TEAS Reading Practice Test 2
What is the maximum weight this scale will measure?

The label for 300 lbs. is just above the 0 at the bottom of the dial.
“You want to be very careful about lying; otherwise you are nearly sure to get caught. Once caught, you can never again be in the eyes to the good and the pure, what you were before. Many a young person has injured himself permanently through a single clumsy and ill finished lie, the result of carelessness born of incomplete training. Some authorities hold that the young ought not to lie at all. I do maintain, and I believe I am right, that the young ought to be temperate in the use of this great art until practice and experience shall give them that confidence, elegance, and precision which alone can make the accomplishment graceful and profitable. Patience, diligence, painstaking attention to detail—these are requirements; these in time, will make the student perfect; upon these only, may he rely as the sure foundation for future eminence.” – Mark Twain What is Mark Twain’s main point about lying in this passage?
In this satirical passage, Twain comments on the difficulty in successfully lying given the many difficult and required skills necessary to believably accomplish it. Consequently, any person wanting to lie should first master those skills upon which successful lying demands.
"Friends and Fellow Citizens: Called upon to undertake the duties of the first executive office of our country, I avail myself of the presence of that portion of my fellow-citizens which is here assembled to express my grateful thanks for the favor with which they have been pleased to look toward me, to declare a sincere consciousness that the task is above my talents, and that I approach it with those anxious and awful presentiments which the greatness of the charge and the weakness of my powers so justly inspire." – Thomas Jefferson What is Jefferson's point in this excerpt?
With too much resistance from within the country, Jefferson could not be effective regardless of his skill as a leader.
1. Scandinavian Governments A. Danish B. Swedish C. Norwegian D. _________ Examine the headings above. Which of the following is a reasonable heading to insert in the blank spot?
While Scandinavia usually refers to Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, parts of northern Finland are also found on the Scandinavian Peninsula.
Since rejoining UNESCO, one of our top priorities has been promoting literacy, with a particular focus on girls and women. To that end, quality providers of informal education have played and will continue to play a key role in decreasing the global adult illiteracy rate. We know that informal education can be more flexible and help reach adults who have long ago dropped out of the formal school system or who were systematically denied access to school. As the largest government donor to UNICEF, the United States is supporting efforts to support safe schools, and quality education for each and every girl and boy. Which of the following is not something with which the author of the above statements would likely agree?
Look for a statement that is directly contradicted by the passage. The author says that “informal education” plays a “key role.” There is nothing to indicate the author thinks it is not as good as formal education. Only (C) is not logical based on what we know about the author.
On the thermometer above, what is the current temperature in degrees Fahrenheit?

Notice how on the Fahrenheit scale 20 is below the 0; that must mean 20 stands for -20 degrees Fahrenheit; each mark on the Fahrenheit side stands for -2 degrees. The red mark is at -4 degrees Fahrenheit.
The student couldn’t help but smile when the teacher singled out her newspaper article as a signal accomplishment among the class’s final issue of the school newspaper. Based on the context of the sentence above, which of the following is the definition of the underlined word?
The word “signal,” when used as an adjective, has the meaning “extraordinary” or “outstanding.” Answer (A) is the closest match to this meaning.
Read and follow the directions below. Walk one block west. Walk three blocks north. Walk two blocks east. Where is your destination compared to your original location?
The easiest way to solve this question is to visualize the moves: 1 block left, three blocks up, two blocks right. The total distance from west to east is 1, and the total distance from south to north is 3.
If a student planned to take the LSAT in the year the test date fell closest to the end of June, how many days after the actual score release date could he expect the official score to be released?

The year the test date fell closest to the end of June was 2008. That year, the actual score was released on July 3rd, and the official score was released July 7th, a difference of 4 days.
The vain queen worried that her magical mirror was lying to her when it told her she was “the fairest in the land.” She wanted to ensure her beauty never faded. She called several of her wisest advisors to her council chamber. Based on this passage, which of the following is a logical prediction of what the queen will do?
The queen has a problem: she thinks the mirror is lying, and she wants her beauty to be maintained. Therefore, she called her “wisest” advisors together. Why would she want advisors? Probably because she’s hoping they will have some wisdom to offer her. There is nothing in the passage to indicate the queen is patient or scheming.
The vain queen worried that her magical mirror was lying to her when it told her she was “the fairest in the land.” She wanted to ensure her beauty never faded. She called several of her wisest advisors to her council chamber. Based on a prior knowledge of literature, the reader can infer that this passage was taken from which of the following?
The style of this writing is most similar to a fairy tale, or a folk tale. It is not persuading the reader of anything, nor is it a non-fiction, historical text. A limerick is a type of rhyming poem.
An individual reading a book about the first emperor of China wants to find the first reference in the book to the Terracotta Army. Where should he or she look?
An index contains the page numbers in which a specific word or phrase is mentioned and discussed.
Which three income groups pay a combined payroll tax rate of more than 29%?

