Spring Boot Test 1


What is Spring

Please select 3 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

Spring Boot is a Java-based open source framework for building microservices. Pivotal Team created it, and it's used to create standalone and production-ready spring apps.

What is the purpose of a repository?

Correct! Wrong!

A repository is a typical tool in scientific research that may also be used to manage business data. A data repository can also be referred to as a data library or archive. This is a broad phrase that refers to a data set that has been isolated for the purpose of data reporting and analysis.

In spring boot, what is the default HTML template engine?

Correct! Wrong!

Thymeleaf is a web application framework built on Java. It works well with XHTML/HTML5 in web applications. Thymeleaf creates well-formed XML files from your files.

What is the Rest Controller's Annotation?

Correct! Wrong!

The anotation for the Rest Controller is @RestController.

What is the prefix for Thymeleaf in HTML?

Correct! Wrong!

The prefix used in HTML for Thmeleaf is th:

In spring boot, which of the following can be used to manage dependencies?

Please select 2 correct answers

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Maven and Gradle are popular build tools for managing dependencies, building, and packaging applications. We can also use those tools to execute a spring boot application while it is being developed.

Maven utilizes which of the following?

Correct! Wrong!

The pom.xml file includes project and configuration information for Maven to build the project, such as dependencies, build directory, source directory, test source directory, plugin, and goals, among other things. Maven first reads the pom.xml file before running the goal.


What is the best way to include a dependency in a project?

Correct! Wrong!

By inserting the dependency into the pom.xml file

What exactly is an ORM?

Correct! Wrong!

An object-relational mapper (ORM) is a library of code that automates the conversion of data from relational database tables to objects that may be utilized in application code

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