STAAR Practice Test (Grade 3: Mathematics)


Which of the statements about the number 24,589 is true?


Correct answer: The sum of twenty thousands, 4 thousands, fifty hundreds, eighty tens, and nine ones

24,589 is the sum of 20,000;4,000;500;80; and 9

In the box below, there are six numbers. From the numbers in the box, which of the following lists shows exclusively odd numbers?


Correct answer: 15, 29, 83

Letter D consist odd numbers.

Which of the four numbers given would appropriately complete both of the number phrases below?

___ x 6 = 30

30 ÷ 6 = ____


Correct answer: 5

5 x 6 = 30 is equivalent to 30 ÷ 6 = 5 because 5 groups of 6 objects is equivalent to 30.

In what area of the rectangle is the rectangle filled in?


Correct answer: 5/8

Area is the amount of space within the perimeter of a two-dimensional shape. The rectangle is split into 8 pieces and 5 of those pieces are filled in.
5/8 of the area of this rectangle is filled in.

In the following equation, what is the value of “A”?


Correct answer: 14


Yen wants to save $140 so she can buy her favorite bike.
– She was able to save $36 in January.
– She put aside $28 in February.
In March, how much money does Yen need to save in order to buy her favorite bike?


Correct answer: $76

$36 + $28 = $64
$140 – $64 = $76

What is the name of the dotted line that splits a shape into two equal parts?


Correct answer: a line of symmetry

A line of symmetry is an imaginary line that divides an object into two mirror images.

In what area of the rectangle is filled in?


Correct answer: 2/6

Area is the amount of space within the perimeter of a two-dimensional shape. The rectangle is split into 6 pieces and 2 of those pieces are filled in.
2/6 of the area of this rectangle is filled in.

Mr. Jay eats four meals a day on average. ( In a week, how many meals does he consume?


Correct answer: 28

In 1 day 4 meals so 4×7=28 meals a week.

Lj owns 72 vintage books. She intends to take them all to their local library. Which of the following equations may be used to determine the number of boxes she will use if she places the books in boxes that can accommodate 9 books?


Correct answer: 72 ÷ 9 = _____

72 ÷ 9 = 8
Lj can use 8 boxes.

Kim started eating her dinner at 7:11 p.m. and finished at 7:35 p.m. so she could go play in her room. Kim, how long did it take you to finish your dinner?


Correct answer: 24 minutes

Subtract the beginning time from the ending time:
7:35 – 7:11 = 24 minutes

In what area of the rectangle is filled in?


Correct answer: 7/12

Area is the amount of space within the perimeter of a two-dimensional shape. The rectangle is split into 12 pieces and 7 of those pieces are filled in.
7/12 of the area of this rectangle is filled in.

In the equation 72÷𝐴=8, what is the value of A?


Correct answer: 9


Angelie had a total of 983 cards. Then she delivered 349 of the cards to Yassi, one of her friends. Angelie lost 260 cards after that.
Which equation can be used to calculate Angelie’s current card count?


Correct answer: 983 – 349 – 260 = _____

983 – 349 – 260 = 374

Outside, two classes of fifth grade pupils are lined up. Three rows of seven students make up one class. The other class is arranged in four rows of five. What is the total number of fifth graders lined up outside?


Correct answer: 41 fifth graders

First calculate how many students are in each class. The first class has 3 rows of 7 students and 3 x 7 = 21. The second class has 4 rows of 5 students and 4 x 5 = 20. Then add both totals to calculate the total number of students outside; 21 + 20 = 41.

Rhoda is conducting research for a science project. How much water will she have if she adds 14 additional grams of water to the scale below?


Correct answer: 29g

Rhoda has 15g of water and when she adds 14g she will have 29g

Which of the following statements regarding the models is correct?


Correct answer: Each shows a different fraction because they both have 3 shaded sections but a different number of total sections.

The model for the first fraction is divided into 6 equal parts. We shade 3_6 to show the same amount as 1_2. The model for the second fraction is divided into 8 equal parts. We shade 3_ 8 that it shows this two model are different fractions.

The following rectangle has a length of 7 centimeters and a width of 3 centimeters. What is the rectangle’s area?


Correct answer: 21 𝑐𝑚²

3 X 7 = 21

The sum of two numbers is 756. The number 356 is one of them. What’s the other number?


Correct answer: 400

Option (B) is correct. In order to solve for the unknown number in an addition problem, subtract the smaller number from the bigger number. 756 – 356 = 400.

Jing is conducting research for a science project. She must divide the water in the beaker below evenly into three smaller beakers. How much water will each beaker contain?


Correct answer: 12g

Jing has 36g of water. We can divide 36 by 3 because she is splitting up the 36g into 3 beakers.

What is the number that the arrow is pointing to?


Correct answer: 30

Arrow shows exactly the middle of two numbers 25 and 35,so the answer is 30

4 hundreds, 8 tens, and 4 ones make up what number?


Correct answer: 484

Letter A is the right answer.

Which of the following multiplication facts is being modeled?


Correct answer: 3 x 9 = 27

The picture depicts 3 sets of 9 objects which is equivalent to 3 x 9 = 27.

Cristine is conducting research for a science project. She requires four times the amount of water indicated on the scale below. How much water will she require?


Correct answer: 44g

Cristine has 11g of water. If she needs 4 times that amount, we can multiply to find the answer.
11 x 4 = 44g

The models below are all the same size and have been divided into equal portions.
Two fractions can be written using the models.


Correct answer: 2/8 is equal to 4/16.

The model for the first fraction is divided into 8 equal parts. We shade 2/8 to show the same amount as 1/4. The model for the second fraction is divided into 16 equal parts. We shade 4/16 to show the same amount as 1/4.

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