20-40 pays 9.4%, 40-60 pays 10.1%, and 80-90 pays 10.2%. The combined percentage for these three is 9.4 + 10.1 + 10.2 = 29.7%.
Read and follow the directions below. Imagine a deck of cards. Remove all four jacks and four kings. Add back in the red jacks. Remove the eights. Remove half the remaining cards at random. Which of the following tells the number of cards now in the deck?
A deck has 52 cards. Removing the jacks and kings reduces the deck to 44. There are 2 red jacks, so adding them back in makes the total 46. Removing the four eights reduces the number to 42. Divide that number by two and we get the final total of 21.
Trevor has very fair skin and is planning to take a trip from his home in London to Miami. At minimum, by how much should be increase the SPF in his sunscreen?

Someone at home in the UK with very fair skin should wear SPF 15-30. Someone with very fair skin in Florida needs an SPF of 50+. That means Trevor should increase his SPF by 20-35, a minimum of 20.
What is the most effective method to sum up the two passages' objectives?

The answer is (D). The author of passage 1 explains why "standing in front of an audience is a daunting idea" by emphasizing the actor's vulnerability (lines 3-4). Thus, it can be claimed that passage one analyzes a phenomena. The subject of stage fright is covered again in passage 2, but this time the topic is how to deal with it. Thus, it might be claimed that passage 2 offers a problem-solving suggestion.
The phrase "Maintaining the actuality of the character" (line 4) most specifically alludes to in the context of Passage 1

The answer is (A). According to passage 1, the "unique issue of hiding and showing at the same time" is a part of "maintaining the truth of the character" (lines 4-7). Additionally, the text advises the actor to refrain from letting "the audience see something it is not supposed to see: specifically, the performer's dread, or stage fright" (lines 9-11). This implies that the performer must conceal items unrelated to the character and, consequently, display only actions appropriate for the character to the audience.
How are stage fear and human behavior in general viewed in the passages?

The answer is (B). The first paragraph expressly implies that "performance" is the "domain of stage fear" (lines 1-2). Stage fear is exacerbated by circumstances that are specific to the theater, as passage 1 highlights. In passage 2, it is said that substitution is "the key to most fears" (lines 17–18), and it is demonstrated how actors can utilize substitution to get over stage fright. Thus, passage 2 compares stage fright to "most other fears in one respect."
Which of the following best defines an actor who manages stage fright by taking the author of Passage 2's advice?

The answer is (D). The book advises actors to "focus more about the comfort of your listeners than their verdicts," at which point "all will fall into place" (lines 20-22).
Cities all around the world are essentially amalgamations of more discrete cultural settings, which causes people to have incredibly diverse experiences. Every city often has a wide variety of food options as well as different art organizations like museums and theaters. What, therefore, might make a city stand out among all these variations in eating, art, and nightlife? History. The undeniably unique history of each city provides rich traditions and a bond between the local people that overshadows any other city’s mélange of dining and art institutions.
Which of the following does the author consider to be the most significant city feature or attraction?
Clearly, the author considers authentic, truthful history to be the most important quality. Choices D and B (restaurant and museum) are precisely what the author meant when she claimed they weren't as significant as history. Though choice B is challenging, it is still just a museum and not natural history in its natural setting. Choice C pertains to sports despite the fact that Wrigley Field has a lot of history associated with it. Choice A is a historical artifact and symbol, and the author also mentions the locals who contribute to the culture's vibrancy.
Cities all around the world are essentially amalgamations of more discrete cultural settings, which causes people to have incredibly diverse experiences. Every city often has a wide variety of food options as well as different art organizations like museums and theaters. What, therefore, might make a city stand out among all these variations in eating, art, and nightlife? History. The undeniably unique history of each city provides rich traditions and a bond between the local people that overshadows any other city’s mélange of dining and art institutions.
Which term best captures mélange in context?
The author uses adjectives like "spectrum" and "diverse" to describe the restaurants and galleries. It is obvious that mélange is a type of variety food.