SIFT Practice Test 2025

If you want to get into Army Aviation, it is vital that you study well for the SIFT exam 2025. However, studying for this test can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there are a number of study guides that can help you pass the exam.
Our study guide includes practice test questions with detailed answer explanations. It also provides tips and strategies to improve your score.
The Sift test is a requirement for those who wish to pursue a career in Army Aviation. To get through the test with an impressive score, it’s important to use a high-quality study guide. The best guides contain only the relevant material and offer practice tests that simulate the conditions of the real exam. A good example is Peterson’s SIFT study guide, which includes a free practice test and detailed answers to all questions.
The sift test is based on the Civil Service Competence Framework (CSCF), and candidates should prepare by studying the components of the CSCF. This includes understanding the values and competencies of the CSCF, as well as the core skills and abilities. The Sift assessment aims to screen applicants who will be passionate about public service, communicate with purpose, and collaborate with others to build supportive professional relationships.
The test takes three hours and consists of seven sections. The first five have a set number of questions, and the last two are computer-adaptive. The MST section is notoriously difficult and requires knowledge of order of operations, algebra, geometry, and logic.
Army SIFT Test
The Selection Instrument for Flight Training (SIFT) exam is the first step for candidates pursuing Army Aviation careers. The test assesses a candidate’s math skills, reading comprehension, mental knowledge, spacial awareness, and pattern recognition. It also tests their ability to envision a view of the aircraft cockpit from the outside world. The SIFT test is administered at MEPS or an authorized testing center. Applicants can only take the test twice in their lifetime, so it is important to use a comprehensive study guide to prepare for this challenging exam.
A quality SIFT study guide will contain detailed information about the exam format and content. It will also include a practice test to help you familiarize yourself with the material. In addition, it will provide the formulas needed for the math section of the exam.
The SIFT exam has seven sections. The first five have a set number of questions that must be answered in a fixed period of time. The last two are computer adaptive, meaning the number and type of questions will vary based on your performance.

SIFT Test Prep
The SIFT is not a difficult test to pass with the proper amount of study. However, it is important to remember that the SIFT is a timed test and you will have only three hours to complete the exam. This includes the time to check in at the test site, get settled into your testing station, and take an optional break.
The first five sections of the SIFT have a set number of questions that must be answered in a fixed period of time. The last two sections are computer-adaptive, which means that the number and type of questions will vary based on your performance.
The SIFT test measures your ability to understand college-level mathematics concepts. The test includes several types of four-option math questions and requires you to be able to use basic mathematical relationships. The best way to prepare for this section is to study the fundamentals of math and practice solving problems. It is also helpful to have a positive attitude toward math. If you think of it as a difficult subject, you may not learn the necessary information.
SIFT Test Study Guide
The Selection Instrument for Flight Training (SIFT) test is a computer-based test. It consists of a number of sections, each of which has different tasks that assess your ability to perform various skills and abilities. It is important to understand what each section entails and how it is graded before attempting the exam. There are several SIFT preparation guides that will help you prepare for the exam and increase your chances of success.
A SIFT study guide will provide you with the necessary review material and practice questions to boost your score. These books will also teach you effective test-taking strategies to save time and avoid making mistakes. In addition to these tips, a good study guide will help you identify subject areas that are difficult for you. For example, if you struggle with mathematics concepts or physics principles, consider hiring a tutor to nurture these skills.
Taking the SIFT exam without a study guide can be stressful, but studying effectively can make the difference between getting a top or bottom score. The key is to focus on your weak points and improve them before the exam.
What Is the SIFT Test
The Selection Instrument for Flight Training (SIFT) is an exam used by the Army to evaluate potential future pilots. This test is designed to measure applicants’ skills in seven categories. It is often used as a tool to help recruiters assess a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses. Applicants who are interested in becoming a soldier can take the SIFT, but it is not required to join the Army.
SIFT is comprised of seven sections, with the first five having a set number of questions. The final two are computer-adaptive, meaning that the question difficulty changes depending on your performance.
The SIFT is a tough test, but it can be passed with proper preparation. The key to success is understanding what each section entails, and practicing with quality materials like the our study guide. Your career in Army aviation is too important to risk getting a bad score on the SIFT. Your first passing score will be on your record for life, so don’t settle for anything less than your best effort!

