CNA Mental Health and Social Services Needs 1


A nurse aide who is active in her church is assigned to care for a client who is not a member of any religious group. The nurse aide SHOULD

Correct! Wrong!

Respecting a client's spiritual beliefs can be a challenge if they are not understood or if they are different from the nurse aide's. Compassionate care means having an open mind and not promoting any religion or spiritual practice. A client may be deeply spiritual, but not be part of a formal religion. Ask if the client has any spiritual needs, then comply with their wishes.

The nurse aide is caring for a client who is agitated. The nurse aide SHOULD

Correct! Wrong!

Agitation can have several causes, including sudden changes in location or caregiver, noise, perceived fears or threats, or fatigue. Stay with the client and offer reassurances, such as, "You are safe here." or "I'll stay with you." Eliminate distractions and check for physical needs: hunger, thirst, need to use the toilet, fatigue, or pain. The client's favorite music can be soothing, as well as exercise or a new activity.

Mrs. Lee is an alert, demanding resident who uses the call signal often. If you don’t answer it immediately, she yells, “Help! Help! "When you answer the call signal, her requests are never urgent. She speaks sharply to you when you are in the room. Mrs. Lee is demonstrating

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When a client is overusing their call light, and making frequent demands, try to understand the reason behind the behavior. Anxiety is a common cause. Make frequent rounds so the client feels reassured and doesn't have to rely on the call light. It is important to note that abuse and neglect charges can be filed if a client does not receive necessary physical or mental care. This includes failure to respond to a call light.

The client looks forward to playing Bingo each morning. The best action for the nurse aide is to

Correct! Wrong!

tell the client that the nurse aide may not have time to get the client ready for Bingo. encourage the client to bathe and dress self in order to be ready. tell the client the nurse aide forgot about Bingo, but they will go the next day. plan the client’s schedule so client is bathed and dressed in time for Bingo.

You can assist clients with their spiritual needs by

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Spiritual beliefs are part of the whole person and can affect how clients approach their medical care. While discussing religion is not part of most conversations, it is important to find out the client's preferences. Ask, "How do you handle stressful times?" or "Is there anything we can do to help you practice your beliefs?" Many clients are relieved to be able to discuss their needs and how their faith matters during illness and difficult times.

All behavior has meaning to the

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When a client's behavior seems puzzling or challenging, try to understand what they are trying to achieve. Are they afraid? Hungry? Cold? Ill? Clients with dementia or other brain conditions may only be aware that they are uncomfortable. Ask the family if the behavior makes sense or if there are any triggers for the behavior. As you become familiar with the client, you will learn how to interpret the behavior and assist the client.

A patient who has been depressed and complaining of feeling hopeless suddenly appears happier one morning and says that everything is okay now. What should the nurse aide do?

Correct! Wrong!

One of the warning signs that someone has been planning to commit suicide is a sudden or unexpected change in mood from being sad to being happy or calm. It can indicate that the person has decided to end their life. Another similar sign is giving away favorite possessions and putting affairs in order. Never assume they have given up their suicidal thinking. Let others know, so everyone can monitor the client.


Mrs. Patton's husband died several months ago. She continues to talk about him and expects him to come visit daily. She is experiencing

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Denial is the first and natural response to loss. It serves as a temporary defense mechanism that prevents being overwhelmed by what has happened. During the denial phase, people may ignore facts because they are too painful to face. Do not confront Mrs. Patton or try to convince her that her husband has died. Ask her what he was like and what her favorite memories are. Encourage her to do her favorite activities.

Nurse aides can provide a client with a sense of security by

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An important standard of client care is to always explain what you are going to do before proceeding. Ask the client if they have any questions. Rushing a client or doing something without warning creates anxiety. If the client refuses, they may be fearful. don't argue or use force. Tell them you will return again in a few minutes.

A client’s psychological needs

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Care for a client should include both health and psychological needs. Clients who are ill feel stressed and anxious. They require support and understanding from their care providers. Each client has a unique situation and unique needs in order to successfully cope. The CNA should take time to learn about each client and how to respond to their individual culture and experience.

The term used when a person repeats a phrase or action over and over is called

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Perseveration is the repetition of a word, phrase, or gesture. The person cannot control the repetition and continues to say or do it even after the reason to say or do it has stopped. For example, a person may answer a question, but then repeats the answer for every other question or after questioning stops. Perseveration can be caused by a brain injury or in schizophrenia.

A way to care for a resident suffering from depression would be to

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Residents who are depressed may tend to withdraw and avoid activities. If their symptoms last more than a week, tell the nurse. Encourage the resident to sit in a common space, even if they don't actively participate. Make sure they have their glasses and hearing aids so they are not isolated from communication. Another important thing staff can do is to allow residents with depression to express their feelings. Use active listening and respond in a kind tone of voice. Studies have shown that depressed people remember the tone of voice more than the words that were spoken.

Which statement is false?

Correct! Wrong!

Health care agencies should always respect the religious and cultural practices of their clients. Each agency should learn as much as possible about the religious and ethnic groups they treat and how the groups view medical interventions so that appropriate communication can take place. Even if clients do not strictly follow all aspects, there may be beliefs that are important to them.

When a resident is combative and trying to hit the nurse aide, it is important for the nurse aide to

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Combativeness is usually more than fatigue. It can also be a sign of confusion, depression, or fatigue. If it happens in late afternoon, it can be a sign of Sundowners Syndrome. Step out of the way to avoid getting hit and speak in a calm voice. Try to redirect the resident to another activity or offer to go for a walk to help them relax. Be patient and go slowly.


Which question is best for getting a client engaged in a conversation?

Correct! Wrong!

Avoid using close-ended questions that can be answered with a "Yes" or "No" when trying to engage a client. Use open-ended questions to get answers that require some thought. The answers will be longer than a word or two, and can provide information about the client. Good conversations require open-ended questions.

After the death of a loved one, how long should a client grieve?

Correct! Wrong!

Each person's grief is different and personal. There is no specific timeframe to heal after a loved one's death. Culture, religion, and the amount of support can affect the grieving process. Always support the client and do not rush them. The entire process can last from 6 months to 4 years.

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CNA Mental Health And Social Services Needs #2

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