CDL Passenger Transport Practice Test 1


During a pre-trip inspection of your bus, you should

Correct! Wrong!

Close any open access panels (baggage, engine etc.). Your front tires must NOT be recapped or regrooved. Emergency roof hatches may be locked in a partly open position for fresh air, although you should not leave them there are a regular practice.

Which of the following hazardous materials is FORBIDDEN to be transported on a bus?

Correct! Wrong!

Tear gas. Buses must never carry division 2.3 poison gas, liquid class 6 poison, tear gas, or irritating material. Buses may carry small-arms ammunition (labeled ORM-D), emergency hospital supplies, and drugs.

Which of the following hazardous materials is ALLOWED to be transported on a bus?

Correct! Wrong!

Small-arms ammunition. Buses may carry small-arms ammunition (labeled ORM-D), emergency hospital supplies, and drugs. Buses should never carry liquid class 6 poisons (such as pesticides). Also, buses should not allow riders to carry on common hazards such as car batteries or gasoline.

The two-inch line on the floor behind the driver's seat is known as

Correct! Wrong!

Standee line. Riders are not allowed to stand forward of the rear of the driver's seat. Buses that allow standing must have a "standee line" (two-inch line on the floor behind the driver's seat) to show passengers where they cannot stand.

If you have a drunk or disruptive passenger, you should

Correct! Wrong!

Drop the person off at the next scheduled stop or a nearby safe well-lit area. If you have a disruptive passenger, you must ensure their safety as well as the safety of others. You should not discharge the passenger immediately if the area is not a scheduled stop or a safe area.

When dealing with a railroad crossing, you should

Correct! Wrong!

Open your forward door to look and listen for approaching train. You should also stop between 15 and 50 feet before the railroad crossing and never change gears while crossing the tracks.

When approaching a drawbridge with no traffic light or attendant, you should

Correct! Wrong!

Stop at least 50 feet before the draw of the bridge. You are not required to exit your vehicle, but if there is no attendant, you should completely stop your vehicle (not just slow down) and insure that the drawbridge is closed.


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding brake and accelerator interlock systems?

Correct! Wrong!

You can use the interlock in place of the parking brake. The interlock is not a substitute for the parking brake - it is intended as an additional safety feature on some urban mass transit coaches.

Which of the following practices is recommended when you have passengers on your bus?

Correct! Wrong!

Requesting the passengers to leave the bus during refueling. You should avoid fueling your bus with passengers on board unless absolutely necessary. You should never refuel in a closed building with passengers on board. Likewise, towing the bus with riders on board, or having conversations with passengers is not recommended.

If you are driving a bus around a banked curve, you should

Correct! Wrong!

Slow down if your bus leans toward the outside of the curve. You should reduce speed for curves even if other drivers don't. The posted speed is safe for cars, but may be too high for buses.