5 and 6 of Rule 138 of the Rules of Court to allow Filipino overseas law school graduates to sit for the bar exam if they meet the following criteria:

  • completion of all required courses leading to a Bachelor of Laws or equivalent degree
  • proper authority’s recognition or accreditation of the law school
  • completion of all fourth-year studies in a law school curriculum approved by the Philippine government
  • show proof of completing a bachelor’s degree in a different field

It would be really simple if all of the questions on the Bar exam were multiple-choice. Unfortunately, this is not the case in the Philippines, as the Supreme Court’s goal is to assess not only an examinee’s legal knowledge and comprehension, but also his or her ability to express himself or herself clearly and accurately in English, which is the language in which almost all Philippine laws are written.

There are two sections to the State Bar Exam: a written exam and an oral exam. The written exam consists of three written tests spread out over three days of seven hours each. The candidate prepares two legal briefs on contracts and torts (as well as more broadly regarding civil law) and criminal law, as well as a third court brief on civil, criminal, or administrative law.

At 7:30 a.m., the test site will open. By 8:30 a.m., you must pass through metal detectors and be seated in your designated seat. PREPARE FOR THE EXAM These instructions are provided by the Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar (IBAB or Board) to assist you in preparing for a successful bar examination.

The February exam results are normally released in mid-May, while the July exam results are usually released in mid-November.

The results of the New Jersey bar exams are not expected to be released until later this year. For February examinees, it’s usually in May, and for July examinees, it’s usually in November.

With a score of 100%, South Dakota was named the easiest state to pass the bar test. In 2013, 93 percent of exam takers passed.

Lack of time is a common reason for failing the bar. This is important to remember both when studying for the exam and when taking it. Many law students underestimate how much time they’ll need to study for the bar exam.

Currently, just four states — California, Virginia, Vermont, and Washington — allow aspiring law practitioners to take the bar exam without attending law school. Alternatively, an intern with a practicing lawyer or judge is offered the option.

Overall, you passed with a score of 136. As a result, you can fail one component yet still pass if you score well on the other. The Board of Bar Examiners isn’t exactly forthcoming about how they score and how you obtain a 136. Pass both sections with a minimum score of 136 on the Florida component and a minimum score of 136 on the MBE part.

The bar exams in Texas are still considered to be among the most difficult in the country. This is due in part to the number of legal issues covered and the length of time required to complete the exam.

The California Bar Exam is not especially difficult.

If you were an average law student, around 400 hours of preparing for the bar exam would be sufficient. Learning the law and memorizing your outlines should take about 200 hours.

Learning the substantive law evaluated on the MEE and answering it effectively and efficiently in a short period of  time is required for writing a good bar exam essay. Learn the material and then practice with a good bar exam essay template.

The LSAT is a significantly shorter exam than the bar exam, with four 35-minute scored portions and one unscored section in the past. The LSAT-Flex, which comprises of three 35-minute scored portions, was recently introduced by the Law School Admission Council (LSAC), which administers the test.

You will become an Esquire, a licensed attorney, if you pass the bar exam. Esq. is short for Esquire, which is a professional designation denoting that a person is a member of the state bar and is permitted to practice law.

Mississippi Supreme Court Justice Josiah Coleman, remarking on the high court’s new rule that stipulates if an applicant fails the state’s bar exam three times, they must return to law school for at least 12 semester hours before retaking the exam.

NCBE created the Multistate Performance Test (MPT) is made up of two 90-minute segments. User jurisdictions are in charge of administering it. During the Tuesday before the penultimate Wednesday, a portion of the bar examination Every year in February and July. Jurisdictions that use the service can choose from a variety of options. Both MPT elements will be tested as part of their bar exams.

The bar exam results for the February exam are revealed in early May, while the results for the July exam are released in late November.

The New York Bar Exam is February 22-23, 2025.

The Pennsylvania Bar Exam is February 22-23, 2025.

The Florida Bar Exam is February 22-23, 2025.

Grading on a curve usually improves students’ marks by raising their real scores a few notches and maybe increasing the letter grade. Some teachers employ curves to adjust exam scores, while others prefer to change the letter grades that are allocated to the actual scores.

The bar test in New York is not one of the most difficult (at least with respect to the passing score requirement). The New York Bar Exam is still considered a moderately difficult bar exam.

To determine if an average minimum passing score of 136 was obtained, the MBE and Florida essay/multiple-choice scores were each weighted 50%.