How Hard Is the Army SIFT Test
The Selection Instrument for Flight Training or SIFT test is used to select applicants for Army Aviation. This multiple-aptitude battery measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. A score of 40 or higher is considered a passing score for Army Aviation. Candidates are allowed to take the SIFT twice in their lifetime.
The SIFT consists of seven sections. The first five of these have a fixed number of questions that must be answered within a certain amount of time. The last two are computer adaptive, which means that the difficulty of each question changes according to your performance.
The SIFT is a difficult exam, and it’s important to study carefully. Our SIFT Study Guide includes practice tests, test-taking strategies, and detailed answer explanations. It’s available in print or as an online ebook. Getting the right study guide will help you pass the SIFT and start your Army Aviation career. Whether you’re an expert or a novice, this guide will give you the tools you need to succeed.
How Long Is the SIFT Test
The SIFT test is moderately difficult but can be mastered with proper preparation and studying. The specifics of how the tests are graded have not been made public, but it is known that bad performance on one section can be offset by strong performance on another.
The first section is the MST, which consists of 40 questions on various areas of math. This section is adaptive and focuses on assessing candidates’ abilities in mathematics. The Army does not disclose the exact logic behind this adaptation, but anecdotal evidence suggests that the MST gives candidates more questions in the areas where they make the most mistakes.
The next section is the SAT, which assesses spatial perception. This is a computer-adaptive test that requires a combination of speed and focus. The test taker is given ten minutes to answer 25 questions. The best way to prepare for this section is by using a SIFT study guide or practicing on a flight simulator. If you have a condition that may affect your ability to pass the sift and online assessment process, contact your recruiting force for details about reasonable adjustments.
How is The SIFT Test Graded
SIFT scores are based on a complex scoring system that considers various factors, including the difficulty of each section. The exact method for calculating SIFT scores is kept secret, but anecdotal reports suggest that each test section has a different impact on your overall score. In addition, the Army allows you to take the Selection Instrument for Flight Training only two times in your life, so you want to get your score as high as possible.
The SAT is a ten-minute section with 25 questions. It is one of the longest sections in terms of time, and is regarded as a good indicator of your ability to learn. Its subject matter is varied, and it combines both theoretical and practical aviation knowledge. In addition to this, it is relatively easy to study for.
The best way to improve your performance on the SAT is to use a quality study guide. Our SIFT Study Guide is a great choice, as it includes detailed answer explanations for each question. It also offers tips and strategies to help you improve your score.
SIFT Exam Questions and Answers
In order to determine a candidate’s situational judgment capabilities, the SIFT exam assesses a candidate’s fundamental competencies, judgmental measures, cognitive skills, preferences, required screening, behavioral studies, and a job preview in a realistic environment.
The SIFT isn’t particularly challenging, but if you’re not ready, it will take you off guard.
The public is not aware of the technicalities of how the SIFT is scored. However, it is commonly known that your score is determined using a compensating mechanism, so good performance on one part of the exam may make up for bad performance on another.
The total time necessary to complete the SIFT varies from person to person. Getting ready for the exam, setting it up, taking an optional exam break, and finishing the SIFT can all take up to three hours; however, most people do it in around two.
Each test taker has 300 seconds to answer 50 questions. This involves a combination of speed and attentiveness and works up to 6 seconds for each question.
The SIFT can only be taken twice.
- Study Aids: This may appear to be an easy response, but you’d be shocked how many people fail to use the resources that are easily available to them. The types of questions that appear on the SIFT are covered in books.
- Engage in “Find It” Games: Once you’ve used up all of your traditional study materials, you need to think outside the box. Hidden Figures and Simple Drawings are the SIFT’s first two portions. In the first, you must choose a drawing that is distinct from the others nearby, and in the second, you must locate a hidden object amidst a jumble of other objects.
- Participate in Video Game Playing: This isn’t a joke. But it’s not referring to Fortnite or Call of Duty, either. Even while those games might improve your reaction speeds and let you submit your answers more quickly, you need to play flight games in order to get ready for the SIFT.
- Pay close attention in class: Pay close attention in math, science, and English if you’re still in school. Pay careful attention to the SIFT practice exams and look for other related practice tests if you didn’t perform so well in school but have already graduated.
Pay attention to the logic behind the questions you will be asked. Take the practice exams as well, and most importantly, don’t cheat on them.
You must schedule an appointment for your SIFT exam at the venue where you plan to take it. For military personnel, get in touch with your local servicing education center. For help with scheduling the SIFT for WOFT candidates, get in touch with a recruiter.
The SIFT exam is computer-delivered at either a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) or a testing facility that has been granted authorization.
The SIFT test consists of seven components. The amount of questions in the first five sections is predetermined, whereas the last two sections contain a range in both quantity and nature of questions. The computer analyzes your skills and weaknesses and chooses questions that are appropriate for you, specifically in the final two sections.
Candidates who want to advance to subsequent levels of the Army Aviation profession must pass the SIFT (Selection Instrument for Flight Training) as their primary exam. The AFAST test was phased out in favor of the SIFT.