Ruby on Rails Test 1


The representation of a resource is referred to as...

Correct! Wrong!

The representation of a resource is referred to as web page

What is the distinction between model and controller names?

Correct! Wrong!

A controller is a Ruby class that derives from ApplicationController and has the same methods as any other class. When your application receives a request, the routing determines which controller and action should be executed, after which Rails creates an instance of that controller and executes the method with the same name as the action. While Model is in charge of our website's business logic. In addition, the model creates a model of our website and prepares everything for transmission to the base.

What design pattern is frequently used in rail models?

Correct! Wrong!

Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a software design pattern used by Ruby on Rails, and Active Record is part of the model in MVC. This implies that Active Records is compatible with your database. Relational Mapping of Objects (ORM)

Which of these is not a Rails feature?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is

What is the file naming convention?

Correct! Wrong!

A File Naming Convention (FNC) is a set of guidelines for naming files in a way that accurately conveys what they contain and how they interact with other files. Identifying the core features of the project, as well as the important variances and commonalities amongst your files, is the first step in creating a FNC.

What exactly is the scaffold command?

Correct! Wrong!

Scaffold is a quick and easy way to get your Ruby on Rails backend up and running. The scaffold command on the command line will generate all of the files for a given model, including the controller, migration table, routes, views, and more.

How does rake determine which migrations have been completed and which have not?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is
rails records the latest timestamp of all the migrations it runs (and runs only the latest ones)


Is it true that when you put something into an array, the array keeps a duplicate of it?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is
no. arrays just keep references to objects stored in memory

What is the name of the online application that merges data and services from various sources on the internet?

Correct! Wrong!

A web mashup is a new form of online application that builds entirely new and diverse web applications by combining data and services from one or more external sources (typically the Internet).